Feng to take a breath, seven "still have?"

There should be something else, she thought.

The six emperors are not people who have never seen the big scene. Even if the evil spirits from other countries have brought such hidden dangers to the fairyland, it is obvious from Fengzhi that their attitude towards dealing with Yaoguang fairies is still somewhat wrong.

The previous six emperors had many opportunities to find out the Yaoguang fairy, but they did not. It would be far fetched to say that they wanted to keep Yao Guang fairy to stimulate the growth and breakthrough of Fengzhi and Longyan.

After all, if the crisis brought about by Yaoguang fairy and foreign demons can be solved earlier, they don't need Fengzhi and Longyan to grow up at such a fast speed. Instead, they can leave more time for them to break through in a more leisurely manner.


The only reason is that there is something else on Yao Guang fairy, which makes the six emperors worry.

The six emperors looked at each other.

They didn't expect that Fengzhi's feeling was so keen that before they could talk about it, Fengzhi had already asked for it.

"Yes, there are." South emperor Jun road.

The six emperors hoped that the fairyland would be good. Therefore, they could not tolerate foreign demons.

When the six emperors pursued the affairs of the foreign demons, they hated the evil spirits from the outside world. The six emperors killed a lot of foreign demons. According to their ideas, they killed more foreign demons. In the future, there will be less foreign demons that harm the fairyland.

Out of this consideration, the hands of the six emperors can be said to be contaminated with the evil spirit of countless foreign demons.

If this is the case, it is impossible to arouse the vigilance of the six emperors.

But on one occasion, the northern emperor found that a group of foreign demons had appeared in a very remote town in the northern part of the fairyland. These foreign demons had stayed in the small city for a long time, and even were about to turn all the immortals in the small city into their puppets.

The northern part of the fairyland is the sphere of influence of the northern emperor.

When he found out that such a thing happened under his rule, the northern emperor was naturally infuriated. Of course, he immediately attacked those foreign demons.

Those foreign demons can easily seize the common immortal's house, but in front of the powerful people like the northern emperor, they are just like paper paste. However, in a short time, a large number of foreign demons have been killed and injured in the hands of the northern emperor.

Just when the northern emperor thought that he would soon wipe out these foreign demons, changes had taken place there.

After a large number of foreign demons were killed by the northern emperor, what remained was not a small number. Seeing that they could not escape from the hands of Yaoguang fairy, they did something unexpected to the northern emperor.

In addition to one foreign evil spirit, other foreign demons offered sacrifices to return themselves to the state of evil Qi. After that, all the evil spirits gathered on the last remaining foreign evil spirits, forming a new foreign evil spirit.

Combined with the power of so many foreign demons, the newly formed one has not really broken through to the realm of emperor, but it has been able to compete with the northern emperor for some time.

Even the northern emperor took a lot of effort to take down the foreign evil devil completely.

This discovery, let the North emperor's heart have some ominous premonition.

Obviously, she has learned some new skills from these foreign demons.


If this skill can be widely used in foreign demons, it will undoubtedly have very terrible consequences.

Think about it, if the foreign evil spirits can be integrated in this way, then in the future, if there will be more powerful ones at the level of emperor, and these strong people will be integrated into one

At that time, the northern emperor doubted whether these emperors could become the opponents of foreign demons.

Aware of the importance of this matter, the northern emperor did not dare to delay. He immediately called several emperors together and told them about it.

After several emperors knew this matter, they also paid enough attention to it, and then investigated whether there were similar things in their respective spheres of influence.

In this investigation, several emperors found out how the foreign evil spirits had developed when they didn't know it.

Within the sphere of influence of each of them, in the remote cities where it is not easy to get news, similar things happened to the northern emperor. The unobtrusive cities were quietly controlled by foreign demons. When the six emperors launched a campaign against these foreign demons, these foreign demons knew they were invincible, It is true that such desperate actions have been launched.Even when the southern emperor was exterminating the foreign demons in a city under his control, the foreign evil spirits formed by the fusion did not feel pain, and even had some fanaticism on his face before he died.

"The protoss will trample on the whole fairyland

The foreign devil finally left such a sentence.

The South emperor could feel that this man was not speaking hard before he died, but he really felt that such a future would not be far away.

After that, several emperors continued to investigate and found that there were still many small towns in the fairyland that were occupied by foreign demons. It can be seen that since the Yaoguang fairy was released from the rift valley, the number and strength of the foreign demons have been developed and strengthened.

Now, the number of foreign demons in the fairyland

It's a terrible number.

The most important thing is that after such a period of development and growth, the foreign demons have learned to think and are constantly thinking about how to evolve into stronger individuals.

The fusion method

It is also these foreign demons who were inspired by the skills left by the original Yaoguang fairy.

Later, when they met the evil masters, they didn't get any useful information.

And they did ask for some important information.

The method of integration was inspired by the skills left by the Yao Guang fairy, and the idea was put forward and realized by the newly promoted emperor of foreign evil spirits.

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