No matter what kind of race, can reach the realm of emperor, all are the best of that race.

Of course, it is the same with the powerful monarch among the foreign demons.

To be able to stand out from a large number of foreign demons and become the only emperor in the family of foreign demons, we could have seen the outstanding points of this foreign evil spirit.

After becoming an emperor, the extraterritorial evil spirit of the emperor level is undoubtedly more ambitious.

It thought, since the foreign demons can also give birth to powerful emperors, then why can't the foreign demons really bring the whole fairyland under control?

At that time, their Protoss is the most powerful and noble race in this fairyland, and these immortals will become slaves of the protoss!

With such a wild prospect, the foreign evil spirits naturally tried their best to enhance the strength of the foreign demons.

In this way, the method of phagocytosis and fusion was put forward by it.

The ranks of the foreign demons are very strict. The weak foreign demons need to support the orders of the powerful ones unconditionally, thus forming a pyramid like structure that can not be overstepped. The foreign evil spirits of the emperor rank stand at the top of the pyramid.

Therefore, under its command, the following foreign demons naturally and unconditionally comply.

In such a case, the bottom level of foreign demons become the nourishment of the upper level of foreign demons, and become the cornerstone of the strength promotion of the upper level of foreign demons.

In this way, the speed of improving the strength, compared with the step-by-step to seize the house, get the magic Qi, so as to improve the strength, I don't know how many times faster.

The experiment shows that such a method is indeed effective. With a big wave of his hand, the emperor level extraterritorial evil spirits sent all the bottom level foreign demons out to the most remote places in the fairyland, and occupy some cities where immortals gather as unobtrusively as possible, so as to improve the quality and quantity of the bottom level extraterritorial demons.

After all

Only when there are more foreign demons at the bottom, those foreign demons above can improve their strength faster.

Therefore, the northern emperor and others later discovered the situation.

At the same time, the monarch level of the foreign devil is still studying how to make itself to a higher level.

This foreign evil spirit is undoubtedly a very ambitious thing. Even if the strongest combat power known in the fairyland is the emperor, it does not want to make progress because it has become an emperor. Instead, it thinks about what measures can be taken to further its strength.

It has worshipped the "adults" for tens of thousands of years, but has always wanted to step into the realm of God and king in the legend.

In this case, why can't it pursue this mysterious realm?

However, it has been so difficult to become an emperor, not to mention the realm of king.

The most important thing is that there is no God King in the fairyland today. Of course, no one will know where the road leading to the God King's realm is. No matter how capable this foreign demon is, it will not know this.

If we use the phagocytic fusion method developed by it

According to the calculation of this foreign devil, even if the number of foreign demons at the bottom is no matter how many, even if it devours and merges all the foreign demons under it, it can not be promoted to the realm of God King.

This is not limited by quantity, but by quality.

If the God King breaks through so easily, it will not become the realm only existing in the legend.

Helpless, this foreign evil spirit can only find another possibility.

This search, it was really found.

According to the calculation of that foreign evil spirit, if it can persuade Yaoguang fairy to give up her status as an immortal and put herself in the arms of the divine family, and then merge with the Yao Guang fairy, there may be a little bit of possibility to pry into the shadow of the divine kingdom.

However, after this foreign evil spirit and Yaoguang fairy mentioned this matter, Yao Guang fairy refused.

Yao Guang fairy wanted to seize Fengzhi's house and take advantage of Fengzhi's body and chance. In this way, it was possible that she could also enter the realm of the Legendary God King.

In this way, how could she be willing to give up her status as an immortal and become a dirty and disgusting foreign evil spirit in her eyes?

As long as you can see any hope, Yaoguang fairy is absolutely impossible to agree.

One man and one devil naturally broke up unhappily.

This has to mention how conceited Yao Guang fairy is.

Although such things happened, Yao Guangxian never thought about whether it was possible for the foreign evil spirits to break away from her and produce their own will. She was proud of her ruling power over the foreign demons for tens of thousands of years and firmly believed that no matter what, the foreign demons could not be separated from her control.

Therefore, even in this way, Yao Guang fairy never thought about investigating the situation of the evil spirits in other countries. Instead, she still put all her energy into finding out Fengzhi.Speaking of this, the southern emperor took a look at Fengzhi and Longyan: "speaking of all, you have been able to live peacefully for nearly 200 years. The powerful emperor of the foreign evil family has also made great contributions."

Fengzhi and Longyan have been able to hide their whereabouts for so many years. In addition to Fengzhi's strong understanding of the laws of space, there are also six emperors and the powerful monarch of the foreign evil demon family who are constantly blocking the contribution of Yaoguang fairy.

In this period of time, although it was not recognized by the Yaoguang fairy, the foreign evil devil at the emperor level was not idle. Instead, he was constantly optimizing the skills it created, thinking about how they could break through the current state as soon as possible if Yao Guang fairy could agree, so as to reach the legendary realm that no one can step on 。

However, Yao Guang fairy didn't notice it at all.

As for the six emperors, why didn't they take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of Yaoguang fairy in advance

There is no way.

It's really easy for six emperors to join hands to defeat Yaoguang fairy, but it's impossible to kill a strong one at emperor level, even if the six of them participate in the siege together.

It is not easy to become an emperor, which shows that compared with ordinary immortals, emperors have many powers.

And when an emperor wants nothing but how to escape, even if there are six emperors working together, they can't promise to stop her.

If they really join hands to deal with the Yao Guang fairy, they will really force the Yao Guang fairy to a desperate situation. You can imagine what kind of choice Yao Guang fairy will make in order to survive.

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