The six emperors didn't want to be forced to have such a choice by themselves.

After all

Whether it is for them or for the fairyland, let Yao Guang fairy make such a choice is undoubtedly a disaster.

But at the same time, the six emperors also know one thing, that is, even if they don't want Yaoguang fairy to go on such a road, unless Fengzhi is willing to take the initiative to send her body out, or if the six emperors capture Fengzhi and send it to Yaoguang fairy's hand, then Yaoguang Fairy may be completely at any time as long as she can't get what she wants To the side of foreign demons.

It is precisely because of this, the six emperors would like to use Yao Guang fairy to stimulate Fengzhi and Longyan.

Of course, it is impossible for Fengzhi to give her body to Yaoguang fairy, let alone the flesh. Even if it is no matter how unimportant it is, as long as Fengzhi is unwilling, others can't reach for it.

The six emperors knew Fengzhi's temperament. As long as Fengzhi didn't want to, Yaoguang fairy would not get it.

In this case, Yao Guang fairy will only go on the road of blackening in the end.

Since sooner or later we will be on this road

Well, it's better to make use of the waste and use it as a catalyst on the way forward of Fengzhi and Longyan, and give play to the last bit of waste heat.

Therefore, six emperors took the initiative to find the Phoenix, to his voice, and the Phoenix should come down.


Fengzhi knows what happened.

After saying this, the southern emperor sighed slightly: "sure enough, Yaoguang fairy has fallen completely to the foreign demons. In other words, the present Yaoguang fairy is already a member of the foreign demons."

Thinking of this, several emperors can not help but feel a little lucky.

Fortunately, they let Yao Guang fairy play a little role before she was blackened. Otherwise, Fengzhi and Longyan were afraid that they could not break through the barrier of emperor.

From this point of view, Yaoguang fairy also did a good thing.

It was Feng Lai who suffered.

Several emperors thought so, and quietly decided that the training resources provided to Fenglai in the future must be doubled.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan look at each other again.

They did not expect that during the nearly 200 years of their cultivation in the closed door, so many things happened. In particular, the present Yao Guang fairy, who was forced to a desperate situation by Feng Zhi, could be ruthless enough to give up her status as an immortal.

Thinking of this, Feng couldn't help sneering: "Oh, Yao Guang fairy's tricks are all in order to be the strongest one in the fairyland. Now this goal has not been achieved. She has become a man, a ghost and a ghost. I really don't know if Yao Guang fairy, who was able to count tens of thousands of years ago, could have counted such a thing."

The six emperors also felt a bit ironic.

Fairyland is long, the vast majority of immortals can only be accompanied by loneliness, and there are many desires on the way to cultivate immortals. It is easy to make immortals go wrong.

For example, if you put it tens of thousands of years ago, who could have imagined that the Yao Guang fairy, who had stunned a whole generation at that time, would have made herself look like this after tens of thousands of years?

With Yao Guang fairy's arrogant appearance, she could bear with her ghost appearance now. It is estimated that her heart is always holding her breath.


Fortunately, I think it's a disaster.

As a result, Feng to the original not very good mood, have become much better.

She looked at the six emperors and said, "well, the question now is that Yaoguang fairy has been blackened. She is integrated with the powerful monarch of foreign evil spirits. Will one day, they suddenly break through the realm of God and monarch?"

Hearing Feng Zhi's question, the six emperors looked at each other.

The northern emperor sneered: "there is a God King realm above the emperor, but if the God King realm can be achieved in such a devious way, it will not be the God King state."

Xidijun also sneered: "even if they are lucky enough to touch the threshold of Shenjun realm in this way, it will be nothing but a waste of money in the end. To promote the emperor, there will be a terrible little god robbery. To promote the God King realm, it is necessary to face the real God robbery, such as Yao Guang fairy and such a foreign devil, they can be safe under the divine robbery What's wrong

When he said this, don't mention how contemptuous he was.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan are suddenly in the heart.

Indeed, since Xianjun, every time you upgrade to a higher level, you will face a geometric increase in the level of terror. That is, Fengzhi and Longyan were tortured to death by thunder robbery when they broke through the realm of emperor before. However, Fengzhi and Longyan were immersed in anger at that time, so they didn't pay much attention to the horror of thunder robbery.

Now think about it. Let them meet the thunder robbery in their present state. They are not sure whether they can survive again.They are still like this, Yaoguang fairy and the foreign evil spirits are naturally the same.

What's more

When the emperor is promoted to the God King, it is to face the real God robbery.

The thunder robbery promoted to the emperor is called "small God robbery". Although there are two words similar to the God robbery, there is only one more "small" word. However, everyone knows that the power of the two can not be compared with each other.

Feng Zhi estimated that if she and Longyan were to cross the real God robbery, they would have to turn into fly ash under the same face.

Yi Feng Zhi's confidence in herself and Long Yan can make her have such a cognition. From this, we can see how terrible the divine robbery is.

At first, Yaoguang fairy had a high status in the fairyland, but she gave up her belief and tried to seize what belonged to others. Now she even gave up her status as a human being. It is really unknown how tenacious she will be to deal with the disaster.

As for the foreign devil

Ah, the most terrifying thing of the foreign demons is the power of thunder. At first, Fengzhi gave such a small amount of God's plunder power to the people of the five elements sect and the dragon and Phoenix clan, so that any foreign evil spirits in the rift valley would not dare to get close to the people. From this, it can be seen that there is no reason for the divine robbery power to restrain these foreign demons.

In such a case, let a foreign evil spirit cross the Shenjie. Maybe this is really to send food to God robbery.


Feng Zhi thinks that it is very likely that the emperor level of foreign demons is to take this into account, will want to Yao Guang fairy also into the ranks of foreign demons.

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