In fact, Yao Guang fairy's present state is equivalent to being taken away by the foreign devil at the emperor level. Moreover, Yao Guang fairy is extremely thorough. However, different from the ordinary ones, Yaoguang fairy's body is also assimilated by the evil spirit, and thus has the characteristics similar to those of foreign demons. However, at the same time, Yaoguang fairy can retain his consciousness.

It is equivalent to that in the body of Yao Guang fairy, there are two conscious consciousness at the same time.

As for how to coordinate the two consciousness, and who is the ownership of the body, that is the matter of Yao Guang fairy and the foreign devil at the emperor level.

"Now, Yaoguang Xianzi and I are afraid that they have found a place to hide. At least in the future, they will not appear again..." Feng Zhi Dao.

It's a good guess.

Now, Yaoguang fairy has even used the last card. She has no room for failure. Once she fails, it will be a real fall for her.

Under such circumstances, Feng Zhi was a Yao Guang fairy. She could not have run out like this before she could not be sure that she had enough strength to deal with the southern emperor.

And these two people want to break through to the Legendary God King realm in a different way. It can be imagined that this road is absolutely impossible to be flat, which means that they still need a long time.


The next period of time is the preparation time of Fengzhi and others.

After all, everyone knows that the Yaoguang fairy and the foreign devil are just temporary sting. They will come back one day.

"Next, we should make a good plan. We hope that we will not be caught off guard when the Yaoguang fairy and the foreign demons reappear in the future." South emperor Jun road.

No one, including Feng Zhi and Long Yan, had any objection.

At present, the situation is extremely critical. Yaoguang fairy and the foreign demons at the emperor level are trying to rush towards the realm of the divine king. They are so awe stricken that they can't control the foreign demons all the time. At such a time, those foreign demons are undoubtedly without heads. They want to cut off the power of these foreign demons as much as possible The best chance.

Next, eight people discussed the next action together.

Now there are eight emperors in total, and two emperors can be separated from each position of the fairyland. The manpower is much more relaxed than when there were only four emperors at the beginning.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhi couldn't help being curious.

She remembered that when the southern emperor and the emperor found her and Longyan, they said that they had the spirit of fairyland. If they could break through to the realm of emperor as soon as possible, they would have an excellent role in promoting the fate of the whole fairyland.

So, when the southern emperor finished the task assignment, Feng Zhi couldn't help looking at the southern emperor and asked, "master, what you said at the beginning was that Long Yan and I shoulder Qi Yun. We promoted the emperor, which will also promote the overall qi movement of the fairyland. Now Longyan and I have broken through. So, what's the change of the Qi in the fairyland now?"

Hearing Feng Zhi's question, the six emperors could not help smiling.

This is the first smile of the six emperors after mentioning the foreign evil spirits.

"Of course there is!" East emperor road.

Then, the East emperor pointed to himself and five other emperors and said, "Fengzhi, Longyan, look at us carefully. Do you find any differences?"

What's the difference?

Feng to the eyes of some meditation.

After that, he and Long Yan looked at several emperors seriously.

After becoming an emperor, not only the power controlled by the emperor is very different from that during the reign of emperor Tianjun. That is, the six senses have been strengthened, and the perception of the outside world has become incomparably sensitive.

So many things happened before. Fengzhi and Longyan didn't have time to observe what happened to several emperors. But now, listening to Dong Dijun's saying, Fengzhi and Longyan are very careful when they look at the six emperors.

Once upon a time, every one of the five emperors, except for Hu Yan, had his own hidden danger, and this hidden danger was extremely dangerous. If you were not careful, you could kill six emperors.

For example, the Eastern Emperor was almost completely controlled by foreign demons before.

And this time

In the eyes of Fengzhi and Longyan, the six emperors are in better condition than they have ever seen before. The feeling is like a person who has been ill for a long time suddenly disappears and recovers all his vitality.

This is

"Several predecessors, your hidden danger has been eliminated?" Fengzhi was also surprised.

No matter whether she is still angry with the six emperors or not, it has to be admitted that the stronger the strength of the six emperors and the better their condition, the greater their chances of winning.

Therefore, to see the six emperors get better, Fengzhi of course is more than happy.South emperor Jun nodded and said with a smile, "you are right. Our hidden danger has been solved."

Several emperors look at Feng Zhi and Long Yan's eyes, are particularly gentle.

The reason why they found Feng Zhi at the beginning was not selfish.

Fengzhi and longyanruo were able to break through the imperial period as soon as possible, which was of great benefit to each of them. The most obvious point was that they could completely eliminate the hidden dangers that they had suppressed for so many years.

This is what several emperors dream of doing.

At the moment when Fengzhi and Longyan broke through, all the six emperors could feel that the fairyland spirit which was closely related to them suddenly became prosperous at the same time, showing unprecedented vitality.

The six emperors felt that at that moment, something seemed different.

Although this feeling is somewhat mysterious, even the six emperors can not understand all at once, but it does not hinder their happiness, because at the same time, there is a strange force pouring into their bodies, which not only eliminates all the hidden dangers in their bodies, but also improves their strength.

You know, after entering the realm of emperor, every progress depends on the accumulation of hundreds or even thousands of years. As soon as Fengzhi and longyanfu break through, the fairyland gives them such benefits. Thus, of course, they are not wrong. Fengzhi and Longyan are probably God's sons and daughters!

In a word, the six emperors not only have no hidden danger, but also have further strength, and their strength will be more and more powerful in the future.

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