Feng Zhi and Long Yan are curious when they hear seven.

Is this so-called fairyland's luck really so magical?

After thinking about it, Fengzhi and Longyan both closed their eyes at the same time and began to feel it quietly. The six emperors clearly saw what they were doing. Even when they were quiet, Fengzhi and Longyan could not be disturbed.

Feng Zhi closed her eyes.

When people close their eyes, the body's sense organs will become particularly clear up, which is the same even for Fengzhi.

And in fact, it is.

Therefore, after closing her eyes, Fengzhi can clearly feel that there is a kind of "Qi" that seems ethereal but does exist around her and Long Yan's bodies, even around the six emperors.

In Fengzhi's perception, this "Qi" should have a very dazzling color. They gather around himself and Longyan's body like light smoke.

I don't know whether it's because Fengzhi and Longyan are too close, or because there is a tacit understanding and gas field between Fengzhi and Longyan that can be integrated at any time. Even the Qi surrounding them overlaps and seems to blend at any time.

No, it's not fusion.

It's about

When the two parts of Qi coincide with each other, Fengzhi can see that the Qi around her and Longyan has been increased in an instant, and the total amount is more than the sum of the six emperors.

What's going on?

Feng Zhi knew very little about Qi Yun. It can even be said that she and Long Yan knew nothing about it before they knew about it from six emperors.

Therefore, she did not understand whether it was normal for her and Long Yan's Qi to have such a change.


Although I don't know if it's normal, Feng Zhi can be sure that it must be a good thing.

After all, the six emperors all said that the more Qi you carry, the more power you can draw from the fairyland. With practice, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Feng Zhi thinks that if she and Long Yan enter the fairyland, their cultivation speed is so fast, can't it be that they have the Qi Yun bonus on them?

Of course, even though he knew that he and Long Yan had good luck, Fengzhi didn't relax at all.

No matter whether it's luck or other things that have a bonus effect, in any case, what can play a crucial role in strength is still our own efforts.

If you don't work hard, no matter how lucky you are and how good your talent is, don't you have any use?

To understand this, Feng Zhi also opened her eyes.

She thought about it for a while, and suddenly she said with a smile, "well It's a pity for Yao Guang fairy. "

Isn't it a pity?

Yaoguang fairy is also the emperor, and her body naturally involves the spirit of the fairyland.

Originally, the spirit of the fairyland has been enhanced, and Yaoguang fairy, as an emperor, can also benefit from it. But who made her blackened by the stimulation of Fengzhi before she could notice the change?

Since they have been blackened, and have given up their status of being born as human beings, and the foreign evil spirits are not recognized by the fairyland law, then Yaoguang fairies will certainly be excluded from the fairyland.

Feng Zhi felt a little happy.

She has never been a generous person, who provoked her, she will never forget.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi of course is not willing to let Yao Guang fairy touch her and Longyan's light.

Therefore, the Yaoguang fairy is blackened, which is the best news for Fengzhi.

Several emperors obviously understood the meaning of Fengzhi and looked at each other helplessly.

With Fengzhi's vengeful spirit, they felt that Yao Guang fairy could not get any good end.

Fengzhi and Longyan did not stay with several emperors.

After assigning the tasks for the next period of time, the crowd dispersed.

A total of eight people, each two people in charge of the fairyland side.

Fengzhi and Longyan were, of course, divided together. They were in charge of the original Southern emperor's territory, that is, the southern part of the fairyland. The other six emperors were assigned to three other parts.

On the occasion of parting, the South emperor's eyes swept over other people and said in a deep voice: "everyone, the future of the fairyland is on your body."

Then he turned his head and turned into a streamer to leave.

Several other emperors also left.

Looking at the back of the six emperors, Feng to the surface also can't help thinking.

She and Long Yan may not have the selfless feelings of other emperors, but anyway, they, and the people they care about, live in the fairyland. The actions of Yao Guang fairies and those foreign demons are a real threat to them.


"In order not to let us die, then let the Yaoguang fairies die." The Phoenix murmured.In a pair of golden eyes, Long Yan held the hand of holding Feng Zhi.

Anyway, they are always together.

Feng then took all the five elements to the phoenix nest.

When Feng Zhi discovered the appearance of Yao Guang fairy, he arranged Fenglai and other people to go to the dragon and Phoenix families in time. For the two groups, this is actually a very dangerous thing.

After all, it means they are going to fight an emperor.

And the dragon and Phoenix, but now there is no emperor strong.

However, even under such circumstances, the two ethnic groups still gladly brought Fenglai and others into Fengchao and Longgu. When Yaoguang fairy came to visit later, no one of the two ethnic groups pushed Fenglai and others out because of the crisis of life and death.

So, how can Fengzhi not be grateful?

She and Long Yan are really kind to Longfeng, but in Fenglai and others, she still missed a "thank you".

What's more, according to Feng Lai, when Yao Guang fairy went to the door before, in order to protect Fenglai and others from being taken away by Yaoguang fairy, the senior officials of both the dragon and the Phoenix were seriously injured. Feng has now broken through to the realm of emperor and the efficacy of the refined pills is not comparable to those made before. If it can help the senior officials of the two ethnic groups, then Of course, it's the best thing.

When it comes to pills, Feng has already faintly wanted to refine Shendan alone.

At that time, Fengzhi had personally refined Shendan in danlingzong, but at that time, there were so many Dan masters of danlingzong who were working on refining Shendan. Therefore, even if Fengzhi contributed half of the credit to the success of Shendan refining, there was still another half not on her.

It is conceivable that it will not be so easy to refine Shendan. Even if Feng has broken through to the period of emperor, it may end in failure, but

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