It's because of the unknown in it that makes people feel more expectant, isn't it?

Feng Zhiben has a special love for alchemy. Now she has a new challenge in the alchemy. Of course, she can't be happier.

Just think of here, Feng to already full face excited.

She even began to think about it. Since she owed the Longfeng and Longfeng clans such a big favor, she would open the furnace to refine the divine elixir anyway. She must tailor-made two kinds of pills that have special effects on the two groups.

Well, it would be great if you could get some Nirvana fire into the pill for the Phoenix people to feel the power of Nirvana fire.

As for the power given to the dragon clan, well, Long Yan is also the emperor of the dragon clan now. You can start from Long Yan.

Feng to think of these, really want to rush to the Dan room to start refining.

It's just

This is certainly impossible.

Think about what he still need to do now, Fengzhi will only temporarily suppress the idea of alchemy.

Phoenix to the nest under the mood.

Seeing Feng Zhi and Long Yan, all the people of the two nationalities could not help but feel relieved.

Fengzhi and Longyan have great kindness to Longfeng and Longyan. All the people of Longfeng and Longyan always keep this in mind. Because of this, when faced with the pressure brought by Yaoguang fairy, all the talents of Longfeng and Longyan would not bow their heads. Now when they see Fengzhi and Longyan return safely, and they still come back after breaking through the realm of emperor, what about the people of Longfeng and Longyan Can you not be happy?

"Fengzhi, Longyan, you are back." Feng Ju said with a smile.

After the exchange of greetings, the Phoenix to see to the Phoenix torch elder and others, toward them extremely solemn bow: "Phoenix torch elder, this matter, thank you very much."

No one knows how grateful Fengzhi is to Longfeng and Fengzu.

If it had not been for the protection of the people of the dragon and Phoenix, the fate of Fenglai and others would have been even worse. Even if the final result was that Yaoguang fairy came forward in person, the dragon and Phoenix did not protect Fenglai and others, but it was enough for Fengzhi to feel grateful.

Feng Ju elder and others quickly hid their bodies to the side: "you can't make it..."

As they said this, they felt ashamed.

At the beginning, Fengzhi entrusted Fenglai and others to their two clans. They made up their minds to protect Fenglai and others. However, they did not fulfill their promise. Finally, Fenglai and others fell into the hands of Yaoguang fairy.

If Fengzhi and Longyan had not broken through in time, Fenglai would have suffered a lot.

You know, when Fenglai was whipped by Yaoguang Xianzi, both the dragon and the Phoenix saw it. It can be said that the Yaoguang fairy's whip, in addition to the body of Fenglai, was also whipped in the hearts of all the people of the two clans.

Because of this, people of the two ethnic groups have been feeling guilty all the time. How can they be grateful to Fengzhi?

But Feng Zhi didn't think so.

There was pressure from Yao Guang fairies. At that time, several times throughout the fairyland, it was not obvious that several people were willing to pull the Phoenix to wait for a hand, but the dragon and Phoenix did so. Even if the final result was not very good, Feng was able to lead the situation.

See feng Ju elder and others are a pair of shame can not look, Phoenix to smile, but also did not have to let Feng Ju and others by her thanks.

Some words are not said on the lips.

"OK, ok..." Feng Zhi clapped her hands and said with a smile, "we don't have to be polite. Elder Fengju, we are all at the door. Aren't you ready to invite us in?"

Phoenix torch elder this just patted his forehead, quickly invited the Phoenix to wait for someone to enter the phoenix nest.

Recently, the young generation of Longfeng and Longfeng have been particularly obsessed with cultivation. In the past, because of their outstanding talent, they did not even need to practice. They only need to wait until they are adults to have the power of the heavenly king. Therefore, many people of the two ethnic groups take an attitude that they don't attach much importance to.

But now it's different.

After experiencing the stimulation of Yao Guang fairy, the young generation of both the dragon and the Phoenix have made great efforts to cultivate themselves. They don't want to have such experience again. If they don't want to have such experience, they can only try their best to improve their own strength.

Only when we are strong enough can we be fearless of all the enemies.

This is the realization of the young generation of the two nationalities.

Therefore, after entering phoenix nest and Dragon Valley, we can find that the atmosphere here is obviously different from that of last time.

That is, the elder Fengju and others, at this time are also a face of gratification.

Feng noticed this, and then nodded: "the future of dragon and Phoenix can be expected."

Feng Ju elder and others heard this, and their faces all laughed out flowers.

This word says from Feng Zhi's mouth, they believe!After visiting the phoenix nest and Dragon Valley again, Fengzhi and Longyan went to the conference hall together with Fengju elder and others.

Fengzhi said: "elder Fengju, I and Longyan have just been closed. It will take some time to consolidate our own realm. Can we borrow the place of phoenix nest?"

After hearing this, Feng Ju waved his hand: "what can't be done?"

Feng Zhi smiles.

In fact, she and Long Yan's realm has been consolidated in the battle with Yaoguang fairy. Now she just wants to use this time to return a favor to Longfeng and refine a batch of suitable pills for them.

In addition, Fengzhi has a gift to give to Fengju elder and others.

"Gift?" Fengju elder heard some doubts.

However, at the same time, Fengju elder and others are also excited.

I don't know what gifts Fengzhi is going to give them?

Although they feel guilty, they will also be curious.

As a result, all people are looking forward to Feng.

In the minds of all the immortals, the elders of the two clans of dragon and Phoenix show such expressions. It has to be said that only Fengzhi can do it in the fairyland.

Feng Zhi smiles and points a finger toward the elder Fengju and others. A little light breaks away from Feng Zhi's finger, and then it quickly divides into many smaller lights and flies to the eyebrows of elder Fengju and others.


Fengju elder and others were surprised.

However, out of the trust of Fengzhi, each of them did not move, let alone Dodge, but let the little light spot not enter their eyebrows.

And then

Fengju elder and others entered the state of cultivation in situ.

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