This if let the outsider see that the emperor is doing such a thing, he will probably stare out his eyes.

However, Long Yan did not care at all.

In his heart, Fengzhi is the most important person, not to mention rubbing his shoulders and beating his back. As long as Feng Zhi needs to do anything, he is willing to do it, and he will feel very happy.

In fact, Fengzhi is just looking for an excuse to act coquettish to Longyan.

As for, as the emperor still act coquettish, this kind of problem can become a problem here?

Who says the emperor can't be coquettish?

If you really can't, it's also because the emperor doesn't have a husband like Longyan like her.

Feng Zhi is proud of this.

Two people get tired of being together for a while, Feng Zhi pulls Long Yan to stand up: "OK, we should also go out..."

Dragon Yanshun Feng to the strength of her pull up.

Then they did not stay in the valley any more, and then they left.

Like when they entered the valley, Fengju elder and others have been immersed in practice. They haven't sobered up for more than ten years. In particular, the breath of Fengju elder is obviously different from that of the Dragon elder who has experienced the power of emperor level before. In the eyes of Fengzhi and Longyan, they are more than before It's definitely better before you start to practice.

If they can find a breakthrough point, it may not be long before they can really break through to the realm of emperor.

In this regard, Fengzhi and Longyan are certainly happy to see its success.

Not to mention that the relationship between the dragon and the Phoenix is very good, but to say that in the present situation of the fairyland, it means that one more emperor is able to increase his own strength, let alone two more emperors.

Therefore, Feng Zhi only looked at the elder Feng Ju and found Feng Ling and long Xiao.

"Here you are." Phoenix to a raise hand, there will be a pile of jade bottles toward the Phoenix Ling and dragon roar there smashed in the past.

There are ten thousand pills for each of the dragon and Phoenix families, and each jade bottle contains one hundred pills.

Fengling and Longxiao were shocked by the sudden attack of one hundred jade bottles. They almost threw them out reflexively. However, before they started, they thought of what Fengzhi had said before and wanted to make suitable pills for them. When they woke up, they quickly retrieved the 100 jade bottles.


They were relieved with a hundred jade bottles in their arms.

Although each jade bottle is not big, even very small, but a hundred jade bottles piled together, looking very impressive, two people so holding 100 jade bottles, it seems a bit ridiculous.

However, Fengling and Longxiao can not think about what kind of image they are now. They look down at a large number of jade bottles in their arms, thinking about the effect of pills in the jade bottles.

When Fengzhi was refining pills, Fengling and Longxiao were looking at the strange phenomena on the other side of the valley. They knew what it meant, and knew that this was Fengzhi refining pills for Longfeng and Longfeng. They specially restrained all the people of Longfeng and Longyan, and they did not let them disturb Fengzhi and Longyan. At the same time, they looked forward to Fengzhi's exit.

Now these pills came to their hands, and they didn't know what kind of reaction they would have.

Feng Zhi raised her eyebrows: "you Isn't it that you haven't seen each other for more than ten years? You've all become idiots? If that's the case, I'll have to think about whether these pills will be handed to you. "

Phoenix plume

Long Xiao

The two hold the jade bottle tightly in their arms, and then relax a little, and these pills will be snatched away by Feng Zhi.

Feng turned her eyes.

"OK, OK," she waved to Fengling and Longxiao, just like waving a fly. "Take them away. There are 10000 pills in each. The red one is from the Feng nationality, and the green one is from the dragon clan. Don't make a mistake. By the way, tell everyone that before taking the pill, you must make full psychological preparation, and the pain will never be less."

Feng Ling and long Xiao nodded.

Then, for fear that Fengzhi would really snatch back the pills, the two people "pedaling Deng Deng" ran away, seeing Fengzhi rolling his eyes repeatedly.

After finishing the pill, Fengzhi summoned all the people to Fenglai.

"Fengzhi, Longyan, you are out of the customs!" Feng Lai breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone else has the same reaction.

After nearly two hundred years of experience, Fengzhi and Longyan seem to disappear at any time.

Feng to then heart slightly soft, pause for a while, just way: "don't worry, after I and Long Yan will not suddenly disappear."

They are now emperors. Looking at the fairyland today, no one can force them to disappear.

UnlessUnless the Yao Guang fairy and the foreign evil spirits of the emperor level really have something to do with it.

But in this way, the two men can not really break through the realm of God King. Even if they can play a lot stronger than a heavenly king together, they can never form a fatal threat to Fengzhi and Longyan.

In this case, what can threaten Fengzhi and Longyan and make them disappear like last time?

Feng Lai and others got the promise of Feng Zhi, and then they all relaxed.

Of course, they believed what Fengzhi said.

"The next time, Long Yan and I are going to run all over the fairyland. Do you want to stay here or follow us?" Feng Zhi asked.

Originally, Fengzhi intended to let Fenglai and others stay in the nest, but the subconscious reaction of Fenglai and others made her change her mind.

For Fenglai and others, the place with Fengzhi and Longyan can bring them a sense of security.

In this case

Feng Zhi is happy to take them with her.

Sure enough, Fengzhi's voice fell, Feng Lai and others had no hesitation to say: "of course, follow you together!"

Feng to hit a ring finger: "good, in this case, then you are ready to prepare, we are going to leave."

After that, the party packed up their belongings and found their close friends in Longfeng and Fengzu. They said goodbye and left the phoenix nest with Fengzhi.

Before leaving, Fengzhi winked at Fengling and Longxiao: "by the way, you must try the pill. Anyway, Fengju elder is also practicing. Otherwise, I will just set up a border outside the Dragon Valley of Fengchao. In this way, how about taking pills at ease?"

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