For Feng Ling, Long Xiao and others, this is certainly not desirable.

Fengzhi is the emperor. The boundary she set up is not easily broken by anyone in the fairyland. It is just suitable for today's Dragon and Phoenix families.

Therefore, according to the will of Fengling and Longxiao, Fengzhi laid a boundary outside the phoenix nest and Dragon Valley, so that they could get rid of all their worries and practice peacefully.

Before leaving, Fengzhi winked at Fengling and Longxiao: "plum blossom fragrance comes from bitterness and coldness, and BaoJianFeng comes from sharpening. I believe you will be able to hold on. Believe me, when we meet again, you will be transformed!"

This can't be more definite.

However, after listening to Feng Ling and long Xiao, they always feel a little strange.


Why did Feng Zhi suddenly fill them with chicken soup?

I always feel that the back neck is a little cold and swish!

It was also after Fengzhi and his party left that Fengling and Longxiao took the two kinds of pills left by Fengzhi. Only then did they understand what Fengzhi said at that time.

Ha ha, they can from that pill bring under the pain to come over, can not be experienced frost and whet?

Feng Zhi is really honest with them!


Feng to leave the nest when the face is with a smile, but also can see some regret.

Feng Ming is a little strange about Feng Zhi's expression, "Feng Zhi, what's your expression? If we don't want to leave, we can stay a little longer. "

Feng to see Fengming one eye: "no, I am not reluctant, I just regret that I can not see a lot of good plays."

Feng Ming was silent.

I don't know why, hearing Feng Zhi's words, he suddenly began to sympathize with the people of the two nationalities.

I always think that Fengling and Longxiao must suffer a lot this time.

Feng to the heart of that little regret to one side, then planning the next route.

On this trip, she and Long Yan will visit all parts of the fairyland to see if there are any places occupied by foreign demons in the southern part of the fairyland. If so, she will destroy them by means of thunder, so as not to increase the power to Yao Guang fairy and the foreign demons at the Emperor level.

At the same time, she also went to the danlingzong and Qiwang Zong by the way.

After planning the route, Fengzhi led Feng Lai and others on the road together.

Fenglai and others are very happy to be able to travel with Fengzhi and Longyan, and they have been instructed by Fengzhi and Longyan along the way. Even if there is not much time left for everyone to practice, their strength is improved. It is faster than when they were immersed in practice before. I don't know how much.

Everyone was excited about it.

Now the fairyland is in a troubled time. Every time they improve their strength, they will be able to protect their lives when the future crisis comes. After all, they can not put all the burden on Fengzhi and Longyan.

All of them don't want to be a drag on Fengzhi and Longyan, and even, if possible, they want to be the help of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Because of this, people can't treasure the improvement of their strength.

In this way, Fengzhi and Longyan led the people to search all over the southern part of the fairyland. During this period, they did find the fish that had not been found by the southern emperor before. At this time, when Fengzhi met a suitable foreign demon team after evaluation, they would always release Fenglai and others to the enemy.

Fengzhi wants to protect Fenglai and others under their own wings, but she knows that in such a chaotic fairyland, the best thing is to let Fenglai have enough strength to protect themselves.

Now we have more opportunities to fight against foreign demons. In the future, when we encounter these foreign demons, we will be more comfortable.

And in fact, it is.

At the beginning, Fenglai and others were in a bit of a hurry in the face of foreign demons. However, after several times of coming down, they also found some tips. At the same time, they also felt that these foreign demons were not so terrible.

The most terrifying thing about foreign demons is that they can take them away. However, Fenglai and others have the power of divine robbery that Fengzhi has given them. Although the power of divine robbery is weak, it has played an absolute restraint on foreign demons, which makes Fenglai and others have no scruples.

In this way, there is nothing terrible about foreign demons.

However, Fenglai and others were able to get rid of the usurpation of foreign demons by relying on the power of divine plunder. Fengzhi was very serious: "the greatest skill of these foreign demons is to seize the house. You have the power of divine robbery. Naturally, they can't do anything about you. But you can't rely too much on the power of divine robbery. In fact, even if you don't rely on the power of divine robbery, there are It is possible to get rid of the possibility of foreign demons taking possession of their property. That is, you have enough firm will. As long as you are firm enough, let alone these ordinary foreign demons, even the foreign demons at the emperor level, can never take over the house! "Like Fengzhi and Longyan.

With their will, that is, they did not resist at all and let the foreign evil spirits at the emperor level take over the property, and the foreign evil spirits of the emperor could only do nothing.

And Yao Guang fairy

The reason why she was integrated with the foreign evil spirits of the emperor was not that her will was not firm enough, but that it was her own will.

After listening to Feng Zhi's words, Feng Lai and others were thinking.

Later, Fengzhi can clearly feel that Fenglai and others are more and more firm. After a battle, their will will will be strengthened to a certain extent.

If it goes on like this, at least in terms of willpower, they will certainly make great progress.

At that time, at least ordinary foreign demons will no longer be able to take their homes.

This makes Feng Zhi feel very happy.

In this process, Feng Zhi led his party to all the corners of the southern part of the fairyland, trying not to miss any remote places, leaving no fish missing.

This process took more than 200 years.

It's not because the journey of Fengzhi and others is too slow, but because the fairyland is too big. Even if Fengzhi and Longyan only need to inspect the southern part of the fairyland, it is really too time-consuming to go through every place because of the vast area.

Not to mention, when they encounter cities with foreign demons, they still need to wipe out these foreign demons completely.

In order not to let the place that she and others have cleaned up again be occupied by foreign demons, which has the effect of being dark under the lamp, Feng Zhi leaves a little wisp of her own divinity every place she walks through. However, if there are any foreign demons here, she must not escape her eyes.

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