Feng can't help but get the black line full of seven.

The reason why she came here is because she found that the elder was not in a stable state, and the purpose was to help. If the appearance of her and Long Yan made the elder's breath collapse, it was really a joke.

"What are you in a hurry?" The Phoenix to so recite.

At the same time, through the secret door closed by the elder, Feng Zhi points out again.

There is a barrier in the middle, but Fengzhi's finger goes through the boundary of space and points to the elder of danlingzong's eyebrows.

The elder showed despair.

He is now the most undisturbed time, but at this time by outsiders, he can imagine what kind of results he will have.

This breath is not stable, at any time may die, the road to disappear, now naturally lucky reason.


The elder sighed in his heart.

It was he who failed to live up to the expectations of zongmen and wasted an extremely precious God level pill. I don't know how much time and energy it took for zongmen to refine such a divine level pill, and whether his successors could successfully cross the threshold.

It's just

He couldn't see them.

The elder has already welcomed death in his heart.



It took him a while to feel something was wrong.

It's been a while now. Why doesn't he feel that he's in the best condition since he entered the closed door?

With such a feeling, the elder could not help sighing and sighing. He quickly checked his state and was surprised to find that his breath was so stable. Moreover, the immortal spirit in his body, who had been driven by him for many years and didn't listen to his words, turned out to be extremely obedient, which made him feel like an arm and a finger.

What's going on?

The elder had the ecstasy of being hit by pie falling from the sky.

He clearly remembered that an outsider had just broken in and pointed out a finger at him, which made him have no way to dodge

So, the man just now didn't mean to hurt him, but helped him?

He can only make such a judgment.

Otherwise, how to explain his present state?

However, the most important thing now is to take advantage of all the good things to sprint, as for the rest, or wait until after the event.

Therefore, the elder was calm and calm. He did not think about anything else. He mobilized the immortal spirit in his body and washed away the bottleneck that had blocked him for hundreds of years.


There was a roar in the elder's head.

After that, he broke through the bottleneck, which was very stable.

After that, the whole dangu sky immediately became overcast.

The God has been robbed!

Feng to this just pull Long Yan to return to the front of Dan Xiao and Dan elder again.

At this time, the face of Dan Xiao and Dan Chang also showed the color of ecstasy, at the same time, their hearts are incomparably grateful to the Phoenix.

People in my family know their own affairs. In fact, what kind of state is the elder over the years? Of course, danxiao and elder Dan are the most clear people, but they don't tell others.

The two people have been worried about what happened to the Presbyterian. If so, the danlingzong must suffer unbearable losses.

But Fengzhi and Longyan went there for a while, and then the elder made a breakthrough. Even xiaoshenjie also came. If it was not for Fengzhi and Longyan's work, danxiao and elder Dan would not believe it.


She not only helped them refine the divine level pills, but also pulled the elder at such a critical time. With such kindness, danlingzong is still unclear after tens of thousands of years!

But at the same time, Dan Xiao and elder Dan are very happy.

They can't imagine, if there is no Feng to the two hands, now the danlingzong would be like.

However, at this time, Dan Xiao and Dan elder temporarily put aside the gratitude in their hearts, and paid attention to the little god robbery.

Breaking through the bottleneck, it can be regarded as half a foot officially stepping on the threshold of the realm of the emperor. But if you want to be a real emperor, you have to successfully get through the small God robbery.

Only by successfully passing through the small God robbery and absorbing the gifts from heaven and earth, can we truly become the emperor.

Now, the elder is standing at this crucial moment.

Fortunately, the elder had been preparing for this day for a long time, and he felt extremely subdued for a long time. Therefore, although the little god robbery was very powerful, the elder still held his breath and passed it smoothly.

Next, the vision appeared again when Fengzhi and Longyan were promoted to Emperor.When the vision completely disappeared, danxiao and elder Dan only felt a flower in front of them. The elder who had not been seen for hundreds of years reappeared in front of them.

The elder's name is Dan Chong.

Speaking of it, Danchong may be regarded as a variant of danlingzong.

In fact, the people of the Danling sect hold a Buddhist attitude towards cultivation, and the most important thing they can't give up is refining pills. In fact, if you don't want to refine some high-quality pills, you have to ask for the corresponding strength. I'm afraid most of the people of the danlingzong will not spend their time practicing.

Is alchemy not fun, or refining high-quality pills is not enough to make people addicted?

In a word, it is a waste of time to spend on Cultivation for those people who are addicted to alchemy.

Dan Chong is different.

Being in the Danling sect, he also has a high talent in alchemy. However, Dan Chong's favorite is not alchemy, but he prefers to practice.

Compared with other danlingzong people who are addicted to alchemy and can not extricate themselves, Dan Chong is addicted to practice, which is hopeless.

Because of this, let alone looking at the current Danling sect, even if it is several hundred thousand years ahead, when it comes to cultivation, Dan Chong will definitely be the first person in the Danling sect.

There is such a person in, Dan lingzong spent a lot of money to refine God level pills. Who can you give him if you don't take it?

It has to be said that Danchong is the most likely person to break through to the emperor period after the whole danlingzong took God level pills.

It's just that Danling Zong didn't predict the difficulty of breaking through to the emperor's period. Therefore, Dan Chong didn't really make a breakthrough for so many years. If Fengzhi and Longyan didn't arrive in time, he might have left a disastrous result.

After several hundred years, he walked out of the seclusion again. First, Dan Chong took a breath of the fresh air outside, and then bowed solemnly to Fengzhi and Longyan.

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