At the same time, all the people of the danlingzong were all relieved.

Although the process was difficult, but the elder Danchong broke through that barrier after all, and the danlingzong finally had a strong emperor.

Whether it is for the danlingzong or the whole fairyland, this is a good thing.

And this

It's all because of Fengzhi.

Danlingzong people can not express their gratitude to Fengzhi with words.

To Dan Chong elder's this bow, Phoenix to did not dodge, but accepted calmly.

If she does not accept this bow, I am afraid that everyone who goes up to Danchong and down to danlingzong will not be able to live peacefully.

Sure enough, seeing that Feng didn't dodge, all the people of danlingzong were relieved again. The degree of uniformity made Feng Zhi and others laugh.

Feng to smile and shake his head: "Dan Chong elder need not be more polite."

Although Fengzhi said so, Dan Chong still looked serious: "the great kindness of Fengzhi patriarch, Dan Chong and Danling Zong were all remembered in mind."

After that, I didn't say anything more.

After all, such a great favor is no doubt too insincere. It is better to keep it in mind and give it back to Fengzhi when there is a chance in the future.


Dan may find it hard to find his own chance.

In the following period of time, the atmosphere of the whole danlingzong became more relaxed.

In the past few hundred years, Danchong closed the door and rushed to the realm of the emperor, while the other people of the Danling sect were bound by Dan Xiao and Dan elder in Dan valley. Although the people of the Danling sect knew what the situation was now, they could not help but shut up and refine pills. However, this has been going on for hundreds of years. No matter who they are, they have to be a little nervous!

Now that it's all over, they can finally speak up. Who can be unhappy?

Feng Zhi and his party stayed in the danlingzong for some time.

The main reason is that the senior officials of the danlingzong want to know more about the situation in the fairyland today. Although they have learned a little from the projection of the emperor's order, how can such a little understanding be better than that of Fengzhi and Longyan?

Now that Dan Chong has broken through to the realm of emperor, he has naturally become a great help in dealing with foreign demons in the future. Since he wants to know more about foreign demons, Fengzhi is certainly willing to tell him.

After finishing with Dan Chong and others about the trend of foreign demons, the senior officials of danlingzong were also filled with emotion.

"I didn't expect that the Yaoguang fairy in those days would become what it is now..." Dan is the old man.

There was a hint of regret and regret in his tone.

Elder Dan and southern emperor Jun are also of the same generation. So he knew the reputation of Yao Guang fairy after he first flew to the fairyland. Even because Yao Guang fairy was too dazzling in the fairyland at that time, he met Yao Guang fairy by chance.

Up to now, elder Dan still remembers his surprise at that time.

Later, after the news of Yao Guang fairy's fall, elder Dan felt extremely sorry.

How can you think that after tens of thousands of years, Yaoguang fairy not only did not fall, but also embarked on such an evil road.

The others couldn't help shaking their heads.

If such an outstanding figure does not go astray, she will surely shine more brilliantly. However, she has made such a choice for her own personal gain, and it is they who are outsiders who will also feel heartbroken.

It can only be said that if people can not control their inner desires, the consequences are really too terrible.

After some emotion, Dan Chong said to Fengzhi and Longyan: "Fengzhi patriarch, Long Yan, just let go. When you fight with those foreign demons in the future, I will not be reluctant to contribute!"

This is not to return the friendship between Feng Zhi and Long Yan, but as an immortal, he should have done so when the fairyland was in danger.

Feng Zhi nodded, "it's a good thing to be able to fight side by side with the elder."

After the discussion with Dan Chong and others, Feng Zhi quickly took the five element sect people to move on.

Before leaving, every disciple of the five elements sect received countless pills from the disciples of the Danling sect.

There's no way. Although all the disciples of the Danling sect also know that Fengzhi is an expert in alchemy, they can't help it. The only people who let them have more pills are pills. Even if they give a farewell gift, the only thing they can take is pills.

Fortunately, the people of the five element sect did not dislike it, which did not make the disciples of the Danling sect ashamed.

And the five element sect people, with a lot of pills, were almost happy.

This is a pill produced by the Danling clan. If it is put outside the Dan Valley, it will be a good thing to be robbed. Now they have nothing to do, just get so much with the light of Fengzhi. Can I not make people happy?

Therefore, when it came to parting, both the five elements sect and the Dan Ling sect disciples were very happy.After leaving the danlingzong, Fengzhi and his party went to the qiwangzong.

Since Fengzhi helped the elder swords to refine the magic sword, the king's family of utensils has also been silent. In the past few hundred years, the number of fairies produced by the king's sect has been much less than before, which has caused doubts among the fairies.

However, later, there was a foreign evil, and the immortals couldn't remember it for a while.

For the matter of going to the king's clan, the happiest person would be to practice ruby.

Lian Hongyu left the zongmen for so many years and didn't go back. He didn't get any news from zongmen. It's impossible to say that she didn't worry at all.

After all, Lian Hongyu has been in the qiwangzong since she ascended to the fairyland, and everything she is familiar with is in the Qiwang clan.

What worries her even more is that there is no news for such a long time. Is there something wrong with her master sword elder?

In the past, practicing Ruby would not have worried about this, but now it is different. The elder of sword has refined the sword of swallowing the sky, and the sword of swallowing the sky is a real divine sword. If there is something wrong with swallowing the Sky Sword

The closer I was to Wang Zong, the more worried I was to practice Hongyu.

Feng Zhizhi reached out and patted on the shoulder of practicing Hongyu: "don't worry, no matter what, things should not be as bad as you think, otherwise the king of utensils will not be so calm for hundreds of years."

Listen to Feng Zhi such a say, practice red jade pour also really gently relaxed tone.

Just as Fengzhi said, even if something happened to the king of Qi sect, it could not be too serious. Otherwise, with the inside information of the super clan of qiwangzong, nothing could be heard.

With such a tangle, Feng to a group of people stood outside the gate of the king's house.

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