Of course, the most important thing to pay attention to is not these, but the expressions of Cheng Qinglian and others.

Seeing Lian Hongyu and others come in, Cheng Qinglian and others all have expressions of toothache, just as if this is not the king of utensils, but a place where you can't go.

In fact, Cheng Qinglian and others really think so.

So, here's the question.

Did Cheng Qinglian and others not know the strength of Fengzhi and Longyan today, or did they think that even if there were two emperors, they could not solve the problem?

If it is the former, then why can't the people of qiwangzong see the projection of emperor's order? Isn't it that the projection of emperor's order can be seen by everyone in fairyland?

If it is the emperor, it will be even worse. What kind of trouble can not be solved by the two emperors?

Such a thought, practice Ruby Heart is really a sudden.

"Elder martial sister Qinglian, what's the matter?" She asked again.

Cheng Qinglian and others are helpless.

In fact, as early as they realized that there was a change in the mountain guard array of zongmen, they used the fastest speed to rush to the entrance of the mountain gate, just to stop people from coming in.

Although they don't know who came back this time, over the years, anyone who comes back has never been able to leave. No matter who it is, they don't want to be trapped here like them.

However, today is different from the past, their speed is not as fast as before. The king of Qi is big. Even if they try their best to come here, they can't stop Lian Hongyu and others from coming in. They just have time to watch Lian Hongyu come in last.

Seeing the gate of the mountain protection array disappear, Cheng Qinglian and others almost cried at that time, OK?

At this time, hearing Lian Lian's question again, Cheng Qinglian was helpless and said, "younger martial sister Hongyu, you haven't heard from zongmen for hundreds of years. Don't you think it's strange?"

It's strange to practice ruby.

It was just because she felt strange that she had to go to the qiwangzong.

Now it seems that not only did the zongmen have an accident, but also what happened was not a trivial matter. Otherwise, Cheng Qinglian's indifferent temperament, how could it be such an expression now?


Lian Hongyu has more confidence in Fengzhi and Longyan. However, she believes that as long as the Yaoguang fairy does not appear together with the foreign demons at the emperor level, there will be no problems that Fengzhi and Longyan can not solve.

Yes, practicing Hongyu is so confident in Fengzhi and Longyan playing!

Because of the confidence in the strength of Fengzhi and Longyan, it is not so urgent to practice Hongyu.

After all, since Cheng Qinglian and others are still standing here, it shows that the problem encountered by Qi Wang Zong this time is not so urgent. In this case, of course, there is no need to worry too much.

After thinking about it, she said, "Fengzhi, Longyan, why don't we go up first?"

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

As a matter of fact, she noticed some problems as early as she stepped into Wang Zong. She was a little curious at this time. Of course, she would not refute Lian Hongyu's words.

Cheng Qinglian and others in the eyes of more helpless.

After a long time, Cheng Qinglian said, "Hongyu, cough, if you want to go to the hall now, you can only climb on your legs a little bit..."

If it wasn't for this, they couldn't have taken such a long time to get here and failed to warn Lian Hongyu and others in time.

Listening to Cheng Qinglian's saying, she is stunned to practice Hongyu.

Although some sects forbid their disciples to fly, there is no such rule in Qiwang clan. Time is undoubtedly a very precious thing for the people of Qiwang sect. If they have enough time, they can create an immortal tool. How can they be willing to do anything that wastes time?

But now

What's going on?

Practice the question mark of ruby.

Cheng Qinglian and others are helpless. They don't know where to start.

At this time, Feng to a light smile: "I see, no need."


Cheng Qinglian and others first saw Xiang Feng here.

Then, see the Phoenix to a brush sleeve, all people here feel that their whole person seems to be gently picked up by a hand, the body immediately suspended from the ground.

Of course, the people of the five element sect will not have any accidents.

But Cheng Qinglian and others at this time seem to see something incredible in general, one can only stare at Feng Zhi.

It's even more strange to practice ruby.

Feng Zhi just took them to fly together. Although she took more people with her, there were many people who could do this. What's so good about this? What's so strange about Cheng Qinglian and others?

Practice Hongyu always felt that she came back this time, as if to see Qinglian's elder martial sister who had always been indifferent and ruolinian collapsed.

And in the different reactions of the people, Fengzhi has taken all the people to fly outside the main hall of the king of utensils.Once again a brush sleeve, will all people on the ground, Phoenix to this just tied hands and stand.

And Cheng Qinglian and others, until they stand firm on the ground, are still a pair of unresponsive appearance.

After a long time, Cheng Qinglian and other talents finally responded when she was preparing to ask again.


"Did we just fly?"

“…… I'll try Ah, bang

"Or no, what's going on?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Feng.

Lian Hongyu felt a little headache. She took a deep breath and looked at Cheng Qinglian: "elder martial sister Qinglian, please tell me what is going on in the end, OK?"

Cheng Qinglian looks at Feng Zhi, and then looks at Lian Hongyu. Then she reaches out and gently presses down.

She is the leader's elder martial sister, and she has always had absolute dignity among the younger generation, so just such a move is enough to make the disciples of Qiwang clan quiet down.

Then, Cheng Qinglian took a deep breath: "Hongyu, it's like this..."

This began when Fengzhi helped the sword elder forge the magic sword.

The sword is called killing heaven.

The name is also exaggerated. Since the day of its birth, there has always been a fierce power on the sword that seems to challenge the heaven at any time.

At the beginning, I knew that zongmen had artifact at last, and the king of utensils was only happy.

How can you be unhappy?

Magic sword, this is a magic sword!

Even if the emperor holds a magic sword, it can be compared with a strong emperor.

In a way, it means that the qiwangzong has its own strong monarch. Since then, on top of the high-end combat power, the qiwangzong will no longer be weaker than others.

No matter what sect it is, in the final analysis, the most important thing is the real strength. Now the Qiwang sect has the strength to deter anyone. How can the disciples not be excited?

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