At that time, it was Feng Zhiqi who helped the sword elder to forge the sword of killing heaven.

After that, Fengzhi stayed in the Qiwang clan for a period of time, in order to absorb the vitality of the forest. After absorbing enough vitality, Fengzhi led his party to leave the Qiwang clan.

And practice Hongyu, that is to follow Feng to leave together at that time.

In a flash, hundreds of years have passed since then.

It's strange to say, and I don't know whether it's because the sky killing sword was forged by Fengzhi from a certain angle. When Fengzhi stayed in the qiwangzong, there was no problem with the sky killing sword. Soon after Fengzhi left, the sky killing sword, which had no strange features, suddenly changed.

Now think of it, that is, the day after Feng Zhi and others left, such changes have already taken place.

At the beginning, because the change was not obvious, so the people of the Qiwang clan didn't feel it clearly. Until the time went by, all the people found out that it was not right!

Qi Wang Zong never forbids his disciples to fly in the sect. Even because everyone in the sect is good at refining weapons, there are various kinds of flying magic weapons among the disciples, and the flying speed is faster than the other. It can be said that the flying magic weapons have been played in a different way.

But I don't know how. As time went by, the speed of flying magic weapons became slower and slower, and the height of flying became lower and lower.

At the beginning, the disciples only thought that there was something wrong with their flying magic weapon, but after careful inspection, they found that there was no problem at all.

Since there is no problem, what happened to their flying magic weapon?

Later, the disciples found that it was not only their flying magic weapon that had problems, but all of them had the same question.

After that, not only did the speed of flying magic weapon become slower and slower, but also the flying height became lower and lower. Finally, their flying magic weapon could not work directly.

What's the significance of flying magic weapon that can't fly?

Although Wang Zong's disciples were puzzled, they couldn't find out what was wrong. So they had to give up using the magic weapon of flying and fly by themselves.

At this time, they found that it was not the flying magic weapon that could not fly, but the whole qiwangzong suddenly became a forbidden area. No matter the flying magic weapon or the immortal could fly again.

Not only their weak disciples, but also Fu Bailian and the sword elder tried after they were disturbed. All of them had the same result.

This let the king of utensils were on guard.

It is impossible to have such an exception for no reason. There must be something wrong.

However, even Fu Bailian and sword elder senior officials began to investigate the abnormality in the clan, but they never found anything wrong.

After that, a disciple of Wang Zong wanted to leave the sect to collect materials, but he found that there was no way to open the mountain protection array of Zong clan!

This can frighten Fu Bailian and sword elder.

They couldn't understand clearly that everything was fine in their feelings. There was nothing unusual about it. Why couldn't we fly in the ancestral gate first, and then the mountain protection array couldn't be opened.

But the fact is that, even if Fu Bailian, the patriarch, came to preside over the formation himself, the grand array of mountain protection remained motionless.

The reason why it was not until this time that someone discovered that there was something wrong with the mountain guarding array was that it could not get in and out. People from outside could come in normally, but once it was within the scope of Qiwang clan, they would not want to go out again.

Because of this, it took so long for the king of Qi to find that the mountain protection array also had problems.

It's really adding insult to injury.

The worse news is that Fu Bailian and others later conducted a careful test and found that the problem of the mountain guarding array was not only that the soldiers were allowed to enter but not allowed to go out. From a certain point of view, the mountain guarding array turned the qiwangzong into a cage that could not be let out. As long as you enter this cage, you will not only be unable to get out, but also the news will not be transmitted.

It can be said that the mountain protection array originally protecting the Qiwang clan completely separated the Qiwang clan from the outside world.

This is worrying.

If they don't know what to do, they can't even find a way to change?

Then who knows to wait until the year of monkey!

Fu Bailian and sword elder have studied for a long time, but they have not been able to get any accurate results.

At the same time, a doubt lingers in their hearts.

That is

Why did all this happen?

Anyway, they couldn't get out. What's more, Fu Bailian and sword elder didn't have the energy to think about other things. They just started to think about this problem.They began to think about what was the difference between qiwangzong and the past so many years. Why did everything go well in the past, but now suddenly there is such a change?

Then, people thought of the sword which had not been refined for a long time.

If you think about it carefully, the change of Wang Zong's utensil is like this. Isn't it after refining the sword of killing heaven?

Can they boldly make a guess that all the changes that make people confused are due to the skykiller sword?

After thinking about all the possibilities, Fu Bailian and others still think that this should be the right answer.

With the help of Fengzhi, the sword elder successfully refined the sky killing sword.

Whether it is to the sword elder or to the whole ware Wang Zong, this matter is of great significance.

Personally, this means that he has the ability to create artifact.

Well, although Feng Zhi's help is in the middle.

But in any case, the sword elder is also able to make artifact.

As for the whole qiwangzong, with such a magic sword, it is equivalent to that there is an emperor level strong person in the qiwangzong, and the deterrence of the qiwangzong to the outside world will rise to a higher level. Even compared with other major sects, the strength of the qiwangzong will be much stronger.


Fu Bailian and others were only happy because of such a powerful sword, but they didn't think that since this sword was so powerful, it would be willing to be controlled by the king of Qi.

After all, there has never been such a precedent before when weapons made by ourselves do not want to be controlled.

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