Of course, there was no artifact before.

After thinking of such a possibility, Fu Bailian and sword elder naturally went to check the situation of the sky killing sword at the first time.

After the sky killing sword was successfully refined, the sword elder didn't have the first time to try the power of his divine sword. He wanted to adjust his state to the best and try again. How could he think that such a thing happened?

There is a weapon Pavilion in the Qiwang clan. Any weapon that has not been recognized will be received in the weapon Pavilion, because there are arrays which have a nourishing effect on weapons laid down by the ancestors of the king of Qi clan. It is of great benefit to put weapons here.

Naturally, the sword of killing heaven is also put here.

After seeing the sky killing sword, the sword elder and other people's first reaction was to confirm their previous speculation.

The change of qiwangzong in this period of time is really due to the sky killing sword.

The sky killing sword can't speak. Why can the sword elder and others be so determined?

This, of course, is the reason.

The sky killing sword changed from a complete sword to a half broken sword when it experienced the divine robbery. At that time, the sword elder thought that he had failed to refine his weapon. How can you know that although it became a broken sword, the sky killing sword did not destroy under the divine robbery, but showed the real power of the divine sword.

It's the same now.

All the people in the family of the king of utensils can refine weapons. Naturally, they don't know how many weapons have been refined. When the sword elder and others came to the pavilion, they saw that there were thousands of weapons in this cabinet. Originally, they should float in the air under the effect of the array to receive the cultivation of the array. However, the situation before them was that the sky killing sword was suspended in the air alone, just like the sword of killing heaven The king who was high above looked down on the world, while other weapons, like the courtiers, fell to the ground in a respectful manner.

At the same time, the sword elder and others can also feel that from the outside of the pavilion, an inexplicable fluctuation is constantly radiating outward, and the scope is exactly the whole qiwangzong.

At this time, even if we told the sword elder and others that the recent changes of the qiwangzong had nothing to do with the sky killing sword, the sword elders and others would not believe it!

Seeing this, the sword elder wanted to completely swallow the sky killing sword at the first time.

As the forger of the sky killing sword, the sword elder has a natural control over the sky killing sword. In the sword elder's mind, even if the sky killing sword is a divine sword, and his strength is only the peak of the heavenly king, it should not be too difficult for him to accept the sky killing sword.


The face of the elder hit hard.

Although the sword elder is the forger of the sky killing sword, when it was really time to accept the sky killing sword, the sword elder found that his control over the sky killing sword could be described as negligible. Let alone completely subdue and control the sky killing sword, it is impossible to make the sky killing sword a little more obedient.

This sword is very old-fashioned.

The sky killing sword was made by him, but in the end he didn't listen to him at all. What's the difference between this and trying his best to raise a rebellious son who not only disobeyed but also tried his best to raise him?

However, no matter how angry, the sword elder still has nothing to do.

The sky killing sword is a divine sword. Even the immortal sword has a spirit, let alone the divine sword. As long as the sky killing sword is not willing to use it, even the sword elder has no way to use it.

The chief swordsman can't destroy the sky killing sword, can he?

Don't say he is willing to give up, even if he really willing, this is a magic sword, it is not he wants to destroy can destroy!

Therefore, the high-level of the whole qiwangzong gathered together. In the end, there was no way to get rid of the blockade of the whole qiwangzong caused by the skykiller sword.

This blockade has been for hundreds of years.

During this period, Fu Bailian and others thought of many methods, but they were proved to be of no use in the end.

In this process, those who had been away from home returned to Qiwang school one by one. They came back with a gesture of falling into a trap, and then they couldn't go out again.

Before the practice of Hongyu came back, all the disciples who had gone out before Qiwang Zong had already returned to the sect except for practicing Hongyu.

Practicing ruby is the last fish to miss the net.

Well, now that the last fish has come back, the king of Qi finally came to a big reunion.

Say these time, Cheng Qinglian and others are a face of life can not love.

It's true that the Qiwang clan is very big, but no matter how big it is, they have lived here for thousands of years. They are very familiar with all the plants and plants in it. Now if you lock them in the house, you can suffocate people alive, OK?

Well, now the last hope is that the practice of ruby has come back, and they don't want to send out the news.


Cheng Qinglian thought that before Feng Zhi brushed her sleeves, she took them out of the hall from the foot of the mountain.After the blockade of the sky killing sword was completely formed, all the people of the qiwangzong had already done experiments. None of them could fly within the scope of the qiwangzong, either directly flying with the flesh or using the flying magic weapon.

But Fengzhi, she not only flew, but also took off with thousands of people.

What's going on?

Cheng Qinglian looks at Feng Zhi's face for a while, and then she is inevitably angry. Can't she see her face?

After listening to the words of Cheng Qinglian and others, Lian Hongyu and others turn their eyes on Feng Zhi and Long Yan's faces.

Then, Lian Hongyu looked at Cheng Qinglian sincerely and said, "elder martial sister Qinglian, have you ever thought that the reason why our disciples of the Qiwang clan were suppressed by the sky killing sword was that they could not fly or leave the sect. It was just because Is it too low? "

Cheng Qinglian and others are stunned.

Too low?

After hearing these words, Cheng Qinglian subconsciously retorts: "that's impossible. The master and the sword elder are the peak of the heavenly king, and there is only one step away from the Emperor..."

Before the last word "remote" was uttered, Cheng Qinglian suddenly thought of a possibility, so her eyes were wide open, and she looked at Fengzhi and Longyan in disbelief.

For hundreds of years, qiwangzong was completely blocked by the sky killing sword, and even the projection of the emperor's orders could not break through such a blockade. So up to now, the people of the qiwangzong have no understanding of what happened to the outside world. Of course, it is impossible to know that Fengzhi and Longyan have broken through the realm of emperor.

If Feng Zhi and Long Yan were not here, Cheng Qinglian would have blurted out "how is this possible?".

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