The Phoenix snorted coldly.

If she had guessed correctly, the sound might have come from the spirit of the skykiller sword.

There is a spirit in the immortal weapon, not to mention the sword of killing heaven.

However, she hasn't seen the spirit of the sword since she got it. It turns out that it was the spirit that hid it secretly and wanted to kill her in the shade when Feng was unprepared.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhi again snorted: "test? It's not that I want you to recognize the Lord. If you don't like to recognize me as the Lord, you can find someone to do it! "

It's really dismissive.

The spirit of the sword of killing heaven is smothered.

It felt a little aggrieved.

It is the spirit of the sword. If you change another immortal and know its identity, even if it has already recognized the Lord, you should hold it in the palm of your hand for fear of something wrong with it.

But it chose its own master

Sobbing, the baby is wronged, the baby wants to cry!

So, the ear of Feng to ring out the little baby again aggrieved but the Wai wa big cry.

This is the black line at the end of the Phoenix.

"Enough!" She murmured, and succeeded in turning the crying of Qi Ling into a sob in a low voice. "You almost made me your puppet. I haven't said anything yet. You are wronged first. Do you want to smoke?"

Hearing the seriousness of Feng Zhi's tone, the spirit shrinks himself into a small group.

"Well, it's just a test. If you want to get the artifact, you have to pass the test. There is no free lunch in the world..."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that Feng Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was so terrible that he shut his mouth in fear.

The master is so terrible that he is afraid of

Feng Zhi snorted again.

She said, for no reason, the sky killing sword suddenly recognized her as the Lord. Where did such a good thing come from under this day!

Just now, in such a dreamland, the desolation and loneliness are eroding her mind all the time. Coupled with the constant emergence of enemies and the urgency of not killing the enemy, in such a case, if Feng Zhi's heart was not concerned about Longyan, another immortal who had no such concern in his heart would have become an artifact Puppet of control.

It is true that there is no free lunch in the world, but the meal of killing the sky sword is obviously poisonous!

Looking down at the sky killing sword which was held in his hand, Feng Zhi sneered: "well, since I have passed the test now, I am your master. Now that I do anything, you can only obey?"

The spirit was silent for a moment.

It always felt that it was going to be bad.

But the fact is like what Fengzhi said. Since Fengzhi has passed its test, now Fengzhi is its master. No matter what Fengzhi wants to do, it can only obey, and can't disobey.

Therefore, Qi Ling gave a reluctant "um".

In fact, it has some regrets now.

Knowing that the master was so terrible, he did not choose this master at that time, but chose another little brother who was also very beautiful.

That little brother looks so good-looking, certainly not like this host so bad.

Poor spirit wants to cry again.

After hearing the answer of the spirit, Feng Zhi laughed happily, "that Tell me, what if I put you in the cesspool

The spirit was stunned.

The next moment, it was like what a day of injustice, "Wow," a cry out.

"Wuwu, Wuwu, I don't want to be stuck in the dungpit. The master bullies people Bully spirit, whoa, whoa, whoa... "

Such aggrieved cry not only did not let Feng to soft hearted, but let her feel some pleasure.

Can't she just clean up a little thing like that?

With such pleasure, Feng came to wake up from the dreamland.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Longyan's worried eyes.

Seeing Feng Zhi, he opened his eyes, and his eyes were clear. It didn't look like something was going on. Long Yan relaxed, and then held Feng Zhi's hand tightly. It was like if she let go, Feng Zhi would disappear.

"Fengzhi, I wish you were OK." Long Yandao.

No one knows how frightened he was just now.

Just now, when Fengzhi was dragged into the dreamland to receive the test of the spirit, Long Yan first noticed something wrong. Although it was not a long time ago, the whole person's breath of Fengzhi became completely different from before. Not only did his murderous spirit become more and more serious, but also his spirit seemed to be losing little by little.

This makes Long Yan feel that if he has a wrong eye, Feng Zhi will disappear from his eyes.

It is also because of this, Long Yan has been staring at Feng Zhi, even his eyes have not blinked.In fact, if it wasn't for seeing that Fengzhi was in a special situation at that time and worried that her actions would disturb her, Long Yan would not hesitate to hold Fengzhi tightly into his arms, and then give him a helping hand, so that Fengzhi could get out of that state more quickly.

Fortunately, Feng finally broke away from that state.

Feng Zhi is aware of Long Yan's tension and remembers the spirit of the instrument again.

Well, she has to think about whether to let the spirit stay in the dungpit for a long time.

And the spirit, it senses the Phoenix to the idea, has never stopped crying in a sudden weak, again become sharp up.

Wuwu, Wuwu, it's really bullying the dead spirit!

Of course, Fengzhi doesn't care what kind of thinking the spirit is now.

This little thing not only makes her almost become a puppet who can only kill, but also makes Long Yan worry about this. If she doesn't clean it up properly, can she?

In addition to Long Yan, others have not found out what kind of crisis happened to Feng Zhi at that moment. In the eyes of others, Fengzhi has been standing there motionless since holding the sword of killing heaven.

Of course, although in other people's eyes, Fengzhi is motionless, but the change of Fengzhi's momentum can be seen by everyone. In the eyes of the public, Fengzhi is just like the sword of killing heaven, which just opened its blade. It has a kind of power that people dare not look directly at.

But Fu Bailian and the sword elder had some thoughts.

After all, they are the big men of the Qiwang clan. Although they have never been in touch with the real artifact before, they also know that it is not so easy and simple to recognize the Lord. So now they look at Feng and open their eyes, and their eyes suddenly brighten.

"Fengzhi, you Is this the test of the spirit? " Asked the sword elder.

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