They don't know what kind of test they need to accept when they recognize the Lord, but they can't be relaxed.

If it's really relaxed, isn't everyone able to be the master of artifact?


Looking at Feng's appearance, she should not encounter any danger Right?

In this way, when the elder sword looked at Feng Zhi again, his eyes became more complicated.

After all, the sky killing sword in Feng Zhi's hand should have been his.

Fortunately, the sword elder is also open-minded, so he can think of it now. If another person with a smaller mind is changed, he will be very angry. Not everyone can afford the loss of a magic sword.

In fact, even the sword elder can't afford to lose it, but it's his own choice. He has no way but to recognize it.

Feng Zhi looks at Fu Bailian and sword elder and nods gently.

Both of them sighed, relaxed and regretful.

This time, their magic sword of wangzong really became Fengzhi, and it was the kind that could not be snatched back.

This is a sad thing.

Fortunately, Feng Zhi's next word immediately cured Fu Bailian and sword elder.

"Cough!" Feng Zhi coughed a little embarrassed.

Although it was not expected that she would be the master of the skykiller sword, it was not her intention. Anyway, now that the sky killer sword has recognized her as the Lord, she has passed the test, and has become the real master of the skykiller sword. If she says anything falsely at this time, she doesn't want to be like this, she will sell her good even if she gets cheap.

After a little pause, Feng Zhi said again, "Lord Fu, elder sword, this killing of Heaven Sword Feng Zhi is very sorry, but since things have become like this, it is useless for me to say anything else. However, in order to make up for it, when I am free in the future, I will help the sword elder to refine a artifact again! "

Fu Bailian and jianchangyu are both relieved at the same time.

Such a result, of course, is acceptable to them.

Although he lost a magic sword, he could still get another artifact. Even this time, Fengzhi's strength was even higher. It can be imagined that the artifact made by Fengzhi could be even better than the sky killing sword.

Of course, there is some trouble in collecting the materials needed to make artifact, but for Wang zonglai, such trouble is not even a trouble.

Therefore, Fu Bailian and the sword elder looked at each other. Both of them were already thinking about what they were going to make for the next artifact. Which of the eighteen weapons was more appropriate?

There are also materials for refining utensils. You can start to prepare them now.

As for when Feng will be free

That's not what they know.

But they want to come, it won't be long Right?

After the king killing sword was blocked, the elder didn't know what happened to them.

So, when Fengzhi talked to them about Yaoguang fairy and foreign demons, Fu Bailian and sword elder's expression was just a face of ignorance, OK?

"What?" Fu Bailian exclaimed, "do you mean that Yaoguang fairy has begun to merge with the foreign evil devil at the emperor level. It will certainly bring a greater disaster to the fairyland in the near future?"

The sword elder is also serious.

They didn't expect that they were just sealed in the ancestral gate by the sword of killing heaven for hundreds of years, and the earth shaking changes had already taken place outside.

If Fengzhi didn't want to go to the king's family, would they have been imprisoned by the sky killing sword all the time, even if the sky had completely changed outside, they didn't know at all?

In fact, it is possible.

After all, the sky killing sword is a real divine sword, which has survived the divine robbery. Even if the Yaoguang fairy and the foreign devil at the emperor level are greedy, they will never dare to make the idea of killing the sky sword.

Therefore, if no one can take down the sword of killing heaven, it can't be said that the whole King's clan will be sealed up.

In this way, the sword elder and Fu Bailian felt that they were lucky to meet Feng Zhi.

Later, Fu Bailian and the sword elder looked at each other: "since the fairyland is now in such a disaster, of course we can't stay out of it. We have to do something for the fairyland..."

That is to say, with a glance at each other, they have already figured out what Qiwang Zong can do.

The status of qiwangzong in the whole fairyland is extremely aloof, and all kinds of weapons and armor produced by qiwangzong are pursued by all the immortals. However, the price of weapons and armor of qiwangzong is extremely expensive, and not every immortal can afford it. More immortals are still looking at the various weapons and armor in the ghost axe Pavilion.There is no doubt that if each immortal can use the weapons and armor of the king of weapons, then, this can at least make the overall strength of the fairyland stronger than 10%.

Although it's only ten percent, when the scope is extended to the whole fairyland, it is actually an extremely terrible number.

Of course, even if the qiwangzong is a super sect, there are so many immortals in the fairyland. Even if the people of the qiwangzong are exhausted, it is impossible for the immortal people in the fairyland to have a piece of weapon Wang clan's weapons and armor. Therefore, Fu Bailian and the sword elder decided to take out the top-grade and top-notch weapons in the Qiwang clan's cabinet and sell them to the fairyland people At the same time, the weapon refiners of Wang clan also began to accept orders from the whole fairyland to make weapons and armor for the immortals.

Naturally, there are many regulations to be discussed by them.

But in any case, the measures taken by the king's guild will greatly promote the overall strength of the immortal people in the fairyland.

In addition, when Fengzhi left the danlingzong, the danlingzong also promised that all the disciples of the danlingzong would try their best to refine various common pills.

First pills, then weapons and armor, which has been able to enhance the immortal survival rate of at least 20%.

Feng Zhi slightly relieved.

Although the fairyland is still facing a huge challenge, it doesn't matter. As long as the immortal people in the fairyland are more and more powerful, neither the Yaoguang fairy nor the foreign demons at the emperor level, or the foreign demons under them, will eventually not hinder the development of the fairyland.

As for the Phoenix, he said solemnly to Fu Bailian and the sword elder: "Lord Fu, elder sword, I thank you both on behalf of several emperors."

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