Fu Bailian smiles and shakes his head: "Fengzhi, you don't have to be so polite. Qiwangzong is also a member of the fairyland. Since it's the disaster of the whole fairyland, we can't be alone. It's nothing. How can we be grateful?"

Feng to smile and did not speak.

What Fu Bailian said is very simple, but now that the fairyland has suffered such a catastrophe, not every immortal has such an idea, and not every sect is willing to contribute to the fairyland. Nowadays, most of them just want to hide and wait for others to beat those foreign demons away and come back again.

Under such circumstances, people and zongmen who are willing to do their best for this matter, such as Qi Wang Zong and Dan Ling Zong, naturally seem particularly valuable.

Because the fairyland can't afford to wait now, Fu Bailian and the elder swordsman ordered this matter in front of Fengzhi and Longyan.

And the whole qiwangzong, also because of their command and high-speed operation.

It can be imagined that from today on, there will be an endless stream of weapons and armor produced by the disciples of the qiwangzong, and then taken by the immortals, so as to enhance their strength.

At such a time, it is very important for every immortal to add a little strength.

And Fengzhi didn't waste time.

After that, Fengzhi and Longyan left the qiwangzong with a limited number of people, namely, Fenglai, Fengming, xianbaoer, practicing Hongyu. However, the other disciples of the Wuxing sect were left by Fengzhi.

Of course, this is not because Fengzhi thinks that they are cumbersome and wants to leave them behind. Instead, Fengzhi thinks that Wang Zong is going to refine all kinds of weapons and armor, and will supply them to the immortals in the fairyland. Of course, it can also be supplied to the disciples of the five element sect first.

Therefore, Fengzhi let all the disciples of the five elements sect stay, so that the disciples of the Wang clan can tailor their own immortal tools for them.

You know, before joining the five element sect, most of the disciples were new to the fairyland, and their strength was not very outstanding. Under such circumstances, of course, they could not have the financial resources to find an artifact refiner to make their own immortal utensils for them. Most of them just found and put together the immortal tools.

If everyone can be equipped with their own immortal tools, the strength of the disciples of the five element sect will naturally be improved a lot.

However, Fengzhi put them in the Qiwang sect for the time being. Instead, he spent some time teaching the disciples of the five element sect a set of joint attack array, and asked them to practice this set of joint attack array.

This set of joint attack array was realized by Fengzhi when she broke through to the realm of emperor. With the vision and ability of Fengzhi at the emperor level, she understood the joint attack array at this time, of course, which was extremely outstanding.

If you can master this set of joint attack array, you can form a perfect joint attack array from two people to thousands of disciples of the five elements sect. Through the array, the strength of all the people in the array can be integrated together, and the terrible power of one plus one is much greater than two.

In such a turbulent autumn, the disciples of the five elements sect mastered such a joint attack array, which undoubtedly added a Baoding method to each of them.

Therefore, although it's a pity that they can't follow Fengzhi any more, the disciples of the five element sect have repeatedly assured Feng Zhi that they will never let Feng Zhi down. They will certainly practice this array as familiar as their own instinct during this period of time.

After telling all the disciples of the five element sect, Feng Zhi and his party left Qiwang Zong.

Out of a distance, the Phoenix came to see the Phoenix: "Fengzhi, do you want to teach this set of combo array to all the immortals in the fairyland?"

Feng Zhi nodded, and it was no surprise that Feng would see her idea.

When she broke through the realm of emperor, she understood the array. At that time, she was almost in the best state. The understanding she got at this time was extremely extraordinary.

If you change the usual, with such a set of array, Fengzhi will never be spread out.

After all, it is equivalent to that all the disciples of the five elements sect have created an extra killer mace and a way to protect their lives. If they are passed on to others, how much is it worth it?

But now, it is not the time to worry about these gains and losses.

If this set of joint attack array is taught to fairyland immortals, then when the future war between immortals and foreign demons breaks out completely, the fairyland side can not only play a more powerful force, but also make the immortals more likely to save their lives.

Under such circumstances, how can Fengzhi still think of hiding?

Feng is not a generous person, but it depends on the time.

"At this time, as long as you can improve the overall strength of fairyland immortals, no matter what you take out, you don't have to feel sorry. I'm going to let the disciples of the five elements sect practice this set of joint attack array first, and then use the emperor's order to let the disciples of the five elements sect teach the immortal people this array." Feng Zhi Dao.

Feng Lai several people can not help but silence down.

Indeed, as Feng Zhi said, this is not the time to worry about gain and loss.Compared with the whole fairyland, what is the personal gain and loss?

After silence for a while, xianbao'er asked, "then, Fengzhi, where are we going next?"

Feng to the road: "to the main door, as well as the alien race."

This is what Fengzhi and Longyan had already discussed with other emperors.

What the fairyland needs now is to unite all the available forces. It is impossible for the fairyland to survive the disaster peacefully only by virtue of their several emperors. It needs every sect and every immortal in the fairyland to work together.

Of course, if you want to unite all these forces, you need someone to come forward.

And Fengzhi and other emperors are undoubtedly the most suitable person to be outstanding.

They are all emperors. They have a natural deterrent to the immortals in the fairyland. Even if there are those who want to hide behind everyone and enjoy the peace, they dare not disobey them.


Feng Zhi's face showed a cold look, and his eyes were full of murders: "if I come out in person and some people want to be the last to die, then I would rather kill these resident insects before the war between fairyland and foreign demons breaks out completely."

Otherwise, we have to worry that these people will hold back when the war breaks out.

If at ordinary times, Feng Zhi still has the leisure to deal with these people and things, but now, she just wants to use the simplest and most effective way to solve these people.


If someone is really pushing, Feng Zhi doesn't mind letting her hands dye more blood.

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