Not only Fengzhi but also qilongyan had the same expression.

Both of them were emperors. At this time, they narrowed their eyes slightly, and their murders spread all over the place. They immediately called Fenglai to feel cold all over.

Fortunately, Fengzhi and Longyan realized this in time, and then reinvigorated the whole body's killing machine, which made Fenglai feel better.

Fengming first rubbed her arm and then said, "if there are people like that, they should be killed first."

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu both nodded in the same way.

If in the face of life and death in the fairyland, there are people who just want to avoid responsibility and look at others in front of all the dangers, then these people really do not need to live in the fairyland to waste immortal gas.

At the same time, Fenglai several people can not help but in their hearts for those who have such an idea of the immortal point wax.

Then, as Fengzhi said, she and Longyan took Fenglai four people next to each door in the southern part of the fairyland. Regardless of the size of these ancestral gates, Fengzhi could not help looking for them.

Most of the sects know that if the fairyland loses in the war with foreign demons, they can't be good as immortals. Therefore, they don't need Fengzhi to say anything. The senior leaders of each sect have expressed their willingness to contribute for the fairyland.

Encounter such a clan, Fengzhi is of course Hello, Hello, everyone, and will leave some guidance, so that the people of each clan can improve their strength as soon as possible.

But there are also some families who really intend to stay behind and wait for others to fight for their safety.

For these people, anyway, there are people in front of them, so why do they have to go all out?

But anyone who meets such a person, Feng Zhi will never say a lot of nonsense. If he has nothing to say, he will rise and fall.

So, after this period of time, I recognized that the Lord's sword was stained with a lot of blood.

Of course, as long as the Phoenix doesn't put it into the dungpit, it's very thankful that the Phoenix will drink more blood.

With more and more blood, now the sky killing sword is more terrible than before. In addition to Fengzhi, only Longyan can get a little closer.

But anyway, the more powerful the sky killing sword is, the more powerful the Phoenix is. For Fengzhi, this is also a good thing.

It can be said that in the next journey, Phoenix to the feet of a group of people, are dripping with countless blood.

With the death of more and more people, there are always people will Feng to spread to all parts of the fairyland, which also set off a great stir in the fairyland.

If you want to shrink back, die?

Feng to such a simple approach, in for her to absorb a wave of powder, but also let countless immortal will Phoenix to as a nightmare.

No one thought that the new Phoenix emperor would be so tough. Did she not think that the death of so many immortals would weaken the strength of the fairyland?

And these immortal such idea, after Feng Zhi uses emperor to order to come a live broadcast, had to press down completely.

In Fengzhi's words, the fairyland has come to such a time. If there are people who don't want to work out and just want to fish in troubled waters, or enjoy the safety that others get with their lives, then such people might as well die early, at least save some resources and distribute them to those immortals who are willing to fight for the fairyland.

No value, then die!

This is the original words of Fengzhi.

Although Fengzhi is regarded as cruel and cruel by many immortals, however, after a live broadcast of Fengzhi, fewer and fewer immortals hold this idea.

There is no way, if you want to do nothing, you can only die, but you may not die.

As long as you think casually, you will know what kind of choice to make.

In fact, is there a choice?

Therefore, when Fengzhi went to the main gates, it became more and more smooth. The high-level of each major gate and even the disciples below beat their chests one by one, which guaranteed that when the battle of the fairyland started in the future, they would spare no effort to kill those evil spirits outside the territory and return a clear blue sky to the fairyland!

Feng Zhi is satisfied with this for the time being.

Of course, she also knows that these people's words may be a deterrent to her. When the war between fairyland and foreign demons starts, these people may not be able to do what they guarantee.


On that day, they couldn't help it.

Being involved in a war in which either you die or I live, are they able to do it alone?

Therefore, Fengzhi is not worried at all.

It took about 20 years for Feng Zhi and his party to go through all the big and small ancestral gates in the southern part of the fairyland, and they also gave some advice to many of them.

It is conceivable that, with the guidance of Fengzhi, before the chaos in the celestial world, at least the strength of the disciples of each sect can be improved.After visiting all the ancestral gates, Feng came to see xianbao'er: "baby, next, we should go to xianshizong."

Xianbao'er's eyes brightened.

Since her marriage with Feng Lai, she has never been back to xianshizong, nor has she seen xianhelai and Chu Xuanji. It is impossible to say that she does not care at all.

After all, xianbao'er wants to see if xianhelai and Chu Xuanji are doing well these years.

She was just embarrassed to speak.

Now, Feng Zhi takes the initiative to mention this matter, where can xianbao'er be unhappy?

So, she nodded again and again, "OK, OK!"

So, a group of people then went straight to the immortal food sect.

With Feng Zhi and Long Yan, no matter how far away they were, it was nothing to them. When people saw the gate of xianshizong, it was only a few days ago.

Xianbao'er leads Fengzhi several people into xianshizong.

In fact, their arrival has aroused the vigilance of the xianshizong people. Over the years, the situation in the fairyland is complicated. Xianhelai and Chu Xuanji have called back all the xianshizong's disciples outside in order to prevent them from meeting foreign demons.

Therefore, at this time, the mountain guard array at the gate of the mountain is moving. How can we not let people be vigilant?

When I saw that xianbao'er arrived with Feng, the people of xianshizong were relieved.

Then, all the people in xianshizong had some joy on their faces.

"Lord, madam, bao'er is back, bao'er is back..." Someone has already got the word out.

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