The whole xianshizong was boiling with the return of xianbao'er.

That's not surprising.

For xianbao'er, the people of xianshizong have been extremely concerned and worried for years.

At first, xianbao'er and Fenglai left xianshizong after they got married. Then, the situation in the rift valley became more and more critical, and Fengzhi and others became the first people involved in this whirlpool.

And Feng to the side of these people, nature is also involved in it.

Xianbao'er is no exception.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Xianhe to come to chuxuanji and his wife and the disciples of xianshizong to worry about xianbao'er.

Now, it can be regarded as the safe return of xianbao'er. How can people not be happy and excited?

After all, before meeting Feng Zhi and others, xianbao'er has always been the favorite of xianshizong.

The people of xianshizong were excited, so was xianbao'er.

Anyway, after so many years away from home, how can she not be excited when she comes home again?

It took Xianbao a long time to say hello to the disciples of xianshizong. When she saw Xianhe and Chu Xuanji, it was almost dark.

"Father, mother!" Xianbao'er can't help but run towards the crane and Chu Xuanji.

Xianhelai and Chu Xuanji are also excited.

What they care about most in their life is xianbao'er. They are willing to do anything for xianbao'er. Unfortunately, when their daughter grows up, they have someone they like. Even if they don't give up, they still let xianbao'er marry the person she likes.

No, it's been like this for a year.

"Baby The two took xianbao'er's hand and looked back and forth many times, as if they had a pair of golden eyes, and could find out any defects in xianbao'er.

This makes xianbao'er laugh.

"Father, mother!" She took the crane and shook Chu Xuanji's hand gently.

The faces of xianhelai and Chu Xuanji immediately softened down.

After that, they exchanged greetings with Feng Zhi and others for a while.

After the exchange of greetings, Chu Xuanji looked at Feng Zhi and apologized: "Fengzhi, I'm sorry..."

Feng Zhi is a little stunned, but then realizes that Chu Xuanji is apologizing for something.

Want to come

It's because of Tianji.

Now the biggest crisis in the fairyland is undoubtedly in Yaoguang fairy.

Yao Guang fairy was once the glory of Tianji sect.

As a disciple of Tianji sect, Chu Xuanji would feel sorry for the fairyland and Fengzhi, who was the first victim of the Yao Guang fairy, was also very understandable.

However, Fengzhi would not accept Chu Xuanji's apology.

Of course, this is not because she has any resentment against Chu Xuanji, but because it is not Chu Xuanji's fault. In this case, it is not her fault. Why should she apologize?

Feng Zhi looked at Chu Xuanji with a smile and said, "Master Chu, what are you doing? It's not you who did the wrong thing. What Yaoguang fairy did can't represent the whole tianjizong. If so, why should you apologize for her words and deeds? "

Chu Xuanji was slightly stunned.

Then, ever since she knew what Yao Guangxian had done, her heavy psychological burden had been put down completely under the simple words of Fengzhi.

As a matter of fact, she also knew that the actions of Yaoguang fairy could not represent the whole tianjizong, and she did not have to feel sorry for her words and deeds, but before that, she could not put down the burden of her heart.

And Feng to a word, but let her put down.

The crane was relieved to see it.

Since the incident of Yaoguang fairy came out, Chu Xuanji has always had such a psychological burden in her heart. Xianhe didn't enlighten her, but she couldn't help it. She just couldn't get through the trouble in her heart.

Now, you Feng Zhi's words are more useful than his previous enlightenments.

After talking about Xuan's feelings, she finally put down the burden of her life, and then she told each other more about her life.

The reason why Fengzhi came to xianshizong was not only to let xianbao'er come back to visit his parents, but also for other reasons.

The reason why xianshizong can be ranked as one of the super major sects in the fairyland is not only because the strength of xianshizong's disciples is extremely outstanding, but also because the Xianshi sect's people make Xianshi.

Those fairy food, in addition to the extraordinary delicious, eating the stomach can also have many benefits, some even have the same effect as pills, even have the effect that pills can not achieve.

Because of this, the status of xianshizong can be so detached.

Since assigning their duties to several emperors, Fengzhi and Longyan have gone through so many sects to persuade them to do their best for the coming crisis. For example, danlingzong, for example, has begun to work overtime to refine various kinds of pills. Qiwangzong is not only willing to take out the innumerable immortal utensils in the utensil Pavilion, but also keeps on building new immortals Instrumentwait.

It can be said that Fengzhi, no matter whether it is a major gate or a small clan gate, will make people enlarge this advantage as long as it finds any flash point, which can play a positive role in the future war between fairyland and foreign demons.

This is true of these sects, and so is the immortal food sect.

Fengzhi hoped that the people of xianshizong could take advantage of the fact that there was still a period of time to do more immortal food with various functions.

Chu Xuanji and xianhelai agreed to this.

"It should be!" The crane said, "we are also a member of the fairyland. Now it is difficult for the fairyland. As long as we can play a positive role in this war, we are willing to do whatever we want, let alone make more immortal food."

Feng Zhi nodded with a smile.

Although she knew that there should be nothing wrong with xianshizong before that, she could really rest assured if she got the nod of the Lord of Xianhe?

In the next few days, in order to entertain Fengzhi, the people of xianshizong changed their ways to make delicious food. Instead, they told Fengzhi to remember that when Fenglai and xianbao'er were married, all the disciples of xianshizong made a dish to bless them.

Fengzhi didn't plan to stay in xianshizong any more. Now the time is urgent. No one knows when Yaoguang fairy will be able to fully integrate with the foreign demons at the emperor level, let alone when they will be in trouble. Therefore, we should seize every opportunity to prepare for the war.

Although xianhelai and Chu Xuanji are reluctant to give up because they were reunited with xianbao'er for such a short time, they also know that the school is light and the school is heavy.

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