Although they don't give up, Xianqi Helai and Chu Xuanji let xianbao'er leave.

They know that their baby girl has been married, and that she has a closer person. Although this cognition will make their parents' hearts sour and miserable, but compared with these, of course, the happiness of the baby girl is more important.


The difference is only temporary. When these events finally come to an end, it will be very easy for them to meet each other in the future without Yao Guang fairy and those foreign demons who have made trouble.

So, there is a long way to go.

With such an idea, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji are not too upset. Instead, they start to make arrangements to prepare more things for xianbaoer and Fengzhi.

But maybe god can't bear to let xianhelai and Chu Xuanji separate from their daughter so soon. Before they get things ready, another thing happens, which slows down Fengzhi's pace.

On this day, a group of people sat together for the last gathering before parting.

After a few words, he saw two unique rays of light flying towards the room. One of them flew to Chu Xuanji and the other to Fengzhi.

Fengzhi grabs the Yufu in his hand and looks at Chu Xuanji before opening it.

She had a premonition that the content of the message she received should be the same as that of Chu Xuanji.

This is Feng Zhi's intuition.

Feng Zhi's intuition has always been accurate.

Then, Feng to just slowly and leisurely with divine sense toward the message jade Fu in the past.

When Feng Zhicai finished reading the contents of the Yufu, Chu Xuanji stood up and exclaimed in surprise What? "

Obviously, she was shocked by the news.

But very coincidentally, Feng Zhi received the news, also let her feel some surprise.

All of a sudden, she remembered the words left by the last emperor of tianjizong, tianshuzi, the patriarch of Tianji sect, before the fall.

He said

In the future, if tianjizong encounters any crisis of extermination, let tianshuzi lead the disciples of Tianji sect to seek the protection of Fengzhi.

Now, tianshuzi obviously did what tianquanzi said.

Xianbao'er looked at Chu Xuanji suspiciously, "Niang, what happened?"

After a while, Chu Xuanji finally took a deep breath and calmed down for a while. She looked at all the people who were staring at her in the room. Then she looked at Feng Zhi's appearance which seemed not so surprised. She tried to make her voice more gentle: "she said Tianjizong, something happened. "

Although it is only a short six words, it makes people feel scared.

Tianji Zong.

Since the Yaoguang fairy happened, tianjizong has been completely famous in the fairyland.

Once upon a time, tianjizong, as one of the super sects in the fairyland, was also famous, but now it is not the same as before.

Usually, when people in the fairyland mention Tianji sect, they will show some respect. If they mention the Taishang elder of Tianji sect, it will be more respected.

Who doesn't know that the supreme elder of Tianji sect has made countless contributions to the fairyland, and even because the Taishang elder of Tianji sect still has a shortage of life span, how can such people not be admired?

But that's all before.

Since Yao Guang fairy's behavior was known by the fairies, now the fairies mention Tianji sect again, and their hearts are complex beyond their description.

Such a super clan in the fairyland was destroyed by a mouse excrement like Yaoguang fairy!

Even if all the immortals knew that it was the Yaoguang fairy who did those things, and even tianjizong was the victim and cheated by Yaoguang fairy like them, how could it be possible to say that there was no animosity against Tianji sect?

If you think of Yao Guang fairy again, the anger of those immortals will be able to burn Yao Guang fairy directly.

The fairyland will become what it is now because of Yao Guang fairy's personal privacy. If it wasn't for her, the fairyland would have been the fairyland full of peace before. Even if there was a fight, it was among the immortals. The immortals don't have to worry about those terrifying extraterritorial demons quietly taking their houses, and they don't have to worry about whether the people they meet are human or not, I don't have to go through all kinds of fears in my heart.

There must be a cruel war between fairyland and foreign demons. All this is because of the Yao Guang fairy.

At present, the immortals in the fairyland hate Yao Guang fairies, which is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea.

At this moment, tianjizong had an accident.


The crisis of tianjizong still comes from Yaoguang fairy.

This makes people feel complicated.

Hearing Chu Xuanji say this, xianbao'er looks at her first, and then Xiang Fengzhi.Feng Zhi reached out and flicked it gently. The lost message jade charm turned into a little bit of light and disappeared in front of everyone.

Then, Feng Zhi said: "the news I received is the same. Something happened to tianjizong. A few days ago, Yaoguang fairy went to tianjizong and tried to force tianshuzi, the leader of Tianji sect, to hand over the treasure of Tianji sect. It seems that the most precious treasure of Tianji sect can play an important role in the integration of Yaoguang fairy and the foreign demons. Tianshuzi refused to deliver, but took advantage of Tianji Zong's battle array confronts Yaoguang fairy... "

Everyone can hear the danger of Feng Zhi's insipid tone.

No one would have thought that such a thing would happen.

Tianji sect is no longer as prestigious as it used to be. However, they are also victims. Other immortals in the fairyland and the clan will not go down to the bottom of the well at this time, but they don't want to. Yaoguang fairy will fight Tianji sect by himself and want to get the most precious treasure from Tianji sect.


What is the treasure of Tianji sect?

Feng Zhi then looks at Chu Xuanji.

Chu Xuanji was slightly stunned. When he remembered what the treasure of tianjizong was, he also changed his face, "she dares!"

That "she", without exception, is the Yao Guang fairy.

In fact, Chu Xuanji's words were obviously unnecessary. Yaoguang fairy not only dared, but also did so.

Even if the news that Chu Xuanji and Fengzhi received was from the moment Yaoguang fairy appeared in tianjizong, they would have to delay some time on the way. I don't know if Yaoguang fairy has broken the star changing array of Tianji sect for a period of time.

Feng Zhi frowned and said, "Master Chu, please talk about the star changing array of Tianji sect first."

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