Among the seven legends known to Chu Xuanji, the founder of Tianji sect was not so dazzling at the beginning, until one day, the founder of Tianji sect accidentally got a jade plate.

The jade plate looks like it is made of jade, but it has indestructible characteristics. At the same time, the jade plate is also full of mysterious and complicated lines.

The jade plate was obtained by the founder when he competed with others for cultivation resources. It was in the cave left by a very famous elder. Although the founder's strength was strong at that time, he did not belong to the top group. This time, the master's reputation was too big, and the cave he left naturally attracted many people to compete for resources Among them, there are many talented people with lofty aspirations.

Among these talented people, the founder is not so conspicuous.

Because of this, even though the founder had tried his best to fight for the treasure, he was still hurt.

Even though he was injured, he didn't get anything too precious. In the end, he only got this jade plate.

Although I can't see the mystery of the jade plate, no matter how it is, it was obtained from the master's cave. The founder thought that the famous master would not be able to collect useless things, so he took the jade plate and studied it for a long time.

However, no matter how he studied it, he could not see what was special about the jade plate.

At the end of the day, the founding fathers were angry.

How could he accept the fact that he was exhausted and injured so badly that he finally got such a useless jade plate?

In his anger, he grabbed the jade plate and was about to throw it out. He just wanted to destroy it.

Of course, he couldn't destroy the jade plate. When he threw it, the wound on his hand was accidentally cut by the jade plate, and the blood oozed out. At the same time, the gray appearance of the jade plate changed to be brilliant. At the same time, there was a great attraction from the jade plate, which directly sucked the blood of the founder.

After almost half of the blood of the founder, the jade plate finally stopped, leaving a breath for the founder.

Then, the founder of the creative school discovered the secret in the jade plate.

In the jade plate, in addition to a top-level skills, there are also mysteries about heaven.

If you can practice the skills recorded in the jade plate to the extreme, and cooperate with these mysteries in the jade plate, you will be able to see the secrets of heaven.

This greatly overjoyed the founding fathers.

After that, the founder of the creative school used the greatest perseverance to spare no effort to practice this new skill. At the same time, he never stopped learning the secrets about the secrets of heaven in the jade plate. Finally, he succeeded in climbing to the top of the emperor and founded Tianji sect.

All these things, if you want to count them carefully, should be counted as the achievements of the jade plate.

After saying this, Chu Xuanji took a deep breath and said one of the biggest mysteries of Tianji disk In addition to recording the skills handed down from generation to generation, as well as the mysteries about it, the most important thing is that the Tianji disk really has the function of shielding the heavenly mechanism. "

The people of Tianji sect are all practicing this skill from Tianji disk. At the same time, their speculation on Tianji comes from those recorded in Tianji disk.

After the founder of Tianji sect got the jade plate, he used it as an immortal tool. As long as the Tianji plate was in hand, no matter what he speculated, the founder of Tianji sect would never have any hindrance or even be attacked by the way of heaven.

In the ancient books handed down by the founders of Chuang school, Tianji disk can cover up the heavenly mechanism.

However, after the fall of the founder of the self creation school, even if the Tianji disk was still there, there was no one who could use it.

Later generations of the Tianji clan speculated in their hearts that if they wanted to use the Tianji disk, they would have to upgrade their strength to the realm of emperor. If they could hold the Tianji disk, they would no longer have to worry about the problem of backfire.

Unfortunately, they have such a guess, but they can't use the Tianji disk at all. Naturally, there is no way to prove the feasibility of this conjecture.

Generation by generation, the machine disk has been idle.

However, although it is idle, Tianji disk still occupies the position of the treasure of Tianji sect. Only some important figures of Tianji sect know the existence of Tianji disk. Ordinary disciples do not know about it.

After saying this, Chu Xuanji said: "although no one can use tianjipan for so many years, but that guess is very possible. Yaoguang fairy practiced the skills of tianjizong, and now she has become the emperor. If the tianjipan falls into her hands, she may really be able to control it."

If that's the case, it's not good.

According to the founder of the school of creation, Tianji disk can cover the sky.

It is no doubt very important for Yao Guang fairies to cover up the natural mechanism.At the beginning, several emperors were extremely determined that even if Yao Guang fairy and that foreign evil devil were completely integrated, they would not be able to further reach the realm of God King. The reason is that the way of heaven has its own set of rules. Whether Yao Guang fairies or foreign demons, if they really dare to attack the realm of God and monarch, then the way of heaven will naturally On the basis of God's plunder, let them suffer more terrible punishment.

If so, it is absolutely impossible for Yao Guang fairy and that foreign devil to become the God King.


What if at this time, let the Yaoguang fairy get the Tianji disk which has the function of shielding the heavenly mechanism?

If there is Tianji in hand, and if it can really cover it, then even if the Yaoguang fairy and the foreign demons really launch an impact on the Shenjun realm, when the Shenji sect comes, they can use the Tianji sect to lead the Shenji to other places.

At that time

Yao Guang fairy and that foreign devil are really unstoppable.

No doubt, such a consequence can not be tolerated by Fengzhi and others.

In a flash, everyone thought of it.

Feng Zhi's look also became serious.

In retrospect, did Yao Guang fairy have already considered the existence of Tianji disk?

Feng still doesn't know the answer to this question, but the current situation is that, no matter what, they must prevent Yaoguang fairy from getting Tianji disk, otherwise, it will be a great disaster for all of them.

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