Even if it is only possible that Tianji disk can cover up Tianji disk, and it is only a possibility that Yaoguang fairy can control Tianji disk, but as long as there is such a possibility, Fengzhi can never let the Tianji disk fall into the hands of Yaoguang fairy.


Feng even can't imagine the consequences.

Thinking of this, Feng Zhi suddenly stood up: "let's go to tianjizong!"

Others don't think Feng Zhi's decision is strange.

Feng is now the emperor. Under such circumstances, she is shouldering the future of fairyland. Knowing about Tianji pan, she must try her best to stop Yaoguang fairy.

What's more, Fengzhi received a call for help from tianshuzi. Even if it was only because of the inspiration of tianquanzi's words, Fengzhi would not ignore his appeal for help.

After all, if tianquanzi had said something like that, Fengzhi might have to spend a lot of time guessing the real identity of Yaoguang fairy.

In that way, it undoubtedly gave Yao Guang fairy a lot of time to prepare.

Maybe, when Yao Guang fairy is ready, Feng has not found out her identity.

In that case, there won't be any of these things.

Feng to this one stand up, others will also follow the action.

Of course, Longyan and Fenglai will go with them. Chu Xuanji and Xianhe come. After arranging the disciples of xianshizong, they will go to Tianji sect for a visit.

Now, they can only hope that tianshuzi will be able to preside over the great array of star changes for a long time.

As long as we can persist until Fengzhi and others arrive, then this matter will be easy to handle.

After all, Yaoguang fairy and that foreign devil can be regarded as two emperors. Fengzhi and Longyan are also two emperors. If they fight with real swords and guns, it is still unknown who will win.

Fenglai and others are full of confidence in Fengzhi and Longyan.

Think about it, from Fengzhi to Longyan, they have never been defeated in the battle of the same level.

Even if the opponents they are going to face are Yao Guang fairy and that foreign evil spirit, Fenglai and others are so convinced.

What's more, for Fengzhi and Longyan, they are not afraid of the foreign demons at all. It is the foreign demons who pray not to go up to them.

Therefore, the only problem now is how they can get to tianjizong faster.

Fengzhi and Longyan didn't keep their hands at this time. They took Fenglai and chuxuanji Xianhe together and rushed to tianjizong as fast as the emperor could.

At this time, tianjizong was also facing the biggest crisis since the founding school.

This crisis still comes from their former classmates.

Yao Guang fairy!

In the big array, the leader of Tianji sect, Tian Shuzi, is sitting in the center. Around him, many disciples of Tianji sect take him as the center and extend to the outside. If you look down from a high place, the people of Tianji sect are surrounded by many concentric circles, and the center of the circle is tianshuzi.

Tianshuzi's hand was holding an array plate at this time.

In the array disk, there is a big array of stars.

At that time, the great array of stars was able to resist the joint efforts of several emperors. It can be seen that the array is powerful. But now, tianshuzi has not fully controlled the power of the array. If he presides over the array, it can not fully exert its power. At most, it can only play the power of 12 / 10.

But even so, it can also block the Yaoguang fairy.

Looking at the Yaoguang fairy outside the array, Tian Zhuzi and others are extremely complicated.

Now Yao Guang fairy uses her own true appearance. However, her original unique appearance is covered by a piece of rolling black fog. Even if the black fog occasionally becomes thin and shows her face, it can't shock people because of her appearance, but it makes people feel that her present face is particularly terrible with the black fog.

If you changed the original Yao Guang fairy, who still valued her skin bag, she would not accept her ghost like appearance. However, under the stimulation of Feng Zhi, the Yao Guang fairy has already given up her identity. What is the appearance of this leather bag and where will she pay attention to it?

Now, Yao Guang fairy wants to do is to rub Feng Zhi on the ground. In order to achieve her goal, she is willing to do anything.

Moreover, it doesn't matter if she looks ugly now. When she cleans up the Fengzhi people in the future and no one in the fairyland can threaten her, she will naturally be able to restore her appearance with her own strength.

At that time, she will become the original unique beauty of the Yaoguang fairy.

Yao Guang fairy is so confident.

"Tianshuzi, I'm going to give you one last chance to get rid of the array and let me go in. I can still see that you have left your lives in the past, otherwise Don't blame Ben Jun for his ruthlessness Yao Guang fairy cold voice.I don't know whether she was affected by the black fog on her body. Now, the words of Yaoguang fairy seem to have a gloomy meaning, which makes people shiver subconsciously.

But these, the Yao light fairy oneself actually did not have what feeling.

Hearing this, the Tianji sect headed by tianshuzi glared at Yaoguang fairy and didn't pay attention to the threat of Yaoguang fairy.

Although no one in the Tianji sect has ever seen the former Yao Guang fairy, there is such an elder in the clan. As descendants, they also know the name of Yao Guang fairy.

Even, many female disciples in Tianji sect regard Yao Guang fairy as the person they want to be.

After all, in the history of Tianji sect, there are not a few female disciples in Tianji sect, and many excellent ones have been produced. But Yaoguang fairy is undoubtedly the most dazzling one among all female disciples in the past dynasties.

That kind of glory, people can't help but want to follow.

However, who could have thought that the person they wanted to follow was just a superficial brilliance, which had already rotten to the root?

After Yao Guang fairy, all the previous Taishang elders of tianjizong had been robbed by Yaoguang fairy. After knowing this news, the people of Tianji sect did not mention how sad and angry they were.

Every supreme elder is the most outstanding person of Tianji sect and the one who brings the most glory to Tianji sect. However, so many of them have been poisoned by Yaoguang fairy. How can people not be angry and heartbroken?

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