What's more, the seven fairyland will have such a crisis, but also because of the Yao Guang fairy.

Thinking of these, the people of Tianji sect had no way to leave the sect and face the eyes of fairyland immortals.

Once upon a time, when they said that they were disciples of Tianji sect, other immortals would have exclamation and admiration in their eyes. But now, if they say that they are disciples of Tianji sect, will they welcome the glare of all the immortals?

All this is because of the Yao Guang fairy in front of her.

Now, Yaoguang fairy also came to tianjizong, intending to break through the star changing array and seize the most precious treasure of Tianji sect. How can the people of Tianji sect not be angry?

However, their anger can only start from the heart and end in the eyes, and can't do any harm to Yaoguang fairy.

This also made the disciples of Tianji sect feel powerless.

If they can, they want to crush the Yao Guang fairy, who has been discredited by Tianji sect, to death, but

They can't do it!

For a while, with the stars changing, all the disciples of Tianji sect were frustrated and despairing.

Aware of this, the emperor first rebuked the disciples, and then said, "Yao Guang No, Yaoguang is the name given to you by the elders of Tianji sect. Since you have given up your status as a disciple of Tianji sect, this name should be taken back. From now on, there will be no Yaoguang fairy in Tianji sect and the whole fairyland! "

Tianshuzi is the leader of Tianji sect. He may not be the most powerful person in Tianji sect, but he is undoubtedly the one with the most prestige and strength to speak to the outside world.

At the same time, when the voice of tianshuzi fell, a sultry thunder suddenly sounded in the sky of tianjizong, just as the heaven was responding to tianshuzi's words.

At the same time, the cold faced Yao Guang fairy, standing outside the big array of stars, felt that the last thing that belonged to human beings in her body seemed to be leaving her little by little.

It made her feel empty.

She wanted to hold on to the things that were far away, and she did raise her hand, but she did not catch anything. There was nothing on her fingertips.

At this time, feeling the feelings of Yao Guang fairy, the foreign devil who was integrated with her suddenly sneered: "why, you have decided to climb the peak of this fairyland together with you. Now you still miss the identity of" human "? Don't you think it's ridiculous? "

The sharp voice is like a thorn in the heart of Yao Guang fairy.

However, what the foreign demons said was also true. Even if Yaoguang fairy wanted to deny it, there was no way to deny it.

After a while, Yao Guang fairy pressed down the empty feeling in her heart and sneered, "is it ridiculous? I don't need you to take care of it. Shut your mouth for me!"

The foreign devil snorted coldly, but he really stopped talking.

However, the black fog around Yao Guang fairy's body was even more severe, which made Yao Guang fairy like that terrible devil.

Yaoguang fairy's eyes were as cold as a knife, and stabbed the emperor straightly: "it's just a name. Do you think I care? You are right. From now on, there will be no Yao Guang Fairies in the fairyland! "

As her words fell, thunder came again from the air, as if to annotate her words.

"From now on..." She whispered My name is demon emperor

Now that you have been possessed by the devil, you should be more thorough and really dance with the devil.

This is the Yaoguang fairy. No, now she should be called the devil emperor. At the moment, she is determined.

Devil emperor?

The eyes of tianshuzi and others became colder.

At this time, the devil emperor had lost the last bit of patience for the Tianji sect. She slightly narrowed her eyes full of evil spirit. "I say again, remove the star changing array, and hand over the heaven machine disk. In this way, I can still save you a life. Otherwise, when I break the array, you All must die

Finally, the word "death" was squeezed out from between the lips and teeth of the devil emperor, which brought infinite opportunities for killing. As a result, the surrounding temperature kept falling, and a large area centered on the devil emperor even began to spread some snow-white frost.

Just by killing the opportunity to do so, I have to say, the power of the devil emperor is really very strong now, and it is not surprising that she has the determination to give up her identity as a human being.

At the same time, as those who are directly targeted by the evil emperor's killing machine, they all feel cold in their hearts. It seems that without the help of the devil emperor, they will be directly frozen to death by this cold killing machine.

However, even in this case, tianshuzi did not mean to bow his head against the wall.

The array disk in tianshuzi's hand turned slightly, and the stars moved. Mysterious lines appeared on the array, and the power of the array swung gently. The killing opportunity that made the disciples of Tianji sect suffer a lot immediately disappeared. Naturally, it could not cause any influence on tianshuzi and others.As the stars change, you can know where the greatest effect of this array is just by looking at its name.

This array was created by the founder of Tianji school. In his words, in front of the big array with the change of stars, unless the array is defeated by absolute power in an instant, the power acting on the array will be divided into several parts by the array, which means that Tai Chi on the earth is worth a lot of gold.

However, it is obvious that the power of the demon emperor and the foreign demons at the emperor level can not defeat the array with absolute power in an instant. Therefore, the situation that two groups of people confront each other across the array appears.

"Is the devil emperor?" Tianshuzi's face was very calm, "you don't have to say anything more. I know the purpose of your coming today. As long as I'm still there, the array will not be broken, and you won't be able to step into Tianji sect!"

This is a firm statement.

The disciples of tianjizong who sit around the center of tianshuzi are also steadfast.

Although they didn't speak, they made the idea that tianshuzi would be there as long as they were there.

Now, it's the devil emperor and the foreign evil spirits who confront all the people of Tianji sect.

The evil emperor's eyes flashed with anger, and the whole body's evil Qi also followed the violent tumbling.

She did not expect that tianshuzi and others should have such hard bones. Even if they knew that they were facing two emperors, they still held on and refused to bow their heads.

In this case

Then she will have to choose hard.

Fortunately, although it is difficult to deal with the great array of stars, as long as you give her more time, she can still break it.

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