Now the situation is that the people of Tianji sect want to stay for a long time while the magic emperor and the foreign evil devil want to break the array in the shortest time.

The two sides were in a standoff.

The star changing array is really extraordinary. Even if the devil emperor and the foreign devils don't keep their hands and give full play to their emperor's strength, under the control of tianshuzi, the star changing array always splits their attacks a little bit, and then dissolves all the forces that have been divided many times. Although this process is not with the naked eye It can be seen, but it always gives people a sense of moistening things silently.

This is tianshuzi, not emperor.

If another emperor controls the formation

Well, I'm afraid that even if the devil emperor and the emperor have been fighting outside for a lifetime, they can't break the array.

Although he could hold on for the time being, he was also very nervous at this time.

Although he is still a skillful man, only he knows how much burden it is for him to support the operation of the array. If he goes on like this, he will be dragged to death by the array.

At that time, the array will naturally break itself, and the devil emperor will be able to march in.

Thinking of such consequences, tianshuzi was awed.

No way!

No matter what, he must support until the support comes.

And the support he's looking for

Tianshuzi could only pray in his heart, praying that Feng could read the love of tianquanzi at the beginning, and could come as soon as possible after receiving his call for help.

Otherwise, if you really let the devil emperor and the emperor get Tianji disk, even if tianshuzi doesn't know what they want to do, but he also knows that nothing good will happen.

Thinking of these, even though the body's fatigue surged upward, even now he was very tired, but tianshuzi still insisted on biting his teeth.

If he sticks to it for a moment, he can get more time for Feng Zhi to come here.

He must not fall at this time!

With such a belief, tianshuzi only felt that there was a new force in his body, so that he could withstand the next attack of the devil emperor.

Under such circumstances, we don't know how long it has passed. It seems that a moment has passed, but it seems that the sea has changed. Tianshuzi has withstood the devil emperor's all-out attacks again and again. The strength in his body constantly rushes into the array plate, commanding the whole large array through the array plate, and protecting the whole Tianji sect in a dangerous and dangerous way.

However, as long as people, whether ordinary people or immortals, will always be exhausted, even if tianshuzi has any faith in his heart, in such a long time of consumption, he will inevitably run out of oil and light.

Just when tianshuzi thought he was going to fall, he heard the voice of an elder of Tianji sect.

"Listen to the orders

The voice is high and exciting, and there is an exciting force in it.

At the next moment, the voice of Ying you, a disciple of Tianji sect, rang out: "in!"

Hearing so many voices of tianjizong's disciples, tianshuzi, who was on the verge of collapse, felt refreshed.

"Follow me and help the LORD with all my strength!" The elder's voice rang again.


Then, a palm gently pressed on the back of tianshuzi.

If in peacetime, someone quietly from their own so close, but also put their hands on their own harm, tianshuzi will definitely be the first time to crush that person to death.

But now, he did not have any such idea.

Only because he knew that now, behind him, he was standing with the same will as him.

Then, from that hand came a surge of strength which was the same as that of tianshuzi. Although the power was turbulent, it became extremely tame after it entered the body of tianshuzi. It didn't need any more efforts of tianshuzi to control it.

With the support of these forces, tianshuzi immediately withered trees, and directed these forces into the array.

Therefore, the array, which had been looking at the light has been darkened and obviously can not last long, has been full of vitality.

The devil emperor looked livid.

She is at a high place. From her point of view, we can see clearly the situation in the array. In her sight, the concentric circle centered on tianshuzi in the array, at this time, all of us stretched out their hands to the back of the people in front of her. The power from the same source converged point by point to the center of tianshuzi's So that he can continue to control the array.

From this moment on, everyone in tianjizong is closely linked with this big array of stars. As long as any one of them has a little bit of strength left in his body, the array will never be broken.

But the same thing is, if the big array is broken, those people in the Tianji sect who are in the array will definitely be drawn out.It can be said that these people are really fighting for their lives.

The devil emperor wanted to knock these people's heads open to see what they had in their heads.

Magic emperor is a very conceited and proud person. In her eyes, nothing is more important than her own. Because of this, she resolutely chose the wrong way after she found that she had no better way to solve the problem of life span.

Because of this, she could not understand why the people of Tianji sect made such a choice.

In her opinion, the people of tianjizong are just praying for the chariot. Don't they know that with them, at most, they can only let the array persist for a period of time. In the end, the array will be broken by her. Will they all die?

Perhaps, these people can not understand this point, but even then, they still make such a choice.

The devil emperor is incomprehensible.

But she doesn't need to understand either.

"Since you want to die, you will be saved by this king." The devil emperor snorted coldly.

After that, what fell on the array was another storm of attack.

The light shield formed by the big array of stars is like a big bowl with inverted buttons, which firmly protects the whole heaven. The whole light shield is like a sky curtain, with stars and dots of light on it. Whenever an attack falls on this sky screen, the scattered stars will shine their own light, forming pieces of twinkling stars Stars, those forces that fall on the sky will be weakened one layer, perhaps every time the extent of weakening is very small, but because of the number of times of weakening, those forces will naturally be dissolved into the invisible.

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