The stars are shining seven times, and the attacks from the devil emperor and the emperor are also resolved again and again. Tianshuzi, who is in charge of the array, observes the process again and again, only to feel that he suddenly has a lot of understanding in his heart.

He had a strong premonition that if he could get through this time safely, he would surely be able to cross the threshold that had kept him out of the realm of emperor and enter a new realm.

It's just

Can he have such a day?

Tianshuzi didn't know.

Of course, now he has no free time to ponder on this issue.

He has done everything he can, and the rest is up to God to decide.

Maybe it's up to Fengzhi to decide?

And the evil emperor who was stopped outside by the star changing array felt more and more anxious at this time.

She was once the supreme elder of Tianji sect. She also had a certain understanding of the star changing array. However, since the founder of the founding school set up the array, she found several emperors to test the power of the array at the beginning, and the latter array had no chance to play a role. Even if the devil emperor knew that the array was extraordinary, he did not have a correct understanding.

That's why she was so blocked by Da Zhen.

The more to the back, the more evil emperor's heart is a kind of ominous premonition.

This premonition told her that if she could not break the array as soon as possible and get the Tianji disk, something would happen that she did not want to see.

As an emperor, since you have such a premonition, you will never make a mistake, so the devil emperor's heart also produces bursts of crisis.

Can make her have such a sense of crisis

Who else but Fengzhi?

And Fengzhi, how can they know that something happened to tianjizong?

The devil emperor suddenly thought of a possibility, and his eyes also followed.

At that time, tianquanzi's body was about to collapse, and the devil emperor planned to take tianjizi away. But tianquanzi did not know why, she had already taken away tianjizi for so many years. In the end, she could still retain a fraction of her mind. Finally, she blocked her perception and asked Fengzhi to come to tianjizong and said a few words with Fengzhi.

What those words said is still unknown.

She wondered whether tianquanzi had already told Fengzhi something as early as that time?

But it can't be!

If Feng knew by that time, could she endure so long?

Moreover, even if tianquanzi could recover his mind for a short time, he could not know so clearly about the devil emperor.


What happened?

Don't you understand.

But in any case, she was sure that the reason why tianshuzi would make such a desperate revolt must have something to rely on.

And his reliance, no doubt, will only be Fengzhi.

Therefore, tianshuzi has already sent the message to Fengzhi?

Aware of this, the devil emperor's heart is more out of anger.

"How dare you send a message to Fengzhi?" The devil emperor gnawed his teeth.

When it comes to the word "Fengzhi", she can't wait to bite Feng Zhi to death.

She did not expect that under her nose, tianshuzi could do such a small action, and even brought her a sense of crisis.

Anger and unwillingness appear alternately in the heart of the devil emperor, which makes her more and more crazy when she makes a move, and the stars above the big array are always flashing a little star light, so there is no time to dim down.

The stars all over the sky are mysterious and beautiful, but the people like tianshuzi and others are not in the mood to appreciate the beauty. They all feel that the boundless pressure falls on them with every twinkling of the stars, which makes them feel more and more overwhelmed.

But no matter what, we have to stick to it.

Hold on, hold on!

Tianshuzi clenched his teeth. "My Lord has invited two emperors, Fengzhi and Longyan, to come here. As long as we can hold on, we will certainly be able to wait for the two emperors to appear. At that time, the two emperors will naturally give us this evil spirit!"

Although he did not know whether Fengzhi and Longyan would come, he could only say so now.

The disciples of tianjizong felt refreshed when they heard this.

In any case, with such a hope, the disciples only felt that their bodies were full of strength.

Then there was another round of stalemate.

In such a stalemate, everyone seems to have lost the concept of time, especially the tianjizong people headed by tianshuzi. They only bite their teeth and count how many times they have insisted on attacking from the devil emperor.

This also does not know how long, tianshuzi once again felt the familiar feeling that the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry.

Once again, he reached the limit.This time, he reached the limit, which means that every disciple of tianjizong after him has also reached the limit.

Hold on

No, they can't hold on.

If the devil emperor has another strike, they will fall with the change of the stars.

Not only tianshuzi, but everyone in the array had such an awareness.


They don't regret it.

As a human being, there must be certain things that must be insisted on. For them, they should guard their ancestral gate and not let their treasures fall into the hands of the evil emperor. This is what they have to do even at the cost of their lives.

Life is the most precious thing for everyone, whether it is mortal or immortal. Some people can do everything in order to live longer, such as the devil emperor, and some people can give up their own life for the things they hold on to, such as tianshuzi and others.

In any case, they have done everything they can, so even if it is falling, they can have a clear conscience.

At this moment, even though they knew that they were about to face death, tianjizong and others headed by tianshuzi were calm and calm, and seemed to face death with such a calm attitude.

And their attitude, for the devil emperor is undoubtedly a great stimulus.

In particular, with the passage of time, the evil premonition in the devil emperor's heart made her unable to ignore it and made her more and more urgent.

"Now..." The devil emperor raised his hand, and there was a galloping force between his fingers You all die. "

As she spoke, her hand waved down, and the galloping power would fall on the great array of stars that could no longer withstand any attack.

Tianshuzi sighed.

He did not expect that he could not wait for the arrival of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Maybe, this is the will of God.

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