Of course, Fengzhi and qilongyan also thought of this.

Therefore, when Feng Zhi met the enchanted emperor, Long Yan immediately reached out his hand and stroked the darkened mask of the star changing array.

Then, the powerful force immediately went to the big array through the hand of Long Yan. The already dim light shield immediately re bloomed, making people feel like they are under a mysterious and beautiful sky.

Tianshuzi was worried about it. He was very happy.

At the same time, as soon as he released his hand, the array plate originally in his hand flew directly towards Long Yan.

This is to give the control of the array to Long Yan.

Long Yan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He originally just wanted to add some strength to the star changing array. He didn't mean to take control of the array from tianshuzi. However, since tianshuzi had already done so, Long Yan thought about it and took the array disk in his hand.

The next moment, his whole person also appeared in the array.

Normally, Long Yan would not do this, because it is more complicated and complicated to use the array disk to hold the large array than to reinforce the array with his own strength to protect the tianshuzi and others in the array.

Long Yan thought of hearing the name of tianjizong's "star changing array" from Chu Xuanji. At that time, Fengzhi still had some feelings. It was a pity that he could not witness with his own eyes the grand scene in which the star changing array blocked several emperors from Tianji sect.

Now that he has this opportunity, Long Yan certainly wants Fengzhi to have a good look at it.

That's why he took over the game.

Seeing that Long Yan took the array plate in his hand, all the people of Tianji sect were excited.

The reason why they do this is similar to Fengzhi.

As the disciples of Tianji sect, they also know the reputation of their big array in the past few years. However, the array has not had a chance to play a role. Even if it is used against the enemy this time, because tianshuzi, who is in charge of the array, is only the emperor of heaven, and is far from being able to fully exert the power of the array.

Now it's time for emperor Longyan to take over the array. Of course, they want to have a good look.

Long Yan held the array in his hand, and his divine sense instantly entered the array plate.

If Long Yan was still the emperor, it would be impossible to quickly understand the star changing array. After all, it was an array developed by the emperor or could block several emperors. How could it be so easily studied?

But now Long Yan is an emperor, and he is better than he was when he was a emperor. I don't know how much. With a slight sweep of his divine sense, he can roughly understand the mystery of the star changing array.

Then, as soon as the light appeared on the hand of Long Yan, the power belonging to the emperor entered into the array plate.

Then, all the disciples of Tianji sect could see that there was a dazzling white light coming out of the array plate, which could only emit a faint light in his hands. Because the light was too dazzling, all the disciples of Tianji sect could not help raising their hands to block their eyes.

However, the light only flashed for such a moment, and then it seemed that it had never appeared before, and then converged into the array disk again.

With such an appearance, the originally inconspicuous array disk seems to be more mysterious.

Next, in Long Yan's hand, thin lines began to extend from the array disk. Each thread of thin lines should face a star in the sky screen formed by the array. When these thin lines are connected with each star, it seems that Long Yan is controlling each star through these thin lines.

At this moment, in the eyes of the disciples of Tianji sect, Long Yan was like a giant in the sky, with the power to stop all attacks.

And in fact, it is.

The evil emperor hated Fengzhi to the bone. Now he believed that he could teach Fengzhi a lesson. Of course, he tried his best.

And Feng to, since she will stand up at this time, of course, also has her own confidence, to deal with the devil emperor's attack does not appear how difficult.

But these two men are emperors. Even if they feel comfortable coping with it, the fluctuation of their power brought by each blow is undoubtedly a disaster for people other than them.

There are two people constantly fighting when the strength of the aftershocks fell on the ground, so that the ground more than a bottomless hole.

The scope of tianjizong is very wide. At this time, the aftershocks of Fengzhi's battle with the demon emperor are just natural targets. Therefore, the number of afterwaves falling on the big array of stars and stars can be said to be countless.


Even so, these forces belonging to the emperor can only make the sky screen formed by the formation of the big array shine one after another. Among the stars, the big array presided by Long Yan easily regarded these attacks as invisible and protected the disciples of Tianji sect incomparably.WOW!

All the disciples of tianjizong were amazed.

In the battle between the two emperors, across the sky, they should have been nervous and afraid, but they used a leisurely posture to watch the meteor shower on the sky, which was not much arbitrary.

Their family's great array of changes in the stars really has extraordinary power.

This makes the disciples of Tianji sect feel proud.

Different from the leisurely nature of the disciples of Tianji sect, the devil emperor's eyes were almost staring out of his eyes.

Even if she still can't kill Fengzhi, it's very easy to humiliate Feng Zhi. However, what makes her angry is that Fengzhi is like a fish. Even if she exerts a lot of strength, the one who really falls on Feng Zhi is less than six points.

And what are these six components, for Fengzhi?

After fighting for such a long time, the devil emperor did not have any way.

The devil emperor only felt his face burning.

Before the fight with Feng Zhi, how confident she was, now how painful her face is.

It seems to be aware of the evil emperor's unwillingness, and her integration of the emperor level of the foreign evil devil said: "how, can't take it down?"

The devil emperor roared in his heart: "you don't have to worry about it!"

Her relationship with this foreign demon can be said to be extremely complicated. They are now integrated, but they are also two completely different individuals.

The devil emperor knew that the choice she had made at the beginning was actually in great crisis, but she had no way out at the beginning.

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