The evil emperor is also very familiar with the foreign demons released by himself.

One of the important reasons why she was able to release these foreign demons directly from the rift valley was that she believed that it was extremely difficult for the foreign demons to become a powerful monarch. As long as the foreign demons were not at the emperor level, they would not pose any threat to the evil emperors. She could perfectly control these foreign demons.

But then the development of things, is undoubtedly out of her control.

Among these foreign demons, there really appeared a strong one at the rank of emperor.

With such strong people, the evil spirits outside the territory are not completely controlled by the evil emperor as before. Otherwise, there would not be so many foreign demons doing small actions and accumulating strength in the fairyland under the command of the powerful emperor.

The most powerful ability of foreign demons is to take away others.

The devil emperor knew that she gave up her human identity and became the body of the foreign evil devil at the emperor level. Although she did not lose her mind, in a certain sense, she voluntarily gave up her body to foreign demons to take possession of her.

With the progress of their integration, at the beginning, it was the integration between her and the forces of the foreign demons. Later, the integration of consciousness was always involved.


Is it mainly her, or is it the foreign evil spirit?

Is she swallowing the consciousness of foreign demons, or is she completely robbed by foreign demons?

These are still unknown.

Therefore, while merging with foreign demons, the devil emperor is also thinking about how to keep her consciousness and make the foreign evil spirits the stepping stone on her way to become stronger.

It was in this way that she came up with the idea of Tianji disk.

If there is heaven's chance plate to help, the devil emperor has a lot of confidence to do this.

That's why she took the realm of Shenjun as a temptation to persuade foreign demons to come together and seize Tianji disk.

How could I have thought that before she could break through the star changing array, Fengzhi and Longyan had already arrived, and even Fengzhi could compete with her!

Now, when she was in a rage, the foreign evil spirits jumped out to make sarcastic remarks. How could the devil emperor not be angry?

Being yelled at by the demon emperor, the foreign evil devil was not angry, but continued: "you want to clean her up. This is a very simple thing. As long as you can temporarily hand over the control of the body, I have a secret method to temporarily improve our integration. In this way, it is just a Phoenix, but it can be cleaned up by raising your hand?"

When the emperor hears the temptation of the devil, there is a hint of evil in his heart.

However, it was only a moment, and the devil emperor came back from his heart.

she knew that it would be no good for her to hasten the integration process when she did not have any guarantee. If she was completely controlled by foreign evil spirits, she would eventually become a controlled walking corpse.

The devil could not tolerate this.

Heaven machine disk!

As long as she can get Tianji disk, she can be free from such a crisis.

The devil emperor's desire for the heaven's Secret plate is even greater.

Without paying attention to the foreign evil spirit's murmur all the time, the demon emperor held his breath and used the strongest means he could use now to attack Fengzhi there.

And the devil emperor's no longer keep hands, also really brought some pressure to Phoenix there.


This is obviously not enough to defeat Feng Zhi.

Feng even slightly smiles.

After escaping from the attack of the demon emperor, Fengzhi retreats a little to the distance, and then extends his hand forward. The sword of killing heaven does not know where it appears and is held by Fengzhi.

Feng Zhi said softly, "little guy, you haven't seen blood since you opened the front. Today It's time for me to see how good you are

The sword of the sky killing sword shakes gently for a while, and makes a heavy hum, as if it is making a promise to the chest.

As for Phoenix, it's a smile.

What kind of power does the divine sword have?

Fengzhi also wants to know.

Holding the handle of the sword, a pile of broken blades pointed at the devil emperor in a distance, and the Phoenix said, "come on."

Although it's just two words, it's full of confidence. It seems that as long as the sword is in hand, all enemies will be destroyed.

The devil emperor snorted coldly, and the evil spirit on her body soared a little, which made a considerable area around her become ghostly. Even the sun was covered. Looking at the appearance of covering the sky and the sun, it was extremely frightening.

Of course, it's impossible to frighten Feng.

The two fought together again.

Although the devil emperor was extremely angry, but without the help of the foreign demons, she did not have any other cards. After all, she had played all the cards in order to break the star changing array.And Fengzhi, with the sword of killing the sky in her hand, she can be said to be like a tiger with wings.

After all, the sky killing sword is a magic sword. To a certain extent, it can be equivalent to an emperor.

In this way, Phoenix to this side can be said to be two to one.

The devil emperor even had to deal with Feng Zhi, not to mention one on two. Even though she tried her best, she was still defeated quickly.

At the end of the day, the light of the sword flashed, cutting all the magic gas around the devil emperor's body.

At the beginning, the devil Emperor didn't care.

The sword didn't hurt her, it just passed through the evil Qi. There was no entity in those evil Qi. What could the sky killing sword do with it?

But as time went by, the evil Qi cut by the sky killing sword never recovered, which made the demon emperor a little anxious.

All the power of foreign demons comes from the evil Qi. Now that she is integrated with the foreign demons, she naturally has such characteristics. If these evil spirits can't be recovered because of the sky killing sword, it will be a troublesome thing for the devil emperor, even if she can't hurt her muscles and bones.

This broken sword has such a function?

The evil emperor Jun Yue hair's hate.

She now thinks that Fengzhi is her nemesis. If she can't kill Feng Zhi, the person who will die in the future will be her own.

Under such an idea, even if he wants to take some risks, the devil emperor is still willing to use temporary compromise to exchange for more powerful power. As long as Fengzhi can be killed here, it is all worth it for the devil emperor.

A bite of teeth, the devil emperor said in his heart: "your request, I should!"

This is a promise to temporarily hand over the control of the body to the foreign devil.

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