"Jie Jie Jie "Seven" that foreign evil spirit left a series of laughter in the devil emperor's brain, "you can rest assured, this will be a wise decision, your eyesore will be crushed by us together!"

Anger flashed in the eyes of the demon emperor.

Then, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she could only see the magic Qi constantly surging in her eyes, as if her white eyes were swallowed up by the evil Qi. She could not see any human breath in the whole person, just like a living dead person.

The foreign devil who controlled the body of the demon emperor was also very excited at this time.

It took him a lot of effort to stand out from so many foreign demons and become the only powerful emperor among the foreign demons.

The most good thing of the foreign demons is to take away others. Whenever they have the chance, they will find a body that satisfies them and then take them away.

But at the beginning, this foreign evil spirit just wanted to be stronger and stronger. When it became stronger, it would have a better body waiting for it to seize the house. Unexpectedly, with such belief and some luck, it could go so far on the road of the strong. It really makes people feel moved.

After becoming the emperor, this foreign devil will not take away others at will.

It is the emperor, even if it wants to take it away, it should be strong enough to move it.

Until it hit the devil emperor.

At the beginning, the devil emperor surprised countless immortals, not only because of her appearance, but also because of her talent and understanding. Even if the devil emperor's body is now taken away from her, she has been using this body for a long time. Naturally, all the attributes of the body are moving closer to her original body, and the talent savvy is not There is nothing missing.

After all

The people who are able to do the supreme elder of Tianji sect are the ones who seize the house by the devil emperor. How can the qualification of such a person be poor?

Under such circumstances, for this foreign evil, the body of the devil emperor naturally has incomparable attraction.

As for the devil emperor, she is the one who brought the foreign demons into the fairyland. She is kind to the foreign demons. This is not in the consideration of the foreign demons who only have the strength of the emperor.

Under such temptation, what is the kindness of the devil emperor to the evil people outside the country?

However, although the devil emperor was frustrated again and again, he finally gave up his human identity and chose to integrate with it. However, at the same time, the devil emperor always kept a high degree of vigilance in his heart. It is almost impossible for the foreign devils to completely occupy the devil emperor's body.

Fortunately, with the existence of Fengzhi.

The devil emperor suffered losses repeatedly in Fengzhi's hands. For Fengzhi, she had a deep hatred that could not be erased. Maybe in this fairyland, only Fengzhi could easily stir up the anger of the devil emperor.

In the same way, only Fengzhi can make the devil emperor lose his reason and choose to hand over the control of his body temporarily.

In this respect, the foreign devil is extremely grateful to Yu Fengzhi.

And the way it appreciates

Is to follow the devil emperor's will to tear the Phoenix to pieces!

The foreign evil spirit stretched out his hands and looked at it carefully. Feeling the surging power in his body, he could not help showing some intoxicated look: "this is the feeling of being a man How nice

Since its birth, this foreign devil has not really realized what it is like to be a human being. Now, with the body of the demon emperor, it has.

Moreover, I still want to experience it all the time.

Of course, these are the struggles between it and the devil emperor. Now, the only thing that this foreign devil wants to do is to crush Fengzhi to death.

When the devil emperor controlled her body, her whole body was wrapped by evil Qi, which made her look like a walking God of death, giving people a sense of terror.

When the control of the body is handed over to the foreign devil, it only takes one breath, and the black gas begins to turn into two torrents, which are sucked in by the foreign evil spirit from its nose, as if for it, the evil Qi is the oxygen needed for its survival.

In fact, it is.

When all the evil Qi has been sucked clean, after such a long time, people can finally see the appearance of the devil emperor.

Of course, the one who controls the body of the demon emperor has become an alien evil.

Today, although the body of the devil emperor is still the one used before, her appearance has changed back to her original appearance after passing through Fengzhi's plastic YAN Dan.

Such a unique face, now it seems to be particularly wooden, coupled with the foreign devil for the first time to taste the taste of life, always give people a strange feeling when laughing, but it is a kind of horror film meaning.

Very appearance, but now was defeated only two points.

It has to be said that this is also a matter of regret."Fengzhi is it?" The foreign devil looked at Feng Zhi and said, "I'll kill you!"

Its tone is not very big.

Feng was amused by it.

"Well, I'll see if I kill you or if you can kill me." Feng Zhi Dao.

Then, the two men did not say much, and fought over it.

After fighting with this foreign evil spirit, Fengzhi knew why it could have such confidence. When the devil emperor controlled the body, at most, those evil Qi could only be used by her to fight against the enemy. In fact, the power exerted by her could not make Feng Zhi threatened. However, when the one who controlled the body was replaced by this foreign evil spirit, the original evil Qi seemed to suddenly change An unimaginable force broke out. Every time we fight, the evil spirit will rush towards Fengzhi. Even if it can't really hurt Fengzhi, it also makes Fengzhi feel numb.

Moreover, such numbness is also increasing with the number of times Fengzhi fights with this foreign evil spirit.

At the end of the day, Feng Zhi only felt numb in one hand.

If it goes on like this, it can be imagined that Fengzhi can never get anything good.

However, Feng Zhi didn't worry or fear because of this.

"It's kind of interesting." She said.

At the next moment, without waiting for the foreign devil to launch the next attack, Feng Zhi lifted her two hands slightly, and the fire of Nirvana, which had evolved again, rose from the sky.

In Feng Zhi's hands, Nirvana fire has been upgraded several times. It was originally one of the most domineering flames in the world. After several times of evolution, the power of Nirvana fire is no less than a divine tool.

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