More importantly

Now this upgraded Nirvana fire has a great restraining effect on evil Qi.

This is the real reason why Fengzhi used the fire of Nirvana at this time.

The rising flame looks ordinary, but every time the flame beats, there is a burning heat that the emperor is absolutely unbearable, and extends outward with the Phoenix as the center.

Such heat is not an attack in the star changing array. Therefore, the array does not protect the disciples of Tianji sect. If Long Yan hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, he would have protected them with his own strength in time. He was afraid that all the disciples of Tianji sect below Tianjun would have been dried up if only this one was exposed.

Although the disciples of Tianji sect were protected by Long Yan, it doesn't mean that they don't know what kind of danger they and others have just experienced, so they all call luck with a pale face.

The people of Tianji sect had known for a long time that the tyrannical dragon Yan protected the nirvana fire, but the foreign demons did not have the slightest psychological preparation in advance.



After a bang, the whole person seemed to explode suddenly. The evil Qi that had been absorbed by it was gushing out of its body at a faster speed than before, and it was still churning. There seemed to be something in it that was crying bitterly.

This situation, looking particularly terrible.

"Ah, ah..."

All the people's ears sounded the anguished roar of the foreign evil spirits.

"Phoenix to!" It clenched his teeth to squeeze out these two words, "you, how dare you hurt this gentleman!"

Feng Zhi shook her head again.

She felt that the brains of these foreign demons might have really been in the water. They had been standing on the opposite side for so long, and they had not only fought once. What did this one say? She dared to hurt it.

Tut, if you don't hurt it, do you have to give it up?

Really, what can I say?

In fact, what shocked and angered the foreign demon was that Fengzhi could actually hurt it.

Although it has temporarily controlled the body of the demon emperor, its noumenon is still invisible. This is one of the reasons why this foreign demon has such a strong foundation. It thinks that Fengzhi can not hurt it.

It's a direct result of the slap on the face.

This time, the foreign evil devil really looked up to Fengzhi, instead of trying to clean up Fengzhi because of the requirements of the devil emperor.

"Good, good!"

The next moment, more dark than ink, so from its body gush out, and is constantly toward the surrounding space diffuse away.

When Yaoguang fairy controlled the body, the evil Qi would not have much impact on the outside world, but when the person in charge of the body became the foreign evil devil, the evil Qi suddenly took on the extremely terrible corrosivity, and everywhere he went, whether it was flowers or grass or the ground, it was scraped off by life.

Even the sound of "zizizi" can be heard in the air, just like the air has been corroded.

If previously, when the evil emperor dissipated evil Qi, it could be regarded as covering the sky and blocking the sun. Now, the evil Qi controlled by the foreign evil devil can swallow up the heaven and earth, the sun and the moon.


Qi Qi, the disciples of Tianji sect, took a cold breath.

At the same time, people can't help but pinch a sweat for Feng.

And Feng to, this time but suddenly began to laugh.

Just as the foreign demons looked at her with fear and wondered whether she would continue to use the terrible Nirvana fire and deal with it, Fengzhi unexpectedly took back the nirvana fire.

This made the foreign demons overjoyed.

In its opinion, the only thing that Fengzhi can threaten it is the fire of nirvana. Now Fengzhi has collected the fire of nirvana. Isn't it his own death?

Therefore, the foreign evil spirit even forgot the pain he had received before, and directed the evil spirit all over the sky to Feng Zhi's side.

Feng to raise eyebrows, "good to come!"

Then, the hand holding the skykiller sword from top to bottom makes a chopping action.


There was thunder in everyone's ears.

However, when people looked up at the sky, they found that, in addition to the evil spirit, it was clear that there was a clear and clear sky. What thunder was there?

But also in the hearts of people with this kind of cognition, a thunder came again.

"The sword is the emperor's sword!" Someone pointed to the sword of killing heaven in Feng Zhi's hand.

Therefore, all the people's eyes fell on the sky killing sword.

The sky killing sword looks like a common broken sword. People can't help but wonder if such a sword really has the power to hurt people?

But now, in Feng Zhi's hand, on this sword, actually is gathering the thunder power.In other words, it is not gathering the power of thunder, but the sword itself contains thunder.

There is a light golden thunder light flashing from the sky killing sword in purple and black. The thunder light makes the foreign evil devil feel fear subconsciously. However, before it has any reaction, the sky killing sword breaks away from Feng Zhi's hand and directly meets the evil spirit of foreign evil spirits with the thunder light.

Although the evil Qi is invisible, the power it carries is enough to startle the earth. When the evil Qi passes through, everyone notices that even the light becomes extremely dim, just like all the "living" forces in the air are swallowed up by the evil Qi.

And killing the Sky Sword

Can you resist this terrible evil spirit?

It was soon known.

As soon as they came into contact, the evil Qi originally wanted to wrap the sky killing sword and eat it again, but the strong evil Qi just turned a corner, and the thunder on the sky killing sword directly cleaved into the evil Qi.

After a moment of silence, there was a sharp hissing in all people's ears. It was like someone took 10000 knives to scrape on the glass. It made people's scalp numb.

And in such a sound, the thunder light with gold in purple was only a little at first, and with the passage of time, the light became more and more prosperous.

It is clear that even the air can be swallowed up by the evil Qi, and there is no light in it. However, the thunder light can flow freely in the evil Qi. Every time the electric light flashes, it can bring great damage to these evil Qi. The evil Qi, which was originally thicker than ink, is even thinner.

"It's impossible!" The foreign devil roared so loudly.

But no matter how angry it is, it can't change what has happened.

The fact is that the humble skykiller sword really has the effect of restraining it.

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