Phoenix to slightly raised lips. Seven

she doesn't want to go to the extraterritorial devil to say something impossible. She just needs to control the sky killing sword and take good care of this foreign demon.

The power of thunder attribute is able to restrain the evil spirits from outside the territory.

This point was discovered by Fengzhi as early as when it was still in the rift valley.

Even, this is what she first discovered, and then told the South emperor, and later it was known to all the immortals.

Ordinary thunder attribute power can only deal with ordinary extraterritorial demons, and the stronger the strength of foreign demons, they have to use stronger thunder attribute power to restrain them.

There is no doubt that the foreign devil in front of Feng Zhi is the most powerful one among the foreign demons.

But at the same time, the thunder light on the sky killing sword is also the most powerful thunder attribute power in this fairyland.

At the beginning, the sky killing sword could become a artifact only after passing through the divine robbery. And the power of the divine robbery was absolutely restrained against the evil spirits outside the territory. With the power of the divine robbery, the evil spirits of the foreign demons would be damaged, which is also a normal thing.

From this point of view, the foreign devil is not at all at all.

Of course, it doesn't think so.

"The power of robbery!" There was shock and fear in the eyes of that foreign demon.

No matter what kind of species, they have the most acute intuition for their natural enemies. For this foreign evil spirit, the power of divine robbery is something that it can never touch.

It is also because of the fear of the power of God's plunder that this foreign evil demon has a natural fear of stepping into the realm of God King.

It originally thought that it was extremely difficult to encounter the power of divine plunder when there was hardly any God Dan artifact, let alone a God King. How could he have thought that it was the first time that he came out with the devil emperor, and he even called it the power of divine robbery?

What's more, it's from a sword that has survived the disaster.

What luck is it?

Now, if it has a foreign tooth, it will hurt.

Feng Zhi smiles at the foreign devil, "OK, now it's my turn."

With her voice, the power of thunder on the sky killing sword gathers again, and the thunder light constantly flashes. Each flash will bring a heavy blow to this foreign evil spirit.

You know, for foreign demons, evil Qi is its life. If it doesn't have magic Qi, it's time for it to disappear.

Now so much evil Qi is so lost under the power of thunder robbery. How can it not be distressed?

Even if it's the emperor level of foreign demons, it can't afford such a squandering!

So, in the end, it was the sky killing sword that unilaterally pursued the evil spirit and the foreign evil devil ran away.

If we didn't really see this situation, who could have imagined it?

Realizing that if it went on like this, he was afraid that all the evil Qi he had vomited would be lost. The foreign evil spirit absorbed the evil Qi again. Then, he did not know what he had done. Feng Zhi clearly felt that his outward momentum was constantly rising, and even in a moment, it was far more than the peak before.

What is this?

Feng Zhi stopped to watch.

In fact, this is what the foreign devil said. You can use the secret method to temporarily enhance its integration with Yaoguang fairy.

Until now, Feng didn't think it was worth doing so until now.

With the rising momentum of this foreign evil spirit, Fengzhi felt a threat from it.


Feng to did not act in a hurry.

She knows that as long as she can't kill the devil emperor and this foreign devil, one day, she will go to war with them completely. In this way, it is very necessary to have a real fight with them when they are not at their best and be familiar with their means.

Therefore, Feng is willing to wait.

After a while, the momentum of foreign demons reached the peak.

If Feng Zhi felt a little bit tricky before the evil emperor or the foreign devils, now, just looking at the foreign evil spirits, Fengzhi felt that his eyes were suffering from some kind of power.

Just take a look, you can have such an effect, if you really hand in hand

Would she be an opponent?

This answer will be known only after a real fight.

At this time, the foreign devil was talking with the devil emperor.

"Fool!" The foreign demon said coldly, "if you had let go of the control of your body earlier and let me control my body, we would have already broken the star changing array. How could Fengzhi be able to catch up? I've already taken the heaven machine disk and left! "

It's very reluctant now.Fengzhi even let it be hurt, but also let it feel the threat, this is it can not tolerate!

The devil emperor sneered.

She did not say much to this foreign devil. Although they have chosen to merge for various reasons, it does not mean that they are companions of loving each other and trusting each other. On the contrary, they are always thinking about how to swallow up each other completely and get all the strength of each other.

This point, the devil emperor and this foreign devil are clear.

Under such circumstances, the foreign devil also asked her why she didn't release the control of her body earlier. Isn't it farting?

The foreign devil soon realized that his questions under his anger were farting, so he didn't say anything more. Instead, he poured all his anger on the opposite Phoenix.

By this time, the battle had just begun.

Feng also had some difficulty at this time.

Before that, neither the devil emperor nor the foreign devil could really threaten her, so she has been able to deal with it calmly. But now, every blow of this foreign demon has a strong power, and it can cause some damage to Fengzhi. Maybe every time the damage is not big, but when such damage is accumulated little by little Come on, but it's terrible.

Fengzhi didn't ask for a big one. First, she called out the fire of Nirvana, and then she held the sword of killing heaven. Only when the two methods were used, could it be regarded as better.

However, I don't know what this foreign devil did. Although the nirvana fire and the power of divine robbery still have a deterrent effect on it, the deterrent power has undoubtedly been discounted a lot at this time. It can not bring the immediate effect as before, nor can it bring the external evil devil the same damage as before.

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