Feng Zhi's eyebrows are tightening.

You know, she has the strength of the emperor, and she still holds the sword of killing heaven. Even if two of the southern emperor's people come out, she is afraid that she will not be so hard to deal with.

This lets the heart of Feng Zhi slightly a Lin.

Now the devil emperor and that foreign evil devil have not completely integrated, they can have such strength. If they are really integrated, maybe they can really sprint to the realm of God King.

If there is another heaven machine plate

In the fairyland, there is no doubt that it is the ultimate disaster.

No matter what, Fengzhi can't let the Tianji disk fall into the hands of these two people.

With such a belief, Feng Zhizi is fully committed to the attack of this foreign evil spirit.

Feng's strength is not weaker than that of the old emperors such as the South emperor. In addition, she has the fire of Nirvana and the sword of killing heaven in her hands. It's OK to have one enemy and two enemies against the upper Southern emperor. However, with all her efforts, she can only make a tie with the foreign demons. Even as time goes by, she is gradually losing ground This also can see that this foreign evil spirit is terrible.

Whether it is Fengzhi or this foreign demon, they all know that if they want to win or lose, it will be a protracted war.

Moreover, even if you win or lose, it is impossible to press the other party to death completely.

The purpose of Fengzhi is to take advantage of this opportunity to get familiar with the fighting methods of foreign demons. Although the foreign demons promised the demon emperor to help her clean up Fengzhi, its ultimate goal is still in the heaven's machine disk

Therefore, after determining that he could not take Feng to any extent in a short time, the foreign devil simply gave up fighting with Fengzhi, and began to attack the big array of stars.

It's just that the star changing array is presided over by Long Yan. No matter how the evil devil attacks, it will make the stars shine better on the sky.

This makes the foreign devil more angry.

Of course, its anger doesn't help.

If this trend continues, this foreign evil spirit will eventually fail and return. It will not only be unable to clean up the Phoenix, but also won't get the Tianji disk. It can be said that none of the purposes of this trip can be achieved.

Not only Fengzhi and Longyan, but also the disciples of Tianji sect below thought so.

But at this time, there were sudden changes.

When Feng Zhi wanted to give the most powerful blow to this foreign evil devil, he saw that the foreign evil devil looked at Feng Zhi with bitterness.

"Miss my family, Fengzhi, I want you to die!" It roared.

Then, the evil spirits that had been beaten to pieces and almost had shrunk around the body of this foreign demon suddenly began to oscillate around like chicken blood.

This is

You want to make it bigger?

I'll be on guard.

However, what she thought did not happen. After the black gas changed, it did not attack the Phoenix. Instead, it tightened up and formed a huge black cocoon, which wrapped up the foreign evil spirits, as if they were protecting it.

What is this operation?

Everyone was puzzled.

At the next moment, from all directions of the fairyland, suddenly a black torrent surged towards the huge black cocoon, and quickly merged into the black cocoon. With each additional black torrent, the cocoon's head would become larger and its color would be a little deeper.

And those black torrents, as if there was no end in general, were still flowing from place to place.

Feng Zhi looked at it carefully. It was clear that there was a stream of evil Qi that he did not know where to fight. However, it seemed that the evil Qi was not the same as that surrounding the foreign evil spirits. It was as if these evil spirits were alive and conscious, and they were resisting being absorbed by the foreign evil spirits But they can't resist it.

It is also because of the resistance, every time that the giant cocoon grows, Fengzhi and others can hear the shrill cry.

This is

The Phoenix moved to the heart.

Then, she remembered what she had learned. The foreign demons had developed a secret method. The powerful foreign demons could devour the weaker ones to strengthen themselves.

Therefore, the evil spirit of the outside world is not absorbed by the evil kingdom?

If so

That's a good thing.

After all, in this way, although the strength of this foreign evil spirit has been strengthened, it has solved the foreign demons everywhere in the fairyland. Fengzhi and others don't have to worry about cleaning up these foreign demons or finding them out of the immortal.As for the fact that this foreign devil has absorbed so many foreign demons, will it make a great leap forward in its strength? Of course, it does not exist. No matter what, it can only stay at the level of emperor, which is absolutely not enough to promote it to the realm of God and monarch.

In this case, it won't have much impact.

Therefore, Fengzhi didn't want to destroy the secret method of this foreign evil spirit. On the contrary, he was happy to stand aside and watch, and almost did not clap his hands.

At the same time, many places in the fairyland are changing.

There is no entity for the foreign demons, but the speed of their reproduction is not known to be much faster than that of human beings. In addition, when they were rampant in the fairyland before, the immortals in the fairyland had no defense at all. Therefore, although it is only less than 1000 years since these foreign demons left the rift valley and entered the fairyland, the number of foreign demons is still less than 1000 years But it's already an astronomical number, or it can't be counted at all.

And there are more foreign demons. They have been living as immortals since they took the house of the immortals. They are actually lurking among the immortals.

Such foreign demons undoubtedly bring great security risks to the fairyland and the immortals.

Before the South emperor Jun several people have discussed, how to use the fastest speed to find out these foreign demons lurking in the immortal.

It was unexpected that this time Fengzhi forced this foreign demon of emperor level to this step, but it solved the trouble for Fengzhi and others.

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