By the demon emperor such a roar, this foreign devil finally sober up.

It has no time to argue with the devil emperor whether it is a fool or not. Now it has just got the heaven machine disk. It is far from being proud. The top priority is to leave here!

Holding tightly to the Tianji disk, the foreign evil devil tried to put the Tianji disk into the reserve equipment, and turned around to run.

At this time, Fengzhi and Longyan arrived.

When he noticed that the foreign devil wanted to run away, Feng Zhi and Long Yan were anxious.

If you really let it run away with the heavenly machine disk, you can imagine what is waiting for them, not to mention that there are less than ten emperors in the fairyland now. Even if there are 100 emperors, they are not enough to see in front of the God King.

What's more, where are the 100 emperors from the fairyland?

In any case, it must not be allowed to take away the mystery!

Holding hands together, Fengzhi and Longyan shine a golden light from their bodies. At the same time, some dragons and phoenixes emerge from the light. One dragon and one phoenix, carrying Fengzhi's sword of killing heaven, strikes at the fleeing foreign demons with the force of thunder.

The foreign evil spirit was not discovered, but it didn't care too much.

Although it suffered heavy losses under the divine robbery, it is still much stronger than Fengzhi and Longyan. If it fights with Fengzhi and Longyan now, it may not be able to get any good.


It won't fight with Fengzhi and Longyan at all now. It just needs to take Tianji disk and leave successfully.

Therefore, fighting to resist the risk of the joint attack of xiafengzhi and Longyan, the foreign evil devil did not return to meet the enemy, but fled to the distance with a faster speed.

However, before he ran far away, he let out a roar in his anger.

"Fengzhi, dare you!"

The voice contains endless anger, so that this piece of heaven and earth are also shaking a few times.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan sighed softly.

The foreign devil knows that as long as it successfully leaves with Tianji disk, it will win. How can Fengzhi and Longyan not know?

Therefore, the joint attack of Fengzhi and Longyan was not aimed at this foreign evil spirit, but at the Tianji disk.

Tianjipan is indeed a treasure, which can cover the sky. However, under the joint attack of Fengzhi and Longyan and the attack of tianjijian, tianjipan still can't hold on. First, it gets a blow, and then it is divided into two parts.

So a disc is cut in half.

Half of them were still in the hands of the foreign evil spirits, and they were put into the space equipment in the next moment, while the other half was finally caught in the hands of Feng Zhi, who had driven over.

Until the remaining half of the sky plate into the space, Feng to finally is really relieved.

Although we can't completely grab the Tianji disk, we have achieved our goal by taking back half of it.

In other words, there is only one half of the role of the devil to shield the emperor from the heaven.

But anyway, it doesn't make things worse.

At the same time when Fengzhi put away the mystery of heaven, the foreign evil devil completely disappeared from the sight of Fengzhi and Longyan after making an angry roar.

You can only be beaten if you stay. It's better to leave quickly and see how much effect this half of Tianji disk can play.

This is the idea of the devil emperor and the foreign devil.

As a result, tianjizong restored its former tranquility.

Although the disciples of Tianji sect didn't know what was going on, they were relieved when they looked at Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

Fengzhi and Longyan fell to the ground.

Tianshuzi went out of the crowd and bowed to Fengzhi and Longyan: "Fengzhi emperor, Longyan emperor, thank you for your help. Tianji Zong is very grateful."

If Fengzhi and Longyan didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid that this tianjizong would only become once.

In this way, Tian Zhuzi and others are naturally grateful.

Feng to toward the tianshuzi smile: "don't mention it."

Tianshuzi remembered what he had said to him before tianquanzi's fall. If one day tianjizong met with the disaster of destroying Zong, he was asked to seek the protection of Fengzhi.

Today's situation is in line with tianquanzi's words.

I don't know whether tianquanzi had foreseen the situation of today when he said these words.

After a little sigh, tianshuzi thought of the Tianji plate which was divided into two parts. He frowned and said anxiously: "Phoenix to emperor, now half of Tianji plate has been robbed, this matter..."

He is really afraid.If the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil really enter the realm of God King because of this half of the heaven machine disk, then the Tianji sect will undoubtedly be firmly nailed on the pillar of humiliation of aiding tyranny. Even if all the people of Tianji sect apologize with death, there is no way to make up for the disaster that will happen later.

To this, Feng Zhi also did not have an accurate answer.

Of course, a half heaven machine disk will not be more effective than a complete one, but whether this half heaven machine disk will play some role is not certain for Fengzhi.

However, it can't be worse than the Tianji disk that was taken away by the foreign devil.

Therefore, Fengzhi took a little consolation: "only half of it has been taken away, even if it still works, it will be greatly reduced. It is absolutely impossible that the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil want to be the God King intact. Even, there is a great possibility that they can not become the God King. It is useless to think more about it. Let's think about how to do it as soon as possible I will inform the other emperors of this matter and think about the countermeasures... "

Tianshuzi nodded.

Now that's the only way.

He prayed in his heart, hoping that the half of the heaven's machine disk had no effect.

As for the other half, he did not ask.

In any case, it's much safer for Fengzhi to have the Tianji plate in their hands than to put them in their hands. It would be better if Fengzhi and Longyan could get some benefits from this Tianji dish.

After that, it was the placement of the people of Tianji sect.

After consulting tianshuzi and others, Fengzhi decided to take them all to yinxianfeng of wuxingzong.

At the same time, Fengzhi also recalled all the five elements.

After everyone came back, Feng Zhi made great efforts to collect resources and arranged a star changing array according to the way before Tianji Zong.

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