Before that, the reason why Feng Zhiqi took all the people of the five element sect with him was not only to be safe, but also to train them as much as possible, so that they could have more self-protection when the future catastrophe came.

But now, the situation is completely different.

However, there are only five evil spirits in the outer realm, and those who have evil deeds in the outer realm will be the same as those in the outer realm.

That is to say, now, the enemies of the whole fairyland are only the devil emperor and the extraterritorial evil spirits of the emperor level.

Moreover, the two men also robbed half of the heaven's chance plate. It can't be said that their strength will be further improved. Even if they can't be fully promoted to the realm of God King, they will definitely be stronger than they are now.

Up to now, only the emperors such as Feng to Longyan can be the opponents of these two people. Even if ordinary immortals go there, it is futile.

The future direction of the fairyland also falls completely on the result of these highest level combat effectiveness.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi and Longyan must rearrange the people of the five element sect.

The five element sect, which is also equipped with a star changing array, is undoubtedly a good place to go.

As long as there is no emperor to come, and even if there is only one emperor, then there is a phoenix to preside over the big array, and all the people in Yinxian peak will not be in any danger.


After going through the last thing, tianshuzi has a faint sign of breaking through recently.

When he breaks through, he will be in charge of the star changing array, which will make yinxianfeng safer.

The emperor of the five immortals not only wanted to send the message to the emperor of heaven and Phoenix, but also wanted to send the message to them.

If these people are arranged well, Fengzhi and Longyan will have no worries.

Now, it's just waiting for the demon emperor and the foreign devil to show up again.

At the same time, Fengzhi also sent a message to the six southern emperors and the new emperor of danlingzong, and agreed to come to yinxianfeng to discuss the next arrangements.

Taking advantage of several other emperors have not yet arrived, Phoenix to pull the Dragon into the space.

She wanted to study the half day machine she had stolen.


After entering the space, Feng Zhi and Long Yan are both ignorant.

After grabbing that half day machine plate, Feng Zhi was the first time to send it to the space, which she was absolutely sure of.

But now, who can tell her, clearly was sent into the space of the half heaven machine disk, and where?

The reason why the half heaven machine disk is sent into the space, Fengzhi is also considered.

Compared with other storage equipment, the space is completely controlled by Fengzhi. In this space, Fengzhi is the rule. If Fengzhi is not willing to enter the space, it is absolutely impossible for that half of Tianji disk to come out. Even if the devil emperor and the foreign devil can not take away this half of Tianji disk.

But this kind of weird thing really happened.

She put half of the heaven's machine disk in the space, but now it is nowhere to be found.

In that half day, the machine board will not grow legs and run by itself. Where is that?

Feng to all corners of the space to find again, the eyes finally fell on the body of three little guys.

After Feng Zhi placed the three little guys in the space, they didn't look much different from before. The two eggs with one gold and one red were still standing there, and the girl wrapped in the transparent film was still smiling and sleeping soundly.

Everything seems to be normal, but there is no difference from before.


Feng Zhi's suspicious eyes swept back and forth on the three little guys.

She always felt that the disappearance of Tianji disk must have something to do with these three little guys.

Taking out a small piece of bamboo, Feng Zhi gently knocked on the Eggshells of the two eggs, resulting in two "Dudu" sounds. Originally, she was going to knock on the girl's body, but she still couldn't bear it. So she stroked her head with her hand.

Long Yan's sharp eyes found that after being stroked over her head by Feng Zhi, although the little girl still closed her eyes, her lips obviously drew out a larger arc.

This is

Did they respond?

Long Yan was excited.

When they were still in Fengzhi's stomach, the three little guys could often communicate with Fengzhi and Longyan. On the contrary, after they came out of Fengzhi's belly, they did not respond to Fengzhi and Longyan's words. This also made Fengzhi and Longyan lost for a period of time.

And now, the little girl has responded to Feng Zhi's touch.

Long Yan pulled the sleeves of Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi thought that Long Yan was in love with three little guys and wanted to intercede for them, so he said, "Long Yan, I'll tell you, these children are not good at fighting, they are not obedient. We can't get used to it. We have to teach them a good lesson. Don't be soft hearted..."Long Yan shook his head, his eyes swept over the two eggs and said, "Feng Zhi, don't worry. You can fight these two stinky boys, and I will never stop them."

At the same time, Long Yan's eyes are fixed on two eggs, one gold and one red.

I don't know if it's his illusion. The two eggs seem to be stiffer than before.

Feng to smell speech also some cry and laugh.

Although these two are still eggs, I don't know whether they are sons or daughters, but whether it's Fengzhi or Longyan, their intuition tells them that they are sons.

For a son, it is necessary to fight more, while a girl should be pampered in the palm of her hand.

Well, no problem.

Looking at Fengzhi, Long Yan pointed to two eggs with one gold and one red color and said, "Fengzhi, I think it's right to ask these two little guys where the half heaven machine plate has gone."

As for why not count the little girl in it, isn't the little girl used to hurt?

Feng Zhi looks at two eggs.

Two eggs don't know whether it's really no problem, or they understand Long Yan's words, but pretend that nothing happened. In short, they look similar to before.

Feng blinked her eyes.

After a while, she went to the medicine garden in the space and picked a fairy grass with a hairy tail. First she went around the two eggs, and then she said slowly: "two stinky boys, you probably haven't seen your mother's means. I put my words in front of her. Now it's still time to confess. If you do something wrong, you refuse to accept it Don't blame your mother for being cruel and cruel

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