This time, the shaking range of the two eggs was bigger. Feng Zhi and Long Yan could see clearly.

In this way, Fengzhi and Longyan affirm that the disappearance of that half of Tianji disk must have something to do with these two little guys!

Feng to another cold hum: "little guy, have you ever heard the words" lenient for confessions and strict for resistances "? If you are honest and honest, it's nothing. It's just half a heaven's machine plate. It's no big deal. My parents will not blame you. If you must try to hide it, then your parents will really be rude to you! "

When he said this, Feng was still laughing in his heart.

Her words can only bluff these two little guys who have never seen the world. If children on earth hear this, they have to say such words as "Leniency for confessions, clothing for prison bottom, strictness for resistance, and going home for the Spring Festival.".

However, although in the heart secretly laughs, but on the surface Phoenix to or again serious.

But Feng Zhi's words did not achieve satisfactory results.

In addition to the shaking before that, two eggs can not be frank at all.


They know the essence of leniency in confession and strictness in resistance without any teacher?

Fengzhi didn't believe it.

"Well, since you have to admit it, don't blame me for using unconventional means to you..." She said.

Unconventional means?

The two eggs trembled slightly again, as if in fear, and Long Yan also looked at Feng Zhi, obviously waiting to see how Feng Zhi would deal with the two disobedient eggs.

Then, to see the Phoenix will be in the hands of that plant like Dogtail grass in the hand.

The fairy grass that can be planted in the space by Fengzhi must have its special effect, and it can be said to be extremely precious.

The same is true of this fairy grass.

However, the reason why Fengzhi came out with such a fairy grass at this time is not because it has any special function, but because it has a big tail.

Holding the plant and waving it gently, Feng zhileng snorted, "well, if you don't want to eat or drink, it depends on how I deal with you..."

As she spoke, she held the fluffy tail of the fairy grass and approached the golden egg like this.

Then, with that fluffy tail, gently scratched the eggshell, and then scratched

The golden egg was stiff at first, and then like a louse on his body, he kept shaking. That is to say, he can't speak now. If he can speak, no one can think that by this time, he must have been out of breath with laughter.

Seeing the golden egg, the red egg next to it is still motionless. It doesn't look any different from before. But Fengzhi and Longyan can feel the despair of this egg which seems to be split by thunder.

Feng to scratch the golden egg for a while, this just temporarily let him go, in the red egg is about to slip away, a hold on him, will be done in the golden egg before the thing repeated.

Two eggs: ha ha ha ha ha ha

They are also very desperate!

Who would have thought that their mother could have come up with such a device?

After a long time, Fengzhi finally stopped scratching on this egg and scratching on that egg.

When the two eggs finally stopped shaking, she pointed at the two eggs with the hairy tail of the fairy grass in her hand. "Now you should know that being a mother is not joking with you?"

Two eggs jumped on the ground.

Feng Zhi thought for a moment, "OK, you can't speak now. Let's make an appointment to ask you what you said. If the answer is" yes ", you can jump once. If the answer is" no ", you can jump twice. Do you understand

Two eggs jumped again.

"Now let's talk about it. Did you hide the half Tianji disk I threw in before?" Feng Zhi asked.

The two eggs jumped twice in a neat line.

"No?" Feng to squint eyes, "so far, you still want to resist in the end, this is to think I take you no way?"

With these words, the fairy grass in his hand was injured again, and he had to pass it to two eggs.

The two eggs jumped twice in a hurry.

Fengzhi said: "it's good to know that I have a way to take you. What you deny means that the heaven machine plate is not hidden by you, but eaten by you?"

Two eggs jumped.

They can't even guess what the idea is.

The dragon and the Phoenix couldn't help stroking their forehead.

These three little guys, when they were still in Fengzhi's stomach, were particularly greedy, and they also ate some high-level energy.I didn't expect that they didn't change their virtue at all.


Tianji plate, it's not that there is no physical energy, but a real plate. Fengzhi had a good hand at that time. How could it be "eaten" by the three little ones after entering the space?

In this way, these three little teeth are really good.

Bah, bah, bah, now is not the time to care about the teeth of the three little ones. The important thing is the heaven machine disk!

Feng Zhi spat at himself in the heart.

Originally, the reason why she threw the Tianji disk into the space was that she thought that the space was the safest place she could think of. If she put the Tianji disk here, it would not fall into the hands of the devil emperor and the foreign devil.

I thought that since the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil had already escaped, she and Long Yan could have a good look at the half of the Tianji plate. How could they have thought that after only a little more time, the half of the heavenly mechanism plate would be "eaten" by the little guys.

This is really

Feng can't say it.

However, the food has been eaten, Feng to always can't let the little guys spit out again, this matter also can't end in this way.

The only pity is that we can't study the secrets in Tianji disk.

However, it's good to think about it. The half of the heaven machine plate was eaten by three little guys. In the future, the devil emperor and the foreign devil can't find a way to take it back.

In this respect, it's not bad.

Well, in fact, Fengzhi is making excuses for her three little guys.

After reaching out and patting on the two eggs, Feng Zhi said, "you three little guys, even the Tianji plate has been" eaten ". How can you really break the shell

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