However, even if Fengzhi and others have tried to find them, the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil seem to have disappeared from the fairyland since the last time they seized half of Tianji disk. No matter how Fengzhi and others look for them, they have never been found.

Over time, Fengzhi and others just routinely find their traces, but in fact they are not holding any hope.

In this way, in a flash, it has been a thousand years.

In the fairyland, people are greatly influenced by this kind of speed.

The time of a thousand years is not long for the immortal, but it is definitely not short.

If you Feng Zhi and other emperors did not use the emperor's order to show their sense of existence from time to time, and remind the fairyland immortals to be on guard against the return of the devil and the emperor, many immortals would have thought that there would be no danger at all.

For thousands of years, Fengzhi and Longyan have been closed to each other from time to time. After going out of the customs, either they are tired of getting together, which makes people feel that their teeth are sour after seeing how they get along with each other, or they lead Fenglai and others to run around, which makes people feel that they have no sense of danger.


Nandijun and others are clear that Fengzhi and Longyan have never lost their vigilance to the devil emperor.

All, just wait for the devil emperor and the foreign devil next time appear again, see you.

And when Feng Zhi and others wait quietly, where is the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil?

Somewhere in fairyland.

The devil emperor was holding half a heavenly machine plate in his hand, and his expression was extremely annoyed.

Tianji disk, which is the most important thing that they can become the God King intact. How could you think that Fengzhi and Longyan would put in a hand to frustrate their plans and finally fight for half their lives, but they only got this half of Tianji plate?

If you can, the devil emperor really wants to tear the Phoenix.

When the devil emperor was staring at the heaven machine plate in his hand, the foreign evil spirit did not stop. This is not only reflected in the rising of the evil Qi around the devil emperor's body, but also in the continuous talking in the devil emperor's brain.

"If you have not been willing to let this gentleman completely control the body, refused to completely merge with this gentleman, how could we have come to this step?" The foreign demons roared angrily: "well now, except me, there will be no foreign demons in the whole fairyland except me. If I can't break through to the realm of Shenjun, sooner or later, I will die under Fengzhi's hand. It's all because of your selfishness!"

The devil emperor snorted coldly and did not pay attention to the foreign evil spirits.

If she had taken this fool's words seriously, she would have been very angry. How could she live to this day?

As for

Why doesn't she let go of the control of her body completely?

She is not a fool. How can she use her own life to fulfill this foreign evil spirit when she knows that she will not have a good result?

She's not the virgin!

Will walk to today, that is also completely forced by Phoenix.

Think of the Phoenix, the devil emperor and hate teeth itching.

"Shut up, fool!" In a bad mood, the devil emperor could not tolerate the noise of this foreign evil devil.

The foreign evil spirit really stopped for a while.

Of course, this is not because it is really afraid of the devil emperor, but because it knows that now it still needs the devil emperor to crack the secrets of the Tianji disk. If the devil emperor stops working, with his brain, even if he is given a hundred thousand years, he will not be able to pry into the mystery of the heavenly mechanism disk.

It's under the eaves

Still have to bow down!

After being quiet for a long time, the foreign devil couldn't help it. He asked again, "you've been looking at this broken plate for so long. Can you see what's coming?"

Hearing this question from foreign demons, the devil emperor had a little impulse to kill it.

It's all because this fool has already got the Tianji plate in his hand, but he can still get half of it back by Feng Zhi. Is it because she was blind that she chose to cooperate with it?

But no matter what, the road is chosen by ourselves and the partners are also chosen by ourselves. Even if we are kneeling, the road will be finished!

After several times of psychological construction, when the devil emperor opened his mouth again, he didn't spray at the foreign demons What kind of broken plate? This is Tianji disk. If you were not stupid and only took half of it back, we could enter the realm of God and monarch with the help of Tianji disk at any time. Do you understand? "

So the foreign demons stopped talking.

I think it is also the first one to stand out from the demons, but in front of the devil emperor, it really has no strength to fight against the devil emperor.

After all, now everything can fall on the devil emperor.

And the devil emperor, after saying these words, is really a bit upset.She has been the supreme elder of Tianji sect for many years. To say that the person who knows the most about tianjipan, she claims to be the second, so no one in this fairyland dares to be the first.

The devil emperor has studied the Tianji disk for many times, but he has not been able to peep out the secrets in the Tianji disk. At most, he has found that the Tianji disk has the function of shielding the heavenly mechanism.

At that time, the devil emperor was still a Yao Guang fairy. Although she did something in private that could not be known, she did not need to use Tianji disk.

If you had known that you could use it later, when you left tianjizong, Yaoguang fairy would not hesitate to take Tianji disk with you.


It's hard to buy a thousand gold. I've known that there's no regret medicine in this fairyland, isn't it?

The devil emperor knew that even if she regretted it, it would be useless. Instead of worrying about it, it would be better to study Tianji disk carefully and see if she could see something magical by using this half of Tianji disk.

Thinking of this, the devil took a deep breath.

It was the foreign evil devil who kept on clamoring. Seeing the appearance of the demon emperor, she knew that she wanted to study the Tianji disk well, and immediately shut up and did not dare to say anything more.

This research has been going on for thousands of years. What can make emperors spend thousands of years to study can not be ordinary things.

This can be seen from the Tianji disk.

It is true that there is a very supernatural power on the top of Tianji disk, which was not found by the Yaoguang fairy before. Maybe it is because the Tianji plate is divided into two parts that the supernatural power is exposed.

When he discovered this, the devil emperor and the foreign devil were ecstatic.

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