They all have a kind of intuition. If they can absorb the power in the heavenly mechanism disk, it will be of great benefit to them.

And they did.


The ideal is plump, but the reality is quite bony.

The power in the heaven machine disk is really amazing, but no matter how amazing, they can't absorb it at all. Isn't it useless?

The evil emperor could feel that the reason why this happened was not because of anything else, but because there was only half of the Tianji disk left. If they got the complete Tianji disk, they would not be embarrassed.

And the reason why they can only get half of the heaven's machine plate, in the final analysis, is because Fengzhi.

Fengzhi, Fengzhi!

I can't get around this person.

The devil emperor hates it!

However, even if how much hate, she now has no way, can only try to think of a way.

Come up with a way to go further because of heaven's chance. After that, the fairyland will be theirs. If they can't go further, then

They will be someone else's.

Of course, the devil emperor knows this clearly.

Therefore, after calming down, the devil emperor began to think of a way.

When she was the supreme elder of Tianji sect, she studied Tianji disk by her identity, but she didn't find out why.

But now, when only half of the heavenly mechanism plate is left, the mystery in the devil emperor's eyes is even clearer than before.

From this point of view, the heaven machine disk is divided into two, but there is a little bit of advantage.

Of course, if you can, the devil emperor is more willing to get a complete heaven machine disk.

Well, that's just hope.

After studying for a period of time, the devil emperor gradually had some experience.

In the end, tianjipan is still the most precious treasure of Tianji sect. Although the power contained in it is supernatural, there are still some characteristics of Tianji sect. In this way, the identity of the devil emperor, who was the supreme elder of Tianji sect, naturally came into use.

Although the present demon emperor has no ability of divination, she does not need divination now. She can not understand the power system of Tianji sect, which is enough.

Under such circumstances, as time went by year by year, although little progress had been made, the devil emperor also developed some methods, and even could use a small part of the forces in the heavenly mechanism disk.

Although it's only a small part of it, it's progress after all. For the devil emperor and the foreign devil, it's very exciting for them.

If a small part can be called, then if it develops in this way, a large part can always be called, and even the power in Tianji disk can be fully called.

At that time

Maybe it's time for them to take advantage of the Tianji disk.

At the thought of this place, the devil emperor and the foreign devil were excited and couldn't be suppressed.

As for whether it will take a long time for the devil emperor to find out whether it will take them a long time to make full use of the heavenly mechanism disk. They have no other things now, but they have a lot of time.

If they can't dominate in fairyland, what's the point of them having more time?

So, research, no matter how much time is not afraid!

This is the idea of the devil emperor and the foreign devil.

As time went by, the devil emperor knew more and more about Tianji disk. By the end of a thousand years, with his understanding of tianjizong's skills, the devil emperor could fully mobilize the power of this half of Tianji disk.


The devil emperor is also ambitious.

It's just the power in the half heaven machine disk. Of course, it can't be compared with the complete heaven machine disk. The complete heaven machine plate can let her and foreign demons enter the realm of God King perfectly, without worrying about the divine robbery, but half of them

Who knows if this half of heaven machine disk can only help them block the next half?

It was a divine robbery. Even though the power of the devil emperor and the foreign demons had already stepped on the threshold of the divine king at that time, they still did not dare to face the divine robbery, even if it was only half of its power.

Because of this, when the devil emperor found that he could safely mobilize the power of half of the heavenly mechanism disk, she did not rush to absorb the power, but thought, can she use her own strength to simulate the power of the other half of the heavenly mechanism disk and complete it?

The most important reason why the power in tianjizong is extraordinary is that it is complementary to the skills of tianjizong, and the mystery of tianjizong can be seen everywhere.

It can be said that the magic emperor knows the skills of tianjizong incomparably. With this point, she is far beyond the ordinary emperor's strength. Can she succeed?

Such an idea quickly took root in the devil emperor's heart and could never be erased.If you can really make up for the supernatural power in the Tianji pan and let it exert the greatest effect, then she can stand at the top of the fairyland smoothly, not to mention Fengzhi. If all the emperors add together, they can only give her vegetables.

By then

The devil emperor has already made up his mind to stand at the highest place in the fairyland. All people including Feng to Longyan can only crawl under her feet.

Even, she began to think, if Fengzhi cried to her and begged for mercy, whether she would spare Feng Zhi's life temporarily and let Feng Zhi stay by her side as a joke.

Think about it, if you can see Feng Zhi kneeling in front of you like a servant every day, you will feel much better?

The devil emperor thinks so, can't help but laugh.

Therefore, the devil emperor suppressed the suggestion that foreign demons want to make use of the power in Tianji disk now. Instead, he devoted himself to continue to study Tianji disk and strive to complement the power and law in Tianji disk.

Although the foreign demons feel that even if they only have half of the Tianji disk, their power is so magical. If they can absorb it now, it will certainly be of great benefit to them. But by comparison, of course, the complete Tianji disk is more attractive. Since the devil emperor said that he was so confident, he would let the devil emperor do it.

In order to make up for the power of the other half of the heaven, the devil emperor really spent all his efforts.

Since Tianji disk can have such a miraculous effect, it can be seen that its power is absolutely extraordinary. It is something that can shield the heavenly mechanism and let the emperor successfully avoid the divine robbery. If it can be simply studied thoroughly, it would be really strange.

If the devil emperor was not very familiar with the skills of tianjizong, and the tianjipan was the same as tianjizong, no matter how powerful she was, she would never have developed anything.

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