While the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil were studying the heavenly mechanism disk and making continuous progress, Fengzhi and others were also waiting for the devil emperor to have some movement while practicing.

According to Feng Zhi's understanding of the devil emperor, if she has any progress there, or if she really has enough strength to make her invincible through Tianji disk, then she will definitely come out at the first time, and she won't wait for even one day.

In addition, it must be in front of the Phoenix to get her.

As for before, it can be imagined that the devil emperor will hide himself well.

An emperor wants to hide himself. There are very few people in the fairyland who can find it out.


All they need to do is wait for the emperor and Phoenix to go.

Although, such a wait may be a bit difficult.

Of course, for the emperor, a closed door is hundreds of years, so it is not difficult.

As for Fengzhi and Longyan, they are accompanied by each other. Even if they are closed, they will not feel lonely, and it will not be difficult.

Under such circumstances, it is a millennium in the blink of an eye.

In 2000 years, the fairyland has undoubtedly changed a lot than before.

The biggest change is that the strength of the immortal people in the fairyland has generally increased by at least two small realms, and even a considerable number of fairies have improved by more than one big realm.

With the efforts of all the immortals, the spirit of the fairyland has been greatly enhanced, and the strength of Fengzhi and other emperors has also been greatly improved. What is most gratifying is that in addition to the Nine Emperors such as Fengzhi, Fengju elder of the dragon clan and tianshuzi, the patriarch of the Danling sect, have broken through and become emperors in the past two thousand years.

In this way, there are eleven emperors in the fairyland.

Two more emperors will greatly enhance the power of Fengzhi. As long as the devil emperor and the foreign devil can not really enter the realm of God King, it can be imagined that Fengzhi will definitely be invincible.

In this way, Fengzhi and other emperors, as well as the people around them, even the immortals in the whole fairyland, were worried about the coming war, but also full of expectations.

There is a good chance that the fairyland will win this battle.

And as long as we can defeat the evil emperor and the foreign devil, then the crisis of foreign demons brought by the evil emperor can be really over.

At that time, the fairyland will be able to return to the previous calm, and the immortals will no longer have to worry about whether they will be taken away by foreign demons who disguise themselves as immortals.

As long as this thought, the immortals felt that the whole person began to relax.

It can be said that the fairyland immortals in this matter, compared with Fengzhi and others, that is not bad at all.

Because of this, the immortals, who are not shut up all the time like Fengzhi and others, will automatically incarnate into the eyes of Fengzhi and others, staring at all corners of the fairyland. They are only prepared to report to the emperor and the adults as soon as they find anything wrong.

This is almost the same thing that the immortal people of the fairyland united to do.

Because of this, the fairyland has an unprecedented cohesion these years.

And this, naturally also reflected to the body of Feng Zhi and others.

As a direct result, Fengzhi and others felt that their cultivation efficiency had been improved by nearly 10%.

Although it's only about 10%, we should know that Fengzhi and others are emperors. Under normal circumstances, they need long-term cultivation to improve their strength. This percentage is not very impressive, but over time, it can save Fengzhi and others a lot of time.

And time

This is what Fengzhi and others lack now.

In the same time, as much as possible to enhance more strength, this is what Fengzhi and others are looking for.

Feng Zhi opened her eyes from another closed door. First, she looked at Long Yan, who opened her eyes at the same time. Then she got close to Long Yan and gave him a kiss on his face. Then she said, "it turns out that's the fate of the fairyland..."

Long Yan also nodded gently.

What is Qi Yun? If you want to ask this question, I'm afraid that few people in the fairyland can really answer it.

Because Qi Yun is invisible and intangible, but it does exist. Even if people all know that the emperor is related to the Qi Yun in the fairyland and that Qi Yun is reflected in everyone in the fairyland, it is really embarrassing to say what Qi Yun is.

But Fengzhi and Longyan, in recent times in the closure, it is to have so much understanding of Qi Yun.

Qi Yun can be said to be the potential of an ethnic group. When the overall prosperity of the ethnic group is strong, it will naturally reflect and feed back to the whole ethnic group. If the whole ethnic group is depressed, then every individual in the ethnic group will be negatively affected and some bad things will happen.In fact, the fortune of the fairyland has been on a downward trend a few years ago. It is because of this that the evil emperor has attracted the evil spirits from other countries, and the fortune of the fairyland has been destroyed because of the invasion of the foreign evil spirits.

If there were no such variables as Fengzhi and Longyan, it can be imagined that there would be no small loss in the fairyland. Even if the fairyland won in the end, it would only be a tragic victory.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi and Longyan appeared, and became emperors at an unprecedented speed in the fairyland. Their promotion enhanced the fortune of the fairyland. In addition, a series of events happened to Fengzhi and Longyan later, which played a positive role in the fate of the fairyland. Even the diligence of the fairyland immortals can be said to have received the Phoenix The influence of Yanzhi.

When the positive impact of these events on the celestial realm reached a certain degree, it naturally fed back to the emperors such as Fengzhi, so that Fengzhi and others got considerable benefits in this matter.

In a word, every individual in the fairyland, no matter the emperor or the ordinary immortal, is closely related to the Qi luck of the fairyland, and will influence each other.

Today's fairyland, whether it is the emperor or the ordinary immortal, is not developing in a better direction?

Of course, the premise of all this is that Fengzhi and others must first wipe out the evil emperor and the foreign demons at the emperor level.

"I don't know..." Feng Zhi murmured in a low voice, "what's the matter with the devil emperor and that foreign devil..."

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