Such a whisper, when seven ran will not be out of concern.

Feng to now just want to quickly pull out the devil emperor and that foreign devil, and then blow up their dog's head.

As long as they are solved, she and Long Yan can move forward slowly for the rest of their lives.

For Fengzhi, the devil emperor and that foreign devil are the culprits who destroy her and Longyan's world. They should be punished!

Well, of course, now she and Long Yan still have three little guys. It seems that they are not two people's world?

These details are not in the consideration of Fengzhi.

In short, Feng wants to find out the two men as quickly as possible, and then fight with them with their sleeves. It's better to fight until their parents don't know them.

Long Yan lowered his head and gently kisses Feng Zhi's forehead and patted Feng Zhi's shoulder: "don't worry, we'll find them out."

Feng Zhi nods.

She thinks the same way.

Then, Fengzhi didn't tangle too much on this issue. Anyway, the time came, and the devil emperor would jump out at the first time.

She pulled Long Yan into the space together.

In the past thousand years, the three little guys placed by Fengzhi in the space seem to be much more active than before. For example, two eggs will jump up and down in the same place from time to time. Even Fengzhi and Longyan have found that their eggshells are beginning to show faint cracks. It is obvious that they will be born soon.

And the little girl wrapped in the transparent film, the film around her body has become thinner and thinner, and the transparent liquid filled with it has become less and less. Her face always has a sweet smile, which makes people wonder whether she will open her eyes with such a smile in the next moment.

As long as Feng Zhi and Long Yan wake up from the closed door for thousands of years, they will come to the space to see the three little guys.

As long as you see them, even if you have more fatigue, you can all dissipate in an instant. You will even be affected by them and smile on your face.

At first, the Phoenix kisses the girl's forehead, and then pats the Eggshells of two eggs. "Little guys, you've been sleeping for so long. How long do you have to wait for your parents?"

Long Yan's eyes focused on Feng Zhi.

Feng didn't find out how soft her eyes were when she was talking to three little guys.

Fengzhi, the three little guys, is all he has for Long Yan.

And hear the words of Feng Zhi, the three little guys immediately have a response.

A gold and a red two eggs jump a few times, and then float in the air, one left and one right next to Feng Zhi's cheek gently rubbed a few times, with a full of coquetry.

But the little girl did not move, but the smile is more sweet, and even "cluck" to laugh.

They seem to be comforting Feng Zhi and saying, "it won't take long.".

Feng to the heart will also become a soft.

She and Long Yan are looking forward to the arrival of the three little guys.

Because of the coming of the three little guys, Fengzhi and longyanna are more willing to wipe out the evil emperor and the foreign demons. They want their three little ones to be born in a peaceful and peaceful fairyland. They don't want to face the danger of the devil emperor and the foreign demons after they are born.


Maybe it's a common problem of parenting.

Even if you know that your child will leave you when you grow up, you always want to put your child under your wings.

As strong as Fengzhi and Longyan, there is no way to avoid vulgarity.


Why do they want to avoid vulgarity?

Do parents, protect their children, this is not a matter of course, and why convergence?

With such a mood, Feng Zhi and Long Yan left the space.

They also thought that they hoped to find out the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil as soon as possible, so as to eliminate the biggest source of crisis in the fairyland, but they did not expect that soon after they came out of the space, they actually got more accurate information.

The source of the news is an ordinary immortal.

Because of the crisis of foreign demons and evil emperors, over the past two thousand years, he has been an ordinary immortal with low strength in the fairyland. He has also been paying close attention to the movements of the fairyland. At the same time, he has spontaneously become the eyes of the emperors. He will stare at all corners of the fairyland for the emperors. If there is any different news, he should report to the emperor immediately 。

In this regard, Fengzhi and others are certainly happy to see its success.

Even if they know that the possibility of the immortals to catch the news of the devil emperor and the emperor in advance is very low, but we can't eliminate the enthusiasm of the immortals?

In this case, the immortals are willing, so let them go.

Of course, at the same time, Feng Zhi and others are still paying attention to the activities and activities of the fairyland.And just after Feng Zhi and Long Yan finish seeing the three little guys and come out of the space, a message reaches yinxianfeng.

There is only one immortal's strength.

Because the cultivation is the ice attribute skill, the immortal has been active on the ice field in the north of the fairyland.

Although for many immortals, they can ignore the cold on the ice field, but the human instinct makes those immortals who do not practice this attribute skill to stay away from the ice field. Therefore, the ice field has always been inaccessible.

At least, this immortal hasn't seen many other immortals in the ice field these years. At most, some immortals are looking for some special resources here, but they will leave here at the fastest speed after finding them.

Because of this, the immortal discovered the strange place above the ice sheet.

First of all, we found traces of other people's long-term activities on the ice sheet. That's OK. But the immortal also found that in addition to these traces of human activities, the climate on this ice sheet is also changing little by little.

Originally, the ice on the ice field is frozen all the year round. Because the ice can't melt for ten thousand years, the ice here can be called ten thousand years of ice. For many immortal who practice the water attribute ice attribute, only these ice can play a positive role in their cultivation.

The reason why this immortal can find the unusual place is because these ten thousand years of ice.

The ten thousand year ice is not only cold, but also extremely hard. It can be said that without the strength of Daluo Jinxian, it is extremely difficult to leave a mark on the ice.

The immortal's strength is not high. Even if he practices ice attribute skills, he stays in the ice field all year round, but he only stays at the periphery of the ice field.

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