This time, the immortal's strength has made a breakthrough, and it is a breakthrough to the next big state, which gives him the strength to go deeper into the ice field.

That is, when he went deeper into the ice sheet, he found that the ice in the depth of the ice sheet should have been more cold and hard than the outer one, but he found traces of melting on the ice.

These hard ice not only melted, but also recondensed into ice, so I don't know how many times.

Otherwise, it will not leave such obvious traces, so that the strength of this immortal is not high to find.

This makes the immortal scratch his head.

There are few people in the depths of the ice sheet. Even if someone comes occasionally, they can't make the ice melt so many times. So, what does the anomaly here represent?

Because of such doubt, the immortal was on guard.

Although he stayed in the ice field all the year round, he did not know much about the outside world, but he also knew what the fairyland was facing. At the beginning, several emperors used the emperor's order to project, but he told every immortal about the present fairyland.

Of course, the immortal also saw the projection of the emperor's order.

He knew that now the emperor and the people were looking for the whereabouts of the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil, and the fairyland immortals were also searching around the fairyland, hoping to share the worries of the emperor and the adults.


Is it possible that what he found in the ice sheet has something to do with the devil emperor and the foreign devil?

The so-called bold speculation, careful verification.

Once he had such a guess in his mind, the immortal changed his appearance of being cold because of practicing ice attribute. Instead, he began to find out the abnormal places.

Because he guessed that there might be something to do with the devil emperor and the immortal did not dare to be careless. After all, with his strength, he was afraid that it was not enough for the two of them to slap each other. He carefully stayed here for nearly a thousand years. With an unusual persistence and concentration, he regarded himself as a stone without vitality, and his persistence was also After waiting for nearly a thousand years, he was able to confirm that the changes in the depth of the ice sheet really had something to do with the devil emperor and the foreign devil.

Even, it can be said that the devil emperor and the foreign devil are hiding here.

With such a conclusion, the immortal did not dare to breathe. Again, with his extraordinary persistence, it took him nearly a hundred years to leave the area where the devil emperor and the foreign devil were active. Then he immediately reported the anomalies in the deep ice field to the elders of his clan, who did not dare for a moment after receiving the news Delayed, and then the message layer by layer, and finally to the hands of Fengzhi and Longyan.

After reading the message, Feng couldn't help but pinch a sweat for the immortal.

"However, the emperor's strength even dare to stay under the eyes of the devil emperor and monarch for nearly a thousand years. They don't know whether to say he is bold or lucky. They haven't been found out by them." Feng Zhi Dao.

And the reason why the immortal can be so big is, in fact, inevitable.

The devil emperor and the foreign evil devil left with the fastest speed after they got the half heaven machine disk, and then they came to the deep ice field.

The most important thing for the two of them at that time was to quickly study out the mystery on the heaven's mechanism disk, and then benefit from it and launch an attack on a higher level.

And want to achieve this, of course, the first thing they should bear is to avoid the ears and eyes of Fengzhi and others.

If Fengzhi and others find their whereabouts, we don't need to know that Fengzhi and others will certainly chase and intercept them. In this way, where can they have time to study the Tianji disk, let alone benefit from it.

If Fengzhi and others want to find their whereabouts, they will not travel around the fairyland by chance. The biggest possibility is to search around with divine consciousness where there is any fluctuation belonging to the emperor.

It is also because they are familiar with the means of Fengzhi and others, so when they come to the depths of the ice field, they spontaneously reduce their strength to a very low level. In this way, even if any emperor's divine sense has been swept away, it will only be regarded as an immortal with low level of strength here, which will not attract their attention.

Who could have thought that there could be such a weak immortal in the deep of the ice field. He not only found the wrong things carefully, but also was willing to spend thousands of years to find out what was wrong?

If the devil emperor and the foreign devil knew that they had reduced their strength to a very low level in order to avoid the search of Fengzhi and others. While successfully avoiding the search of Fengzhi and others, they also limited their own perception. Even a little fairy of Dixian period had not found them in the dark, and they did not know whether they would be depressed enough to want to hit the wall.

In any case, the fact is that the immortal found the traces of the devil emperor and the foreign demons, and successfully escaped. Before the evil emperor and the foreign demons had discovered something wrong, he passed the news to Fengzhi and Longyan.Feng couldn't help laughing.

"All right She stood up. "Now that they have found their trail and they haven't had time to take that last step, now is the best time for us to act."

Long Yan also stood up.

"Let's go." He said.

As they set out, they delivered messages to the other nine emperors.

After receiving the news, the other nine emperors were in a state of spirit, and without any hesitation, they followed them to the depths of the ice field.

Since we found the trace of the two people in advance, and they didn't have time to step into the realm of God King, then we should take advantage of the present opportunity to quickly take them down, which is the best result.

In order not to let the devil emperor and foreign demons find out, Fengzhi and others suppress their own strength when they rush to the depths of the ice field. In this way, although the speed is a little slower, it is safer, isn't it?

When Fengzhi and others rushed to the ice sheet, there was a place artificially hollowed out under the extremely thick ice layer in the depth of the ice sheet, forming a very empty space.

At this time, the devil emperor looked at the half heaven machine plate in his hand, with excitement on his face.

"It's done!" She said.

At first, only half of the Tianji disk was captured by the foreign devil, and the other half was taken away by Fengzhi. But now, with the achievements of the devil emperor who has studied for 2000 years, the position of the other half of the Tianji disk, which should have been empty, was being filled and repelled by a strange force, thus forming the other half of the heavenly mechanism disk which only looked at some emptiness.

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