In addition, the half of the empty seven celestial disc, in addition to looking translucent, looks almost the same as the half originally obtained by the devil emperor and the emperor. The two can even blend with each other, and even the mysterious power they carry is almost the same.

This means that the magic emperor's two thousand years have not been wasted. She has really studied the Tianji disk thoroughly, and has completed the other half of it.


"It's done!" The foreign devil roared in the mind of the evil emperor.

Because of the extreme excitement, foreign demons have a little broken sound.

Of course, this little problem will not be taken seriously by the present devil emperor and the foreign demons. They are now full of the heaven's machine plate in the hands of the devil emperor.

The devil emperor completed the Tianji disk, which means that they can then open their hands to merge, no longer need to worry about the fusion to the back, there will be a God to rob suddenly, let them together into fly ash.

With the help of Tianji disk, they will be able to survive the disaster intact and stand at the highest place in the fairyland!

Thinking of this, the devil emperor and foreign demons are in a hot state of mind.

What they are trying to do is just for this day. Now what they want is about to be achieved. How can they not be excited?

After a long time, the devil emperor was able to suppress the excitement in his heart.

"Well, now that the tianjipan has been completed, there will be no worries about our integration. Now the most important thing is to integrate quickly, promote to the realm of Shenjun as quickly as possible, and let Fengzhi's people even if they get the news can't react." The way of the devil emperor.

Two thousand years before that, they were able to suppress their own strength to a very low level. However, whether it was their later integration or their sprint towards the realm of God and monarch, they would certainly make a great move, which is absolutely impossible to suppress.

It is conceivable that once they have a movement here, they will be discovered by Fengzhi and others as soon as possible.

Fengzhi and others will never watch them succeed, so once they arrive, they will try their best to stop them from breaking through.

In this way, it is extremely necessary to complete the integration process before the arrival of Fengzhi and others.

As for whether Fengzhi and others will do something wrong when they start to be promoted, it is not in the consideration of the two magic emperors. If they really arrive at that time, their breakthrough is absolutely irreversible. If Fengzhi and others stay in peace, it's OK. If they dare to make a move at this time, they can not interfere with themselves, but also It can be said that they are helping them through the robbery.

Listen to the devil emperor said so, that foreign evil devil also repeatedly nodded.

Because of the urgency of time, the two did not say much, but in the heart of the excitement and excitement after the pressure, began to merge.

Neither of them said much about integration.

But in fact, there is another extremely important problem in the integration of the two.

That is

When their integration comes to the end, it can be predicted that only one of them will control the body, and the consciousness of the other will be suppressed, in fact, completely defeated.

It can be said that the process of integration is also the process of continuous struggle between the devil emperor and the foreign evil spirits.

The reason why neither of them mentioned the matter was that they both knew that neither of them could make any concession in this matter, because concession means destruction.

However, both of them have strong confidence in themselves, and they both believe that they will be able to crush the other person's consciousness.

At that time, there will be no longer such embarrassment that two people control one body. They will no longer have to listen to the other person's beep before making any decision, and at that time they will have the strength of the divine realm.

God King!

This is the height that no one in the fairyland has been able to reach for countless years.

When they climb to the top, overlooking the whole fairyland, how comfortable is that time?

With such self-confidence and unlimited imagination, of course, the devil emperor and foreign demons will not say anything more, but immediately began to merge.

After the real integration, the two talents found that their previous ideas were undoubtedly too simple.

In fact, whether it was the devil emperor or the foreign devil, the reason why they could reach an agreement and start to merge, so as to get more powerful power, the premise of all this is that they have equal strength.

If not, who would like to work with someone far weaker than himself?

Even if the unequal cooperation between the two sides can be achieved, in the follow-up process, the weaker one will be swallowed up.However, the fact that the devil emperor and the foreign demons have been able to coexist for such a long time can show that they are equal in every respect.

In this case, when the two people let go of all the restrictions for a deeper integration, of course, they once again realized the strength of the other side.

The two tigers are fighting each other, and they are two tigers with equal strength. The tragedy of them can be imagined.

The devil emperor and the foreign devil have coexisted for so many years. It can be said that they know each other as well as themselves. Under such circumstances, of course, two people know each other's weaknesses clearly. Now that only one person is destined to survive, of course, it goes without saying that catching each other's weaknesses is doing!

When they attack and devour each other in the sea of knowledge, their strength also merges in the devil emperor's body at a very fast speed. At the beginning of this process, the prohibitions arranged by the devil emperor in his body will no longer be able to play a role. The prestige brought by the powerful power will be centered on the devil emperor's body In the middle of this ice sheet, it extends in all directions.

This ice sheet, which was originally only left with cold and solid ice, seems to have experienced a holocaust. Under such a powerful power, the ice that has not melted for ten thousand years will melt in an instant, and then condense into ice and melt again

It's going back and forth.

And every time you go through this process of melting and freezing, the ice that is recondensed is harder and colder.

Before long, the whole ice field centered on the devil emperor became a forbidden area for the immortal under the emperor.

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