Even the emperor of heaven, entering this area, has to exert all his strength to prevent himself from being frozen in an instant. If he stays here for a long time, he is afraid that he will face danger.

This shows the danger.

This is also the loss of the ice sheet has always been inaccessible, which makes not many immortals suffer as a result.

But even so, those immortals who didn't have time to leave here were turned into lifelike ice sculptures in an instant, and their lives were frozen here forever.

When Feng Zhi and his party arrived, the momentum had spread to the periphery of the ice sheet.

Compared with the depth of the ice field, there are more people on the periphery. If Fengzhi and others did not arrive in time, there would be more ice sculptures on the ice field.

While those immortals who were rescued by Fengzhi and others, when they looked back, they only saw an ice crystal world.

In this way, the scope of the ice sheet has been expanding, until the original ice sheet has spread for thousands of miles, and the snow-white ice finally stopped.

What the hell is going on here?

All the immortals were shocked.

However, even if the initial time did not respond, but later to see the 11 emperors do not fall out of sight, the immortals or quickly guess what happened.


In fact, the whole fairyland has been hiding in the ice field for two thousand years?

Since the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil have been hiding for 2000 years, they will not appear because of their leisure time. Now that they appear in this way, then

This means that the fairyland has now reached the most critical moment, and things are also developing in the worst direction. The devil emperor and the foreign evil devil do not know what measures they have taken to step towards the Legendary God King realm?

Aware of this, all the immortals could not help but look at the ice field, which was much larger than before, and kept praying.

They prayed that Fengzhi and other 11 emperors could stop them and destroy them before they were promoted to emperors.

It's just

Can things really go as smoothly as they pray?

Nobody knows that.

Because of this, the fairyland was silent at this time.

Fengzhi and others didn't have the spare time to care about these things. Standing outside the ice field, people looked into the depths of the ice field. Their eyes passed through the distant space and fell straight to the place where the devil emperor sat cross his knees.

"There it is." Feng Zhi Dao.

The other ten were silent.

Now it's the most critical moment. If we really let the devil emperor and the emperor become the God King, all the people in the fairyland, including them, will have no future.

So, no matter what, they must stop them before they break through, no matter what the cost!

This is the awareness of all people.

At the next moment, Fengzhi and others looked at each other, and then they all flew toward the depths of the ice sheet.

Even when Feng Zhi and others were flying, they would take the initiative to give up a channel. Looking from a distance, it seemed that a road leading to the depth of the ice sheet was formed on the ice sheet. It was more like that the ice also gave way to Fengzhi and others.

But Feng Zhi and others did not take it lightly.

The scope of the ice field is very wide. Even at the speed of Fengzhi and others, it took a long time to get to the center of the ice field, where the devil emperor was.

At this time, the place where the devil emperor hid before had changed greatly.

Originally, it was just a space dug out by the devil emperor from the deep ice bottom. But now, in the process of the integration of the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil, all the solid ice around them has been baptized by the powerful force for countless times. Actually, a grand palace built by ice has been formed, and the magic emperor is sitting cross legged in the center and the highest part of the palace group It looks as if it is protected by this palace group, and it seems that it is receiving the worship of these palaces.

It looks like it's particularly compelling.

Feng to see a cold hum: "this time has not forgotten to play prestige."

But in addition to Long Yan, the other nine emperors were full of worries at this time.

Just as Fengzhi said, the devil emperor still wants to play with authority until now. Otherwise, there will be no such grand palace group. But because of this, they can still play with authority at this time. Does this mean that the devil emperor is skillful and full of confidence?

Feng Zhi narrowed her eyes and looked at the devil emperor and said, "they are not yet integrated. They are still thousands of miles away from the realm of God King. As long as we can stop them at this time, there will be no problem behind them."As long as the two can not break through to the realm of God and monarch, even if their strength has reached the peak of emperor period, they can never take advantage of the eleven emperors.

After all, in the past two thousand years, Fengzhi and others have never had a moment's leisure, and have been blessed by the spirit of the fairyland. Although they did not reach the peak of the emperor, they did not know how much better they were than when they first broke through to the emperor period.

Other people are also deeply convinced.

Now it's not the worst. As long as they can prevent the two from completing the integration, then there is hope for everything.

In this way, the people took a deep breath together, and then flew towards the demon emperor.

Stop them anyway!

This is the determination of all people.

With Fengzhi and others getting closer, even they have already rushed to the palace group. However, there has been no news from the devil emperor, just as she is in the critical period of integration and can't be separated to deal with Fengzhi and others.

This also made the emperor's heart feel at ease.

But the next moment, they don't think so.

Seeing that he was about to get close to the devil emperor, Feng came to a sudden figure and said, "not good!"

Long Yan stopped immediately.

Other nine emperors, six of them stopped in time, but the other three because they were all for the front sprint, even if they heard the words of Fengzhi, they had no time to stop, so they bumped into the devil emperor.

At this time, the evil emperor, who had been sitting cross legged and closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes and even his face showed a strange smile.

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