"Here you are "Seven" the magic emperor read these words out of his mouth, and his smile was even more strange, "I have been waiting for you for a long time..."

All the emperors were in a sudden.

In particular, the three emperors who failed to stop their steps all changed their faces.

They want to pull back, but they find that their legs are nailed in place, not to mention retreating, just want to move.

"It's already late..." The devil emperor said so.

Then, in the astonishment of Fengzhi and others, there was a light circle like a black gauze rising from the body of the devil emperor, and then rapidly spread out. After covering the three emperors who were in the front, they did not stop at all, and then covered Fengzhi and others.

I don't know what this aperture is. When it covers the crowd, even if Fengzhi and others have stopped early and there is still a distance from the demon emperor, there is no way to avoid it. However, in an instant, Kung Fu has been shrouded in it.

After Feng Zhi and others were covered in it, the aperture did not spread outward, but maintained the scale at this time.

From a distance, it's like a black fortress in the depth of the ice sheet.

At this time, the demon emperor was quite satisfied with his smile.

At last It's bringing you all here... " She said.

Then, the devil emperor did not dare to delay, but closed his eyes and began to sprint to the last step.

Yes, the devil emperor is only one last step away.

After studying the mystery of Tianji disk, the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil were very excited because they saw their own way to the realm of God King.

After that, both of them decided to start the final integration without any objection.

They all know that as long as they start to merge, there is only one person who can retain consciousness in the end.

However, because they have absolute confidence in themselves, neither the devil emperor nor the foreign devil cares about this. They believe that they are the one who can suppress each other to the end.

And in the end

Obviously, it was the devil who won.

Thinking of this, the devil emperor is not only proud, but also scornful of that foreign evil spirit.

It took her two thousand years to study the mystery of Tianji disk thoroughly. In this process, her progress was beyond the imagination of the foreign evil devil. Under such circumstances, the foreign evil devil still had the delusion that it could devour the demon emperor. Isn't that stupid?

At the moment before Feng Zhi and others arrived, the evil emperor completely devoured the foreign evil spirits.

It can be said that if Fengzhi and others arrived early, it might have brought great trouble to the devil emperor.

Maybe the foreign devil can take advantage of this opportunity to counter attack the demon emperor. In a word, even if the devil emperor can still suppress the foreign evil devil in the end, he will certainly not be so smooth, and maybe he will pay a great price.

It's a pity

Even if Feng Zhi and others are all out to come, they are still a little slow.

The demon emperor felt that this was a sign that he was on the winning side.

The most let the devil emperor proud is that Feng Zhi and others have now been covered by her into the black halo.

"Next..." "The devil emperor murmured," I want to see what you have in the end

At the end of the speech, the devil emperor closed his eyes and began to mobilize the immortal spirit in his body. At the same time, he made an impact towards the realm of God and king that no one had ever set foot on.

Before that, the realm of God and monarch was only a legend, and it was also a legend that only a few people had heard of. Behind this legend, no one knows what the realm of God is like.

Now, the devil emperor knows that he is about to unveil this mysterious veil.

At the same time when the devil emperor closed his eyes, the heaven machine disk which had been held by her before also flew to her head spontaneously.

Originally, only half of Tianji disk was left, but later it was completed by the devil emperor. Although the half of Tianji disk was only empty energy, it seemed to be a kind of entity between the flashes of the supernatural energy.

Although the Tianji disk is half empty and half real, the devil emperor is confident that the Tianji disk, which has been completed by her, can also give play to the effect she wants.

For the devil emperor, this is enough.

At the next moment, the immortal spirit in the devil emperor's body surged forward to the realm of God King.

And the black halo that had been released from the devil emperor's body became more solid, just like an entity.

Within that aperture, all the eleven emperors in the fairyland now, as if they had lost all their memories, were standing in the same place with a blank face.

In this moment, they forget the purpose of their coming here, even forget who they are, and passively return to the memories that have left the most profound impression on them in their long life.At the same time, they are covered in the black circle, also lit up a line of white awns, and finally form a light curtain, the light screen constantly has a person's shadow in the flashing, show clearly is the memory of Fengzhi and others.

These, Fengzhi and others are completely unaware.

Feng Zhi returned to the beginning of her journey to the basaltic continent.

Born in Feng's family, he has no talent for practicing martial arts. He is called a waste material. He pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger

At the age of six, she entered the misty forest with others, and then met Long Yan, who was still a little golden snake at that time.

"If you look golden all over, I'll call you Xiaobai. "

Feng to the lip side can not help but an unconscious smile.

This is the first time that she and Long Yan got married. From this moment, two people who had no intersection met and never separated again.

Feng experiences her life bit by bit, and there are many people in her life, such as Longyan, Fenglai, Fengming, parents and grandparents, and other people in Feng's family

Before crossing, Fengzhi's heart is very small, so small that few people can enter her heart. But after crossing, in the company of every day, Fengzhi's heart is gradually enlarged by these people.

At first, Feng Zhi felt a little uncomfortable, but later, she gradually adapted.

She felt that it was a good thing to have so many people around.

Thinking of these, Feng couldn't help laughing more brightly.


At the same time, Feng Zhi felt a strange feeling.

As if, what she has experienced now, once seemed to have experienced for a long time, always gives her a sense of deja vu.

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