Feng to shake the head to shake off this inexplicable feeling.

This is not surprising. Sometimes people always have the illusion that what they are experiencing has been the same before. This is the most common thing.

Feng Zhi continued her life.

She is accompanied by Long Yan, and she is more and more close to the people around her. They have gone through a lot of ups and downs together, and their strength is becoming stronger and stronger. Finally, she decides to wait for Feng to come and fly with Fengming, because she doesn't want to fly. After that, only Longyan is familiar with

Days in the past, but Feng to the heart of that strange feeling is always accompanied by the shadow.

At the beginning, Feng Zhi would be entangled because of this, but after a long time, she would simply let it go and just enjoy the beauty of the people around her.

Moreover, every time when she was with her parents and clansmen, it was clear that they had never been separated for a long time, but Fengzhi always felt that they were meeting again after a long separation, so Li was more and more happy.

"What a problem!" Feng to gently pull off his hair.

Long Yan looked aside at her: "what's the matter?"

Feng to shake his head, "nothing."

Long Yan stopped asking.

With her family and friends, Fengzhi is happy. She feels that time seems to give her special preferential treatment. However, such a happy day does not pass quickly as the law of "happy days are always short". On the contrary, it gives people a feeling that such happiness will continue forever.


Feng to can not help but twist eyebrows.

No matter what, nothing can last forever. Even if she feels happy with her family and friends, Feng Zhi knows that everyone has their own life and ideas. They may be able to walk together for quite a while, but they can't stay together forever.

It's like, she and Long Yan, as well as Fenglai and Fengming, decided to fly up, while fengliancheng, longqingyu, fengtianqiong and others didn't want to go to fairyland, just wanted to stay in Xuanwu.



Feng reached out and rubbed her forehead.

She has not yet ascended. Why do you know that she and Longyan, as well as Fenglai and Fengming, want to fly to the fairyland together, while fengliancheng and others don't want to fly, just want to stay in the Xuanwu continent?

Feng to think about it carefully, but also did not find when Feng Liancheng and others expressed such wishes to her.

Then, why did she have such an idea, and it seemed certain that it would be?

From this day on, Fengzhi began to pay attention to some details around.

Originally, she felt that everything around her was normal, but when she started to observe her surroundings with such determination, she suddenly found that there were loopholes around her?


Fengzhi didn't know what was going on.

And as she discovered more and more loopholes, the feeling that she had experienced a long time ago came back to her mind and could never be ignored.

Feng Zhiben is a very careful person. When she doesn't find something wrong, it's just that. When she finds something wrong, there will be more and more mistakes that can be found. The memory that was suppressed has begun to recover a little bit.

But Fengzhi also found that what she is now in is not a real world, not to mention the Xuanwu continent where she has stayed for thousands of years. To be exact, the world is formed under the power that Feng has not been able to make clear until now, and the cornerstone of this world is actually Fengzhi's own memory.

However, although that kind of power can extract memory, it can not show all aspects of the mask. It is because of this that Fengzhi can find out the flaws so quickly.

Because Feng Zhi has recovered her memory and realized the nature of the world, she found that the world she now lives in seems to have a kind of sign of collapse at any time.

Feng Zhi can feel that if she wants to go out of this illusory small world, it is even extremely simple, and only needs her to completely retrieve all her memories, so as to fight against the power that extracted her memory.


Feng Zhi didn't want to get out of here so quickly.

Because, after so many years, she felt that it was very valuable to be able to return to her childhood, to see so many people around her as a teenager, and to revisit the process of her acquaintance with Long Yan.

In that case, why should she leave in such a hurry?

Therefore, Feng to deliberately suppress the wake up of those memories behind him, indulge himself in this illusory little world for a little indulgence.

Most importantly, Fengzhi also found that Long Yan was actually the same as her, and he made the same choice.

With such a tacit understanding, the two people in this dreamland relive their youth time, until the time in this small world, they and Fenglai Fengming fly together.Whoa!

Feng Zhi gently breathed out a breath.

Looking at Long Yan standing beside her, she said, "these memories are really beautiful. However, no matter how beautiful they are, here is just an illusion. Just enjoy it for a while. I don't want to stay here all my life."

Long Yan holds Feng Zhi's hand and nods gently.

"So..." Feng to light voice way, "we'd better go back."

Two people look at each other, and then the money does not suppress their own wake-up memory, but also watch the world around a little cracks, watching the original very fresh people a little bit into nothingness.

In the end, the whole world collapsed in front of them.

After that, the ice sheet reappeared in front of them.

They found that they were still on the ice, and even the building complex formed by the power of the devil emperor was still there. However, they and the other nine emperors were covered by the dark light that was pouring out from the devil's side.

Now I want to come

The reason why they entered such a world formed by their memories was probably due to the influence of these black lights.

However, what is the purpose of the evil emperor?

Those memories of the past are really beautiful, and the world is very lifelike to some extent, but this is not the reason why they put down the reality and sink into it forever.

Feng Zhi believes that she and Long Yan can wake up from the illusion, and other emperors can do the same.


To her surprise and Long Yan's surprise, they did not see the other nine emperors have any intention to sober up for a long time.

What's going on?

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