Fengzhi and Longyan all had to tighten their eyebrows.

It seems that

The world built by memory is not as simple as they think?

Otherwise, how could the other nine emperors have been on a journey and fallen into the illusory beauty?

In fact, it is.

The illusory world is formed by the memory of the people in it, that is, the memory of the 11 emperors, such as Feng Zhilong Yan. Most importantly, the memory absorbed by this world is the best memory of everyone in his life.

This leads to the fact that those who are in it have any nostalgia for these beautiful memories, then they can't really get away from this illusory world.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with this, but for the Nine Emperors, it is extremely fatal.

Emperors are also human beings. As long as they are human beings, they always have nostalgia and yearning for the best memories in their hearts. Some even think that it would be great if they could live in such a beautiful life forever.

This illusory world takes advantage of this.

Because of this, the nine emperors have been unable to get rid of their illusions.

Not only there is no way to get rid of it, but even in the hearts of the Nine Emperors now, they are reviewing the warmest and best memories of their lives infinitely. As long as they can't cut off their nostalgia for these good things, they can only stay in the illusory world and recover their senses forever.

As for Fengzhi and Longyan

It is lucky that they can break away from the illusory world so quickly.

Feng met Longyan when she was six years old. Since then, she and Longyan have never been separated. All the warmth and beauty in their lives are accompanied by each other.

For Fengzhi and Longyan, since they have always been by each other's side, they are full of warmth and beauty at any time. Naturally, there will not be such a special period of time that is particularly beautiful.


That illusory world is not so attractive to Fengzhi and Longyan.

It is because of this that they can be so easily separated from the world.

What's more, because the memories of Fengzhi and Longyan are intertwined, and there is no way to separate them. Even if they enter this fantasy, they are also together.

Under such circumstances, it is easier for them to find out what's wrong and get out of the illusory world.

But these conditions were not possessed by the other nine emperors.

That's why the present situation appears. Fengzhi and Longyan wake up early, while the other nine emperors are still fascinated by the illusion.

Feng to tightly twist eyebrows.

She and Long Yan want to wake up the Nine Emperors, but they are afraid that they will not bring any bad consequences.

And most importantly, there is no time left for them to wake up the other nine emperors.



Feng Zhi only heard a thunder from the ground.

Then, there was a light on the devil emperor sitting in the middle of the palace group. It was like the devil emperor suddenly became a big light bulb.

At the same time, it seems that something has been sensed, and layers of clouds are pouring out over the ice sheet. The clouds come suddenly and form very quickly. In a short time, the sky has been blocked out. It seems that there are only clouds in the sky except for the snow-white ice on the ground.

When you are in it, you can touch the clouds when you step on the ice. It's easy to draw out the fear in your heart.

Of course, Yanzhi and Feng don't feel afraid because of this.


Both of them looked very ugly.

They have become emperors step by step. They have experienced so many thunder robberies. Of course, we can see at a glance that there are thunder robberies that they have never seen before.

When they were promoted to the emperor, Fengzhi and Longyan had experienced the small God robbery.

However, the small God robbery they had experienced, both in terms of momentum and scope, was far from catching up with the thunder robbery that is forming now.


It is self-evident what the thunder robbery is.

God rob!

This is the real disaster!

That is to say, the devil emperor is really moving towards the realm of God King.

And with the prudence of the devil emperor, she dares to take this step, which shows that she has absolute confidence and confidence.

Phoenix to fixed eyes on the body of the demon emperor to see the past.

I saw that the devil emperor was sitting cross legged, her body was emitting light, and the most noticeable thing for Feng was that there was a faint light on the top of the devil emperor's head.Because the light on the devil emperor looked a little dazzling, so the faint light emitted from the disc was particularly inconspicuous. If Feng Zhi had not looked carefully, he would have ignored the past directly.

It was

Feng Zhi's face changed again.

It's impossible for her to read it wrong. It's Tianji disk.

At the beginning, tianjipan was divided into two parts under the sky killing sword. Half of it was taken away by the foreign devil, and the other half was taken by Fengzhi. After putting it in the space, it was eaten by three little guys.

In such a case, the devil emperor should only have half of the Tianji disk in his hand. How can there be a complete heaven machine disk?

Feng Zhi squinted at the past.

Then, she found that although it seems that the Tianji disk is complete on the surface, in fact, only half of it is solid, and the other half is obviously virtual.

Although it seems that both sides of the heaven machine disk also have the same source of power, but the virtual half is obviously weaker.

This is, the devil Emperor himself completed the heaven machine plate?

Fengzhi didn't think that the devil emperor could still have such ability.

Although this complete heaven machine disk is not as complete as the original one, it is nothing. As long as it can be used, as long as it can play the role of shielding the heavenly mechanism, it will be no different to the devil emperor.

Feng Zhi's face was even worse.

If you really let the devil emperor escape from the divine disaster under the effect of the heaven machine disk, and become the God King really, then what means can they use to subdue the devil emperor?

At that time, they, no matter how many people they were, would only send food to the emperor.

Don't let that happen!

Feng Zhi said in her heart.


Now that the disaster has come, what can she and Long Yan do?

In fact, Feng can't do anything.

Because, just as she was thinking about how to stop the evil emperor, the divine robbery had come.

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