Generally, it takes some time to prepare for a general thunder robbery, from the beginning to the end. However, the divine robbery is different. From the beginning to the present, there is only a few sweet breathing time. The dark clouds appear and the divine robbery takes shape.

Among the heavy clouds, the thunder with gold in purple sticks out its head, and its prestige makes the surrounding robber clouds retreat far away. It can be imagined what kind of prestige it will have when the thunder falls temporarily.

Feng to already dare not do what again.

The power of God's plunder is not what she can bear now, even if her body has some power of divine robbery because of the three little guys.

If she and Long Yan really want to be strong, then the final result will be that they are destroyed by the God, and there will be no other possibility.

Now, she can only pray in secret, praying that the heaven machine disk completed by the devil emperor can not play such a powerful role, and Shenjie can accurately find where the devil emperor is.

It's just

Is this possible?

Feng Zhi is not sure.

The only thing she can be sure of is that if the devil emperor really becomes the God King, then no one in the fairyland can suppress her.

In Fengzhi's prayer, the first thunder with gold in purple came out of the cloud completely and split it in the direction of the enchanted emperor.

Feng couldn't help but breathe out.

Suddenly, she didn't find a way to get back home.

The light flashed again on the disk.

Then, originally stopped in the air and could not find the target of the robbery, it flew in a certain direction.

Tianji disk originally has the function of covering up the heavenly mechanism. Now the heavenly mechanism disk has played a role, then robbing thunder will not find the place of the devil emperor, thus being misled and splitting to the wrong target, it is not difficult to understand.

Fengzhi didn't know where the first thunder fell, but she could feel that the last place where the robber thunder came must be very far away. But even though it was so far away, when the thunder was cut down, Fengzhi still felt the tremor under his feet and the fear in his soul.

And this

Not even the aftereffect of the heist.

It's hard to imagine how terrible it would be if we were really robbed by God.

And from this aspect, we can see the value of Tianji disk.

If it wasn't for the Tianji disk that covered the sky and made the Shenjie find the wrong target, only this once would make the evil emperor disappear.

The first thunderbolt fell, and the second came suddenly.

Just like the first one, the second one flew away under the guidance of Tianji disk.

Then there's the third, the fourth

There are nine looting thunder in total, and one half of them have been gone in a twinkling of an eye.

Feng to the heart a little anxious.

If you can't think of any more ways, the nine robbers will be able to split in an instant, and then the devil emperor will be able to really enter the realm of God King. By then, everything will be late!


What else can she think of now?

Tianji disk, Tianji disk

It's all because of the machine!

Feng to in the heart constantly chanting.

While Feng Zhi was reciting the words "Tianji pan", the two eggs, one gold and one red, suddenly stopped in the space. If you look carefully, you can see that there are already thin cracks on the shells of the two eggs. In this instant, the cracks continue to spread and deepen until they are all over the eggshells.

And quiet with a smile of the little girl, but suddenly opened her eyes.

The next moment, two eggs, a little girl, so easily break through the space of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Feng to the heart of a surprise.

At this time, the outside world is full of God's plunder power, and the three little guys have not been officially born. How vulnerable they are now can be imagined. If they are exposed to the power of God's robbery, what kind of harm they will suffer will be unimaginable.

"Come back!" Feng Zhi exclaimed.

Then he reached for the three little guys.

Long Yan also responded in the same way.

However, the three little guys didn't stay in the same place and let Fengzhi and longyanlao take care of them. With a little shaking, they perfectly avoided the four hands of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Then, in the anxieties of Feng Zhi and Long Yan, the three little guys flew directly into the sky, and they actually met the fifth robbery thunder which appeared in the air looking for direction.

There are nine thunder robbers in total, and each of them is more terrible than the other. In the fifth one, only a small part of the thunder is purple, and most of them have turned into gold. At the same time, the power contained in the robbery thunder is more terrible than the previous four.Under the influence of tianjipan, the fifth thunder can not find the direction.

The light on the heaven's machine disk is another flash.

Being misled again, the fifth robbery thunder was about to cleave towards the unknown distance. At this time, the three little guys took the initiative to bump into it.

Is that all right?

The golden light on the fifth hijacking thunder suddenly makes a big deal, just like a person with a fierce temper gets angry after being provoked. Then, this rob thunder splits down towards three little guys.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan's heart are about to mention their voice.

The sky and the earth are filled with loud noise, and the purple and golden lights flash alternately. Because the light is too dazzling, Fengzhi and Longyan can't see clearly how the three little guys are now.

They both wanted to fly into the air.

Although they think that at this stage, they have no way to fight against the divine robbery, but anyway, their children are there now, and they can't be indifferent to see their children hurt.

Even if they can't deal with the heist, they can at least block the three little guys before they get hurt.

This is the voice of Fengzhi and Longyan at the moment.

However, before they could fly, they saw the three little guys.

Both were relieved at the same time.

The three little guys were not hurt as much as Fengzhi and Longyan imagined. On the contrary, the three little guys were not hurt at all.

The only thing that's different from before is

More cracks on two eggs with one gold and one red?

Is the smile on the girl's face sweeter?

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