If it wasn't for the fairyland, it would have been too vast for all the immortals to hear the sound of breathing.

And because of the influence brought by foreign demons for thousands of years before, the foreign demons have been eliminated, but the relationship between immortals has become much better than before.

Of course, this does not mean that there will be no competition in the fairyland. No matter when, the immortals will compete for resources. After all, cultivation is also a competition. If there is no competition, the immortal people will be cut off.

But the competition is competition, but the mentality of the immortals is much more peaceful. They will not kill people easily because of the competition for resources.

I don't know how long this will last, but it's a good thing anyway.

Peace is better than tyranny.

Fengzhi and Longyan went straight back to yinxianfeng after they separated from other emperors.

Although the people of yinxianfeng have seen the projection in the emperor's order, they are not really relieved until they see Fengzhi and Longyan.

After that, a burst of cheering broke out in Yinxian peak.

After thousands of years, now it's over. How can people who have been worried for so many years not be happy?

After a period of time, yinxianfeng fell into the carnival.

In order to be safe and at ease, Fengzhi let xianshizong, Longfeng and other people gathered at yinxianfeng, and asked Fenglai to preside over the star changing array. Therefore, there are many people gathered on Yinxian peak at this time. Now there is no danger at all, so people naturally need to celebrate.

As a result, the people of xianshizong made delicious food, while others spontaneously performed one show after another. The carnival after the war lasted for a whole year before it was over.

After that, it's time to part.

After all, yinxianfeng is the yinxianfeng of the five elements sect. The people of the other clan and the dragon and Phoenix clan can't stay here all the time. They will always return to their own place.

Of course, now the fairyland will not be in danger before. If they want to meet, it will be easy. At least, they don't have to worry about foreign demons taking possession of them.

Therefore, the people have made an appointment, and will be reunited again in the future.

As people left yinxianfeng one after another, yinxianfeng, which had been busy for a long time, was finally quiet again.

According to the normal process, after that, Fengzhi and all the people around her should feel that the years were quiet and good, but I don't know what happened. As time went by, Fengzhi and Longyan began to feel uneasy.

What's more, the restlessness is beyond their control.

It's like

Something they didn't want to see happened when they didn't know.

This lets Feng Zhi and Long Yan all can't help wring their eyebrows tightly.

They are sure that this time, it's not their illusion, it's really something they don't want to see happen.

After Feng Zhi and Long Yan, Feng Lai, Feng Ming and others began to feel this way.

Fengzhi and Longyan didn't realize this at first. It took a long time for them to realize that it was not only them, but also the people of the Phoenix family from the Xuanwu land and the disciples of the five elements sect.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan's faces changed.


It's the basaltic land!

If not, not all people from the basaltic continent would have this feeling.

Feng thought of the devil emperor in an instant.

At the beginning, after the evil emperor failed to escape, Fengzhi and other emperors chased for a distance, but could not find the trace of the devil emperor. At that time, Fengzhi felt the fluctuation of space in the place where the evil emperor disappeared.

However, Fengzhi at that time only thought that this was the devil emperor who fled to another place by using the space law.

But now it seems

The devil emperor went to, I'm afraid it's not any place in the fairyland, but the Xuanwu continent!

As for how the devil emperor knew the location of the Xuanwu continent

There is no doubt that the only answer is the fantasy that Fengzhi and Longyan experienced before the devil emperor was ready to cross the river.

That fantasy is based on the memory of Fengzhi and Longyan. It is very easy for the devil emperor to find the location of the Xuanwu continent from their memory.

Feng Zhi suddenly stood up.

In any case, she would never allow the demon emperor to harm the Xuanwu land.

To sum up, Fengzhi and other people's time in Xuanwu is far less than that in the fairyland. However, whether in Fengzhi or Longyan's mind, their roots are still in Xuanwu.

Even though the Xuanwu continent is just a tiny world under the fairyland, and even if they need to move forward in the fairyland, each and every one of them has never forgotten the days in Xuanwu.For Fengzhi and Longyan, Xuanwu land is the place where they met and fell in love with each other. There are the best memories of their lives. These memories can not be abandoned.

It is precisely because of this that the magic emperor was promoted when the formation of the illusion, there will be Fengzhi and Longyan in the Xuanwu mainland scene.

For others, such as Fenglai Fengming, Fengjia people, and the five element sect disciples who have risen from Xuanwu, Xuanwu is also the place where they grow up. All their knowledge of the world comes from the Xuanwu continent. Even if they have already risen, they always care about the Xuanwu continent.

Even, Feng Zhi also said that after the fairyland event, she would find a chance to take everyone back to Xuanwu.

It's not that the immortals who have already ascended have no way to return to the lower world. They just need to suppress their strength. Fengzhi and Longyan are already emperors, so it's easier to go back. Of course, limited by the rules of the small world below, they can only suppress their strength to the maximum level allowed by the lower bound, otherwise they will be excluded by the Hui law.

At the beginning, donglaizong thought of another way, that is, to let people from the lower world give their bodies to be driven by the immortals coming down from the fairyland.

But in any case, it is subject to the laws of heaven and earth.

Because of Fengzhi's promise, after confirming that the devil emperor would not pose any threat to the fairyland, people were very happy. They had been looking forward to her bringing them back to Xuanwu.

How can you think that they have not yet waited for this day, they have to wait for such a state of mind.

Seeing Feng Zhi's appearance, others had guessed how much. Their uneasiness must have something to do with the Xuanwu continent, so they all followed suit and stood up.

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