"Fengzhi, is there something wrong with the seven Xuanwu mainland?" Feng came to ask.

Although there was not much worry in his tone, anyone who knew something about Fenglai's temperament could see that Fenglai was quite anxious at this time.

Looking at Feng Feng, she did not blink.

Not only they, but also Mo lifengyue and others, also responded in the same way.

Feng Zhi took a deep breath: "there is something wrong with the Xuanwu land. If I guess right, it should be the devil emperor who escaped before. I don't know what method he used to go to Xuanwu land."

As for what the devil emperor wanted to do when he went to Xuanwu

That goes without saying.

For the devil emperor, what she hated most was Fengzhi. Since she had no choice but to find out that there was such an important place in the heart of Fengzhi and Longyan, it was not a difficult decision to destroy this place and make Fengzhi and Longyan suffer.

When they heard that it was still the ghost of the devil emperor, they were all indignant.

"She should have been killed in the first place!"

"What a nuisance!"

"It's time to frustrate the bones and raise the ashes!"

But at the same time, people's hearts also have a lot of powerlessness.

They know that although they and others talk lively, they really stand in front of the devil emperor, but they have no way to take the devil emperor.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even if the demon emperor fails to survive the robbery, he can only run away in a panic at the hands of Fengzhi and others. However, the devil emperor is also a powerful person who can arouse the divine robbery. Even if her current strength is not one, it is not what they can deal with.


So they all looked at Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

If some of them can deal with the evil emperor, it is only Fengzhi and Longyan.

And the safety of the basaltic continent, the safety of the people they are concerned about, is all tied to Fengzhi and Longyan.

Feng to of course understand the meaning of people's eyes, she nodded to them, said: "you don't worry, we won't let the devil emperor succeed."

Then all the people were relieved.

They know that once Fengzhi makes a promise, he will never break his promise.

Since they have no way to help Fengzhi and Longyan, their biggest help is not to let Fengzhi and Longyan be distracted.

Therefore, although everyone wanted to follow Fengzhi and Longyan to the Xuanwu continent, no one opened the mouth.

Fengzhi was looking at them: "do you want to go back to Xuanwu together?"

For her, she and Long Yan are going to go, and bringing more people together will not cause much burden.

What's more, after arriving at the Xuanwu continent, no matter what kind of strength they can play in the fairyland, the difference is not big. If Fenglai and others follow together, they may be able to help a lot.

It's a lot of people.

When Feng Lai and others heard this, their eyes lit up immediately.

"Is that all right?" Feng came to ask.

Feng to put a hand: "what can't, then maybe you can help a lot of it!"

People all know that Feng will not be that kind of conceited person, since she said so, that must be the fact, so of course they all followed and nodded.

It must be false to say that we have not been concerned about our relatives on the Xuanwu continent for such a long time.

Speaking of this, it's also due to the fact that people in the Xuanwu mainland have improved their skills. Practicing these skills makes it easier for people to achieve higher strength, thus prolonging their life span.

For example, the people of the Phoenix family have a special advantage in their skills. They also have various effects that were studied before Fengzhi feisheng, especially the elixir for prolonging life. If you want to say that the people who have the longest life span on the Xuanwu continent today, needless to say, they must be in the Feng family.

If not for this, Fengzhi and others have been on the rise for about ten thousand years. I'm afraid that even if they return to the Xuanwu continent, they will never see anyone familiar with them again.

In that case, it would be sad.

After Feng Zhi had made a decision, he did not delay, and immediately decided to rush back to the basaltic continent.

For the people on the Xuanwu continent, the devil emperor is undoubtedly the enemy they can't deal with. It can be said that even if the devil emperor is limited by the law of heaven and earth, no one in the Xuanwu continent can be out of his power.

Under such circumstances, the devil emperor could do whatever he wanted on the Xuanwu continent.

The more time Fengzhi and others delay here, the more damage they will suffer on the Xuanwu continent, and the more likely the people they care about will be hurt.

They wanted to get back quickly.

Determined to go back to the number of people, Feng to gently nodded, and then took a deep breath, two hands began to dance in the air with a very mysterious posture.People were also curious.

Although they did not know what Fengzhi meant by such a move at this time, they wanted to know that Fengzhi could not do useless things, so they kept a quiet and careful look.

However, after watching for a while, people felt dizzy.

In addition to Feng to be able to persist for a long time, other people are quickly moved away from the eye.

If they look again, they think they should throw up.

Feng to did not pay attention to the movement of the crowd.

She had already had a certain understanding of the laws of space before she ascended to the fairyland, and her understanding became deeper. Now, if we want to talk about the understanding of the laws of space, I'm afraid that no one can compare with Fengzhi in the whole fairyland.

Under such circumstances, it is not difficult for Fengzhi to take so many people back to Xuanwu.

I saw that Feng Zhi's hands moved faster and faster. At the end of the day, people could not even see her fingers clearly. They could only see the fragments interlaced together, which made people feel dizzy.

If Fengzhi slows down the speed many times, then people will be able to see that Fengzhi seems to be dancing her hands, but in fact, she is two fingers from the air to pick up a piece of invisible thread, and then weave those threads together.

After a long time, Feng to the hand of the movement suddenly stopped.

People look at it subconsciously.

Then, see the Phoenix toward the front of the void, gently make a push the door action.

The next moment, in front of Feng to, a door with a slight white light, so out of thin air.

And behind that door

It's the Xuanwu land that people think about.

Feng to stop to look at the crowd, "go."

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