When the devil emperor went to the Xuanwu continent, he just used a very superficial means to cut a space crack, which seemed to be much simpler and more direct than that of Fengzhi. But in fact, the devil emperor's means had great risks. There were all kinds of terrible turbulence in the space. If one was accidentally involved in the space turbulence, even the emperor would not be able to discuss it All right.

If the devil emperor had not been chased to death and wanted to revenge Feng Zhi, she would not have ignored such a risk to go to Xuanwu.

It can only be said that the devil emperor's luck this time is still very good, even told her to safely to the Xuanwu continent, not to be broken into pieces by the turbulent flow of space.

But the devil emperor can take risks, Feng to still take so many people, of course, will not be like this.

Although the devil emperor was once a person who stepped into the realm of God King, her strength was just a coincidence, not her own real strength, and in the understanding of the law of space, she could not compare with Feng Zhi.

This can be seen only by the means of the devil emperor and Feng Zhi going to the Xuanwu continent.

When Fengzhi and others rushed to the Xuanwu continent, a disaster was also coming.

At the beginning, because of the existence of Fengzhi, the Fengjia family became the top family in the Xuanwu continent, which was beyond all other families. After the four members of Fengzhi ascended, they reached the peak again.

At the beginning, the virtual spirit realm was almost colonized by the four immortals who came down from the fairyland. The people on the Xuanwu continent also knew very well after the two realms got through.

The four immortals of donglaizong are not in the fairyland. In this way, they can stir up the virtual spirit state. Now the Phoenix and several people like demons are also flying up. It can be imagined that their future strength will be much stronger than the four immortals of donglaizong.

In this case

Isn't it equivalent that the Feng family has several backers from fairyland?

Since there is also a way to return to the Xuanwu mainland after feisheng, other people on the Xuanwu continent don't believe that Feng didn't leave any means for Feng's family to contact her.

After all, Fengzhi's protection of the short, that is not everyone can see clearly?

Under such circumstances, let alone that the strength of other families is not as good as that of the Feng family. Even if these families have the strength similar to or even more powerful than the Feng family, they dare not take advantage of the Feng family.

If Feng's family was really forced to hurry up, they used a method to contact the four Fengzhi people who had already ascended to the fairyland. Wasn't that a disaster for their own family?

When Feng Zhi was still in the Xuanwu continent, no one dared to provoke her. After her ascension, she became a more powerful figure than before, so no one dared to provoke her.

Therefore, for thousands of years, the position of Feng family is as stable as Mount Tai.

When the children of the Phoenix family go out of fengtiancheng, they will definitely attract the envious eyes of many people if they say that they are from the Phoenix family, and then they will be flattered with flattery.

If it wasn't for the strict family style of the Phoenix family, I was afraid that the children of the Phoenix family would all drift and grow crooked.

When Mo Li and others rose again, they thought that one day their family strength would catch up with those of Feng's family, and they were all frustrated.

With so many people in the Phoenix family, where can they see any hope?

Fortunately, although the Feng family was powerful, it was not aggressive. Even for many resources on the Xuanwu continent, the Feng family did not participate in the competition, which relieved the people of other families.

In addition to the Feng family, those families that had made friends with Fengzhi in the past, such as the dragon family and the Tang family, also benefited a lot from Fengzhi's family. Although their strength was not as good as that of the Feng family, they were much better than other families.

In today's basaltic continent, there is no previous ranking of the top ten families.

After all

There is phoenix family in, these rank what all have no meaning, isn't it?

When Fengzhi and fengliancheng were on the rise, fengtianqiong and fengliancheng were old enough. However, because Fengzhi had changed the skills of the Feng family, they had reached the realm of the sword God and had a very long life. In addition, with the elixir of prolonging life refined by Fengzhi, the three of them are still living well.

Not only alive, but also extremely beautiful.

After fengtianqiong and fengliancheng, the Feng family has changed several owners in the past thousands of years. However, no matter who is the owner, the three people are the most respected people in the Feng family.

Who let them be Fengzhi's close relatives?

Not only Fengzhi, but also Fenglai and Fengming.

Therefore, over the years, Feng Tianqiong's life has been more comfortable.

But in the pleasant, Feng Tianqiong three people also inevitably feel some boring.

At the beginning, Fengzhi wanted to take them to fly together, and even was sure to let them safely pass through the thunder and enter the fairyland. But at that time, the three people of fengtianqiong did not have much yearning for the fairyland, so when Fengzhi talked about this matter with them, they all refused.But now I want to come

"Dad, I'm a little curious about the fairyland where they went." Lianfeng road.

They live in Fengtian dome.

After giving up the position of the head of the family, Feng Tianqiong began to care for the elderly, regardless of the specific affairs of the Feng family. Later, fengliancheng became the head of the family, passed the position of the master to the successor, and moved to the next door of fengtianqiong with long Qingyu.

At this moment, fengliancheng takes the Dragon light language to find Feng Tianqiong for tea and chat.

These three people have been living a retirement life for a long time, but because of their strong strength, they still have a very long life, so they don't seem to be a bit old-fashioned.

It's almost as good to say that they are middle-aged people.

Listen to Feng Liancheng say so, dragon light language also in side follow nod.

At the beginning, they did have a nostalgia for the Xuanwu land and some awe for the unknown fairyland, so they refused Feng Zhi's proposal to go to the fairyland together. But now, after so many years, the three children are all flying to the fairyland. They are bored to grow mushrooms on the Xuanwu continent. Naturally, they are not as resistant to the fairyland as before.

Feng Tianqiong sniffed at Feng Liancheng and said, "is it difficult for you to contact Fengzhi for such a broken matter?"

When Fengzhi ascended, she did leave a way to contact her. However, if she wanted to break the boundary, she had to pay a lot of money. Therefore, it was not about the life and death of the Feng family. The Feng family would definitely not contact Fengzhi.

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