Feng Liancheng touched her nose.

That's what he said. Of course he didn't really contact Fengzhi because of this. Fengzhi left enough materials for them to contact the fairyland. But even if they had materials in their hands, they couldn't waste them, right?

As a matter of fact, the strength of the three people in fengliancheng has long been the God of martial arts. They have touched the ceiling of the small world in the Xuanwu continent. If they want to continue to be promoted, they have to break the blockade of space and fly to the fairyland.

They've already reached the critical point of the ascent.

However, before that, the Xuanwu continent still remained a little reluctant to give up, so they forced to suppress the realm.

But now, their realm has been unable to suppress.

Most of all, they are tired of staying in basaltic land and want to see a whole new world.

The world

It's called fairyland.

It's not only a new world for them, but also their close relatives.

Thinking of going to the fairyland, we can not only see many new things, but also see Fengzhi and others who have not seen for thousands of years. In fact, the hearts of the three people are full of expectations.

The Dragon light language way: "father, husband, otherwise, wait for another day we are ready to cross the robbery to fly up?"

Feng Tianqiong and fengliancheng looked at each other and nodded together.

After staying in Xuanwu for such a long time, the children of Feng family didn't have a long and crooked one. They didn't need them to guard here any more. While they could still move, they could go to see the fairyland where Fengzhi and others went.


In the fairyland, they can also develop a phoenix family?

This thought, Feng Tianqiong three people feel more look forward to.

As for whether they can survive the robbery successfully, it is not in the consideration of Feng Tianqiong.

In Fengzhi's words, thunder robbery is just a test. It's not that the heaven wants to kill the people who have been tested. As long as we have laid a good foundation and have a firm belief, then thunder robbery is not something to be afraid of.

They have suppressed the realm for so many years, and their strength has already reached the peak that this small world can reach. Their nearly ten thousand years of practice have polished their will to be extremely firm. If they can not successfully survive the robbery, who can withstand the test of thunder robbery?

In this way, the three decided on the event.

But also at this time, Feng Tianqiong frowned at the same time and looked in the same direction.

In the distant horizon, it was originally a clear sky, but I do not know when, the sky has been flooded with a thick black cloud, the dark cloud at first was only a small piece, but also do not know what kind of strength support, it was just a small piece of dark cloud, but began to expand with a very fast speed, soon diffuse into a large area.

If it's just a dark cloud, how can a strong warrior like Feng Tianqiong be afraid of a dark cloud?

However, in that dark cloud, fengtianqiong three people simultaneously felt a kind of evil spirit which made them feel a little frightened.

Even though they are still so far away from the dark cloud, even if they just look at the cloud with their eyes, the terrible evil spirit has already made them feel a little frightened. It's hard to imagine what terrible things would happen if the dark cloud floated nearby, even if they were involved in it.

"What happened?" Feng Tianqiong suddenly stood up.

Fengliancheng and longqingyu also stood up, both of them were serious.

They don't know what's going on, but it's not going to be a good thing.

This makes Feng Tianqiong's heart jump.

When the three men in fengtianqiong discovered the dark cloud, there were strong people in other parts of the Xuanwu continent who found something wrong.

Because Fengzhi has changed the skills of the big families and the existence of the five elements sect, the strength of the martial artists on the Xuanwu continent is much higher than before. In the past, there were few martial saints in Xuanwu land, and there was only one Wu God. Now, almost every family has a martial God, and the Phoenix family's martial god is more like not The money is not so good, but there are more martial saints.

Because of this, when the dark clouds float out, so many people will notice in time.

Since they have noticed something wrong, the powerful martial gods will naturally rush to check on it.

the Phoenix Sky Dome stays at Feng's house, while fengliancheng and longqingyu rush to the place where the dark clouds are located. At the same time, the powerful martial gods from all over the Xuanwu continent also rush to the place.

Although I was afraid of the dark cloud, fengliancheng and longqingyu didn't care too much.

They have gone through so many ups and downs. It's not that they have not experienced the danger. So many dangers have come. It's unreasonable for them to stand on the top of the basaltic continent and capsize in the gutter.Other powerful martial gods also think so.

Although the dark cloud was far away, it looked like it was on the Arctic ice field, but because all the warriors were strong, it was very fast to get on the way, so within a few days, the powerful warriors gathered on the Arctic ice field.

Stepping on the ice field, fengliancheng and longqingyu have a lot of emotion in mind.

Many years ago, Fengzhi, as the leader of the team, took the outstanding members of the younger generation of Feng family to the ice field to participate in the battle of dragon clearance. It was the first time that Fengzhi officially appeared in front of all the people in the mainland. After that, Fengzhi, a waste material in the impression of other people, began to shine, and from then on, all his peers could not hold their heads up 。

At that time, they were proud of Youfeng Zhi and his three children.

One year has passed.

Feng Liancheng and dragon light language think of here, can't help but look at each other with a smile.

Usually do not feel, now decided to fly to the fairyland, their hearts for their children's missing is more and more difficult to suppress.

Wait for this matter, they must hurry to the fairyland, also do not know the Phoenix to them, now all how?

Thinking of these, fengliancheng and longqingyu want to solve the problems in front of them quickly.

After the other gods and princes got together, they exchanged only one look, and then they all looked at fengliancheng and longqingyu, which was the first place for them.

It's not surprising that the Phoenix family is now in a transcendent position on the Xuanwu continent. No matter where there is a phoenix family in the same realm, it is directly headed by the Feng family.

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