Of course, the martial gods will not feel oppressed.

After all

In addition to the status of the Phoenix family, the strength of fengliancheng and longqingyu is indeed better than them.

No matter when the strength is respected, who called the strength of the Phoenix family is strong?

Feng Liancheng nodded to all the martial gods, and after pondering for a while, he said, "gentlemen, this dark cloud makes me feel very bad. Do you have the same feeling?"

Other martial gods nodded in succession.

It was the same feeling that made them rush here.

They all felt that the dark cloud appeared strangely and grew even more strangely. In the dark cloud, there was a kind of oppressive evil gas, just as something terrible was peeping at them.


They are already gods of martial arts. They are the strongest on the top of the basalt continent. What kind of people or things can make them feel like this?

All the martial gods could not understand it.

At the same time, fengliancheng and longqingyu always feel frightened.

Clearly at the beginning, they did not have such a feeling, but it seems that when they are getting closer and closer to this piece of cloud, this kind of feeling will begin to emerge from their hearts a little bit.

It's like

The eyes hidden in the dark clouds put all their attention on them.

There is no doubt that this is a bit odd.


Do you know people or things hidden in the dark clouds?

But it can't be said that, since Fengzhi and others have risen, they have gradually ceased to take charge of the affairs of the Feng family. It can be said that they have lived in seclusion. In their impression, they have never met such a person.

So, what's going on?

Fengliancheng and fengliancheng couldn't think of it.

At this time, the clouds suddenly changed, like a pair of hands in the cloud constantly stirring general, originally a large cloud, so become fragmented.

It's a bit inappropriate to say that it's fragmented. To be more accurate, it's like having a big mouth and sucking all the dark clouds into his stomach.

Thinking of such a scene, I don't know why, all the martial gods can't help shivering.

Then, all the martial gods could not help but look at each other.

They are all gods of martial arts, standing at the top of the pyramid of the basaltic continent. According to the law, as long as they step on the land of the basaltic continent, they should not feel such a strong threat. But now, they believe in feeling such a threat.


Can it be explained that the thing hidden in the dark clouds has far more power than them?

Of course, the thing was hidden behind the dark cloud, but after a while, the dark cloud was almost absorbed. In the end, there was only one small black spot left in the original large dark cloud.

However, the martial gods carefully looked at the past and found that where is what a small black spot, it is a person!

Or, it can't be called a person.

What appears in people's eyes is a human like creature. The reason why it is not said that he is a human being is that there is no trace of human being in the whole body of that creature.

His whole body was scorched black, as if he had just been chopped by thunder. There was no intact skin on his whole body. The whole body was like burnt coke.

If this is a normal person, it becomes like this, then there is still a reason to live?

On the contrary, this thing not only survived, but also seemed to live well. It was even more terrifying than their martial gods. It really made people wonder how he could persist.

"This man..." One of the martial gods could not help swallowing his saliva, "what is it?"

No one can answer his question.

Because, you don't know.

Just for a short time, the man, let's call him a man, has fallen from the sky to the ground, and is not far away from fengliancheng and others.

His eyes swept over, so that he saw people's heart is a burst of cold.

Then, his eyes turned to the face of Feng Liancheng and long Qingyu through the eyes which had only one scorched black hole left. "It turned out that it was here. Finally I found it..."

This voice is very hoarse, but anyone can hear it. This is a woman!

Moreover, from her tone of voice, it is not difficult to see that she actually is toward the Phoenix Liancheng and the Dragon light language.

No one will think that this person has any good intentions towards fengliancheng and longqingyu. Just look at her ghost appearance and know that she will never be a good person.

SoWhat's her purpose?

Just as the martial gods pondered, the man's two eyes seemed to be staring out of their eyes. At the same time, his mouth gave out a terrible laugh: "OK, OK, OK, Fengzhi, Fengzhi, how can you handle it? Are your parents still going to fall into my hands? I'd like to see if your father and mother die in front of you. Can you still carry that high look... "

At the end of the day, the tone was full of bitterness.

This kind of resentment, let the people who hear are shocked.

The most important thing for all the martial gods to notice was that he said the name of Fengzhi from this man's mouth.


In the land of Xuanwu, these two words represent endless legends.

From Feng to her youth, she began to become a legend in the eyes of others. Later, she smashed the invasion of donglaizong and became the Savior of the Xuanwu continent. She rose to the top of the world's attention, making her a legend that everyone can't forget.

In addition to fengliancheng and longqingyu, other martial gods are descendants. Although they are already martial gods, they have grown up listening to the legend of Fengzhi. In their eyes, Fengzhi is a super idol that they can't reach.

Now, they heard the name of Feng Zhi from this terrible man who didn't know where to play.


This man obviously had an intersection with Fengzhi, and even had a feud with Fengzhi.

Fengzhi has been flying for thousands of years, and it has become a legend in the Xuanwu continent. Of course, it is impossible for people on the Xuanwu continent to become enemies with Fengzhi in the near future. It can even be said that even if Fengzhi appears in the Xuanwu continent, no one on the Xuanwu continent dares to be the enemy of Fengzhi!


This man knew Fengzhi after he had risen to the top, and he was also the enemy of Fengzhi after that.

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