
This means that they actually got the news from Yu Fengzhi after his ascension from this man?

Aware of this, the fear of this man in the hearts of the martial gods subsided in an instant and replaced with excitement and excitement.

Fengzhi, Fengzhi!

This is a national idol on the Xuanwu continent. They were born late and were not born in the era of Fengzhi. But now they have the chance to hear from Yu Fengzhi. How lucky they are!

The whole crowd trembled with excitement.

As for how terrible the man was in front of him, in their hearts, it naturally did not exist.

Take a look at this person's appearance and listen to the bitterness in her voice when she mentions Fengzhi. It's not hard to imagine that she must have suffered a lot in Fengzhi's hands. Even, they can boldly imagine that this man would be such a ghost now, perhaps because of Fengzhi.

In this case

What else to be afraid of?

This is them Fengzhi's idol is just a defeated general!

For a moment, the martial gods were not so proud, as if they were the ones who defeated the man in front of them.

Feng Liancheng and the Dragon light language is some can't laugh and cry.

However, they didn't find it strange. Since the rise of Fengzhi, the worship of Fengzhi by the people on the Xuanwu mainland has not subsided, but has become even more powerful. They have not been surprised by this situation.

They did not expect that the sudden appearance of such a terrible figure in the Xuanwu continent was due to the arrival of the Phoenix.


The Phoenix has already been flying to the fairyland. The man in front of him is also from the fairyland.

So, the problem is, this man has become the ghost in front of him, and he has found the Xuanwu land. Does that mean that he is in the fairyland, but he can't help but fail. So he has thought of a way to come to the Xuanwu continent and vent his anger on the people whom Feng cares about?

Long Qingyu thinks that this is the truth.

She then looked at the man with sympathy, that is, the devil emperor who fled in confusion after the failure of the robbery, and said, "this is probably because Fengzhi has become this kind of virtue, right? I'm sorry. Fengzhi's temper is not very good. If anyone asks her to offend her, she must make others unhappy. In a word, we parents didn't teach her well. Otherwise, even if you are not Feng Zhi's opponent, you will not be so miserable... "

When she said this, other martial gods couldn't help laughing.

All the martial gods thought that she was indeed Fengzhi's mother, even though she did not bring a dirty word with her, but looking at the realm of others, the man would be very angry and would like to vomit blood.

Demon Emperor

She was so angry that she was going to vomit blood.

However, in front of so many people in her eyes as humble as ants, even if she wants to vomit blood, in order to face, it also has to swallow the blood back alive.

The evil emperor had been seriously injured, but he came to the Xuanwu continent with his wound through the space. Not only did the injury not get better, but also became more serious.

Originally, if this mouthful of blood really vomited out, it might be good for her injury, but she had to bear the good face again. As a direct result, her injury was aggravated a little.

Maybe it's not much worse, but now that the devil emperor's injury situation is about to run out of oil and the lamp is dry, how can we still withstand the new injury?

So the devil emperor was really close to fainting.

For a moment, the devil emperor really wanted to ask himself how upset he had to be before he could find Xuanwu land. Was he not satirized enough by Fengzhi, so he deliberately found his mother-in-law to bear her satire again?

However, immediately, the devil emperor will not have these ideas down, at the same time, she will also temporarily suppress the injury in her body.

Although injured, but the devil emperor did not see feng Liancheng and others in the eye.

Although these people are the most powerful figures in this small world, they are not enough to see in her eyes. She is the emperor, and she is the best in the fairyland. How can we put these ants in the eye?

Even after she came to the Xuanwu continent, her strength was suppressed to the critical point by the law, but the devil emperor admitted that he was not able to withstand these mole ants.

She felt that she wanted to take down Fengzhi's parents and then beat these ants to fly. It was just a matter of waving her hand, and she didn't have to worry about it.

Therefore, in the face of the "apology" of the Dragon light language, after swallowing the blood, the devil emperor said with a cold smile: "it's really worthy of being the mother of Fengzhi..."

Dragon light language a listen to this words can be happy, busy not repeatedly way: "thank you for your praise."

It's just like saying something nice.

The devil emperor is another one.

She couldn't help but ask herself again, why did she know that Fengzhi's mother had such a mouth, but she had to give her a chance to speak, so she should be caught directly and blocked her mouth?So she didn't want to talk to long Qingyu any more.

"Hum!" The devil emperor snorted.

After that, she directly turned the resentment in her heart into action, raised her hand like a charcoal stick, and caught the Dragon light language and Phoenix Liancheng.

She decided that after catching the two men, she would torture them severely. When Fengzhi came from the fairyland, she would kill them in front of Fengzhi, and let Fengzhi taste what is heartache and despair!

She not only wants to kill all the people Feng cares about, but also completely destroys the Xuanwu continent!

Complain about

On this Xuanwu continent, there are Phoenix to the most beautiful memories.

The destruction of good things is the most heartbreaking, isn't it?

Even after she broke through the space and came to the Xuanwu continent, in addition to the suppression of the heaven, the power of the divine robbery was further broken It's bad for her flesh.

According to this situation, even if she doesn't do anything, she can only persist for a year and a half, and then she will die.

In that case

Then of course, she has to take advantage of the present has not fallen, do something to let her out of breath, and can call Feng to pain and despair.

Anyway, she has no future, does she?

Thinking of these, the evil emperor looked at the Phoenix City and the Dragon light language's eye, that malicious is like the cloud general unceasingly to turn, lets the human see then for it's cold.

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